v.extrude creates 3D faces, kernels or lines based on 2D vector objects, i.e. points become 3D vertical lines, lines to 3D lines, boundaries to faces and areas to faces and kernel.

If the flag -t is used then 3D vector objects follow the elevation model by using individual elevation values for the vertices and nodes. This can be useful for models of large objects (forest stands).


3D houses with fixed height

v.extrude input=houses output=houses3D height=5 type=area

3D houses with individual height

v.extrude input=houses output=houses3D elevation=dem hcolumn=height type=area

Convert 2D lines to 3D with fixed height

v.extrude input=lines output=lines3D elevation=dem height=0 type=line


Jachym Cepicky,
Updated by Martin Landa, FBK-irst, Italy

Last changed: $Date$