What is this? ------------- This is SWIG based python wrapping for GRASS API which allows to call GRASS functions from python programs. Currently only a limited set of functions (those needed for me) are wrapped. How to INSTALL? --------------- 1. Install SWIG 2. Edit the Makefile - set python version 3. Run make It will create two files, python_grass6.py and _python_grass6.so. How to use it? -------------- import python_grass6 GRASS functions will be available in this module. Eg: import python_grass6 mapset=python_grass6.G_mapset() print mapset DEBUGGING ---------- gdb --args python e.g. gdb --args python rasteraccess.py TODO ----- See TODO in this directory. AUTHOR ----- Sajith VK sajithvk at gmail.com Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:02:50 +0530 http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-dev/2006-March/021651.html http://freegis.gnu.org.in/temporary/python_grass6.tar.bz2