@echo off rem ######################################################################### rem # rem # GRASS Initialization rem # rem ######################################################################### rem *******Environment variables*********** rem Uncomment and set the following values if they differ from the indicated default rem Directory where your .grassrc6 file will be stored rem set HOME=%USERPROFILE% rem Name of the wish (Tk) executable rem set GRASS_WISH=wish.exe rem Path to the shell command rem (adjust to where you installed msys or another shell) rem set GRASS_SH=c:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe rem Path to utilities used by some scripts, such as awk, sed, etc rem (adjust to where you installed msys, gnuwin32, or other similar utilises) rem set set PATH=%PATH%;c:\msys\1.0\bin;c:\msys\1.0\lib rem Path to your web browser rem set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=%SYSTEMDRIVE%/PROGRA~1/INTERN~1/IEXPLORE.EX rem Path to the proj files (notably the epsg projection list) rem set GRASS_PROJSHARE=c:/grass/share/proj set WINGISBASE=GISBASE_VALUE "%WINGISBASE%\etc\init.bat" %*