What is this? ------------- This is SWIG based python wrapping for GRASS API which allows to call GRASS library functions from Python programs. How to INSTALL? --------------- 1. Install SWIG, the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator http://www.swig.org 2. Be sure you configured GRASS with support for Python (example): ./configure --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.5-config 3. Run make in the swig/python/ directory It will create a series of .py Python files and of .so library files 4. TODO: From within GRASS (or a fake grass session) run "python test.py" to test and to automatically create a byte-compiled version of the module (python_grass6.pyc). The .pyc file is platform independent and may be safely shared among systems. Even so, it doesn't hurt to rebuild it ourselves while we still have write permissions and to make sure we are using an up to date copy. (out of date copies will be ignored) 5. It is useful to build the NumPtr module as well. - see README.GRASS in that directory for instructions How to use it? -------------- import grass GRASS functions will be available in this module. Eg: import grass mapset=grass.G_mapset() print mapset See examples/m.distance.py for an example of a working SWIG-Python module. More examples can be found on the GRASS Wiki site's Python page: http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_and_Python#Python-SWIG-GRASS_interface DEBUGGING ---------- gdb --args python e.g. gdb --args python rasteraccess.py TODO ----- See TODO in this directory. AUTHORS ----- Initial version: Sajith VK sajithvk at gmail.com Thu, 9 Mar 2006 16:02:50 +0530 http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2006-March/021800.html http://freegis.gnu.org.in/temporary/python_grass6.tar.bz2 Further work: Markus Landa Glynn Clements ...