v.edit allows a user to edit a vector map, if a database connection is established v.edit can also be used to edit data stored in the database.


Still in development, no thing is added to the database. Only points can be added.


Insert a new vector point

v.edit map=soils type=point action=add args=23.5432:34.45433 sql='name="Survey location #43" depth=34'

Insert a new segmented vector line

v.edit map=soils type=line action=add args=23.5432:34.45433,23.4742:34.6543:23.7753:34.5435 sql='type="dried stream" code=453'

Insert a new area with 5 points

v.edit map=soils type=area action=add args=23.5432:34.45433,23.4742:34.6543,23.7753:34.5435,23.5532:34.6043,23.4232:34.34322 sql='type="dried stream" code=453'

Delete an object

v.edit map=soils action=del cat=343

Merge two adjacent areas

v.edit map=soils action=merge cat=343,349

Move a point

v.edit map=soils action=move type=point cat=343 args=args=23.5432:34.45433


Wolf Bergenheim - independent developer

Last changed: $Date$