SQLite driver To use it, you have to set driver and database, e.g.: db.connect driver=sqlite \ database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite.db' The database is created automatically when used first time. That is SQLite feature followed also in the driver. SQLite uses "type affinity", (http://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html) that means column types are recommended, but not required. If the driver in GRASS has to determin column type, it first reads "affinity" if available (table column) and then data types of values in the first row. If a column in a query does not come from table and there are no results, the driver cannot recognize column type. Example: echo "select 1 as col1 where 1 = 2" | db.select WARNING: SQLite driver: column 'col1', SQLite type 0 is not supported For direct work with SQLite database you can use CLI called 'sqlite3' which is part of SQLite distribution or one of available GUIs, for example Kexi: http://www.koffice.org/kexi/screenshots.php http://www.koffice.org/kexi/ Related. I also added new type DB_SQL_TYPE_TEXT, which is mapped to DB_C_TYPE_STRING. That means you don't get warning like WARNING: column 'c3' : type text is stored as varchar(250) some data may be lost until you try to copy the TEXT column with a driver which does not support TEXT. Currently TEXT is support by sqlite and postgres driver. It is possible and easy to add TEXT support to mysql driver, but I don't have MySQL installed. If you are interested in TEXT in mysql modify /drivers/mysql/create_table.c according to /drivers/postgres/create_table.c Radim