/*! \page GRASS_SWIG_PYTHON GRASS SWIG/PYTHON interface At the moment a prototype is implemented. It permits to use some GRASS library functions directly from the PYTHON programming language. \section status Status of GRASS SWIG/PYTHON implementation There is a grass.lib package with a series of separate modules available. Python SWIG modules are organized as follows: - grass.lib - arraystats.py - cluster.py - date.py - dbmi.py - display.py - g3d.py - grass.py - imagery.py - math.py - proj.py - raster.py - stats.py - trans.py - utils.py - vector.py - vedit.py \section usage Usage Access to GRASS library functions (example: Vector functions): \code from grass.lib import vector as grassvect \endcode \section examples Examples - examples/m.distance.py - examples/rasteraccess.py - examples/vectoraccess.py */