DESCRIPTION creates points along input lines. The output is a vector with 2 layers. Layer 1 holds the category and attributes of the input lines; all points created along the same line have the same category, equal to the category of that line. In layer 2 each point has it's unique category; other attributes stored in layer 2 are lcat - the category of the input line and along - the distance from line's start.


The dmax parameter is the maximum limit but not an exact distance. To place points with exact distance from the beginning of the vector line the user should use v.segment.

The -v parameter is used to digitize points that fall on the line's vertices only. dmax is ignored in this case.

If the -i flag is used in conjunction with the -v parameter, will digitize points on the line vertices, as well as interpolate points between line vertices using dmax as the maximum allowable spacing.

To get points created for the beginning, middle and end only, use the -i switch and set dmax so that:

(length of input line / 2) <= dmax <= length of input line

So if dmax is between 0.5x and 1.0x the line length, you will always get points created at exactly the beginning, middle and end of the input line.


In this example, the 't_powerlines' vector lines map in the Spearfish 6.0 location is used to create points along the input lines: in=t_powerlines out=t_powerlines_points dmax=120
d.vect t_powerlines_points




Radim Blazek

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