These are gif icons. They are installed in $(GISBASE)/etc/gui/icons They follow the following naming scheme: [class]-[member].gif The following classes are being used: element These are icons for grass database elements such as cell, rast3, vector, windows, etc. and for symbol, the other type of thing that the tcl GSelect procedure handles. module Members of module are programs or parts of programs. For example module-d.nviz.gif. The program name can consist of just the first few . seperated parts of the name. For example module-r.gif could be used for all raster programs. The last . must be removed; won't match anything. gui Icons used by gui.tcl. gui-cmd.gif is needed for one version of gui.tcl file Icons for file operations like open, close, etc. file-open.gif is needed for one version of gui.tcl edit Icons for edit operations like cut, copy, paste, etc. edit-copy.gif is needed for one version of gui.tcl status Status icons for grass. Any lowercase key to GRASS_INFO_*, like warning, error, message. Also success and failure for exit codes. channel Icons for channels of images