-- Created by William Kyngesburye on 2006-12-12. -- GRASS Applescript startup -- COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006-2007 by the GRASS Development Team -- This program is free software under the GPL (>=v2) -- Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS for details. -- note: handler order on launch: -- 1-will finish launching (good place to check prefs; no nibs loaded yet) -- 2-launched (good place to show initial windows or dialogs) -- 2.5-open? -- 3-idle (waits for user action) -- -- idle is supposed to be last, but open seems to cause it to think -- it's not idle, so we can process drag-n-drop before idling. No docs -- say explicitly that this is the case, so speed of Mac and process load -- could affect this. property grassMap : "" property grassGui : "" property grassLaunched : false on will finish launching theObject set grassLaunched to false -- eventually, catch modifier key here? to show gui choice end will finish launching --on launch theObject --end launch on open maps --display dialog (count of maps) if count of maps is 1 then if (folder of (info for (item 1 of maps))) then set grassMap to " " & (quoted form of (POSIX path of (item 1 of maps))) end if end if launchgrass() end open on idle theObject if not grassLaunched then launchgrass() end if end launched on launchgrass() set grassLaunched to true set grass_path to (posix path of (path to me as string)) & "Contents/MacOS/" set grass_startup to (quoted form of (grass_path & "grass.sh")) set grassRun to grass_startup & grassGui & grassMap & "; exit" set TerminalRunning to false try if ((do shell script "ps -axc | grep '\\bTerminal\\b'") is not null) then set TerminalRunning to true end if end try tell application "Terminal" activate if TerminalRunning then do script (grassRun) else do script (grassRun) in window 1 end if end tell tell me to quit end launchgrass