The files BRANCH, LASTRELEASE and RELEASE can be used for changelog generation (`make ChangeLog' from the build directory when using the alternate build mechanism). BRANCH should contain the current CVS branch, either TRUNK for the main branch or something like releasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0 etc. LASTRELEASE should contain the tag of the last release made from this branch, i.e. this is what the ChangeLog will be 'diffed' against. The last release from the TRUNK prior to 5.3.0 was 5.0.0 beta 11. RELEASE should either contain a tag, e.g. release_03_11_2003_grass5_0_3, or if the new release has not been made yet then the name of the branch (as in BRANCH). For the TRUNK put either MAIN or HEAD here (either will work); if another branch is being followed then there is no such thing as HEAD and the name of the branch will work instead. Example (prior to the 5.3.0 release---log of ongoing changes since the last release from the MAIN branch): BRANCH: TRUNK LASTRELEASE: release_grass5beta11_4_february_2001 RELEASE: HEAD When the release is made (i.e. Changelog between the last release from the TRUNK and the newest one): BRANCH: TRUNK LASTRELEASE: release_grass5beta11_4_february_2001 RELEASE: release_??_02_2003_grass5_3_0 Another example (to give a changelog between 5.0.2 and 5.0.3): BRANCH: releasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0 LASTRELEASE: release_10_04_2003_grass5_0_2 RELEASE: release_03_11_2003_grass5_0_3 And a final one (to give a log of the changes on the 5.0 release branch since the 5.0.3 release): BRANCH: releasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0 LASTRELEASE: release_03_11_2003_grass5_0_3 RELEASE: releasebranch_26_april_2002_5_0_0