@echo off rem ######################################################################### rem rem MODULE: GRASS Initialization rem AUTHOR(S): Paul Kelly rem rem PURPOSE: The source file for this batch script is lib/init/init.bat. rem It sets up some environment variables, default GISRC file rem if necessary, etc. prior to starting GRASS proper. rem It is intended to be a native Windows replacement for Init.bat, rem but does not (yet) contain all the same functionality. rem rem In particular also, GUI mode prints nothing to the terminal rem and does not expect or provide an interactive terminal rem running in addition to the GUI display. rem rem COPYRIGHT: (C) 2006 by the GRASS Development Team rem rem This program is free software under the GNU General Public rem License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS rem for details. rem rem ######################################################################### set SAVEPATH=%PATH% rem DON'T include scripts directory in PATH - .bat files in bin directory rem are used to run scripts on Windows if "%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%"=="" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\bin;%WINGISBASE%\lib;%PATH% if not "%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%"=="" set PATH=%WINGISBASE%\bin;%WINGISBASE%\lib;%GRASS_ADDON_PATH%;%PATH% set GRASS_VERSION=GRASS_VERSION_NUMBER if "%HOME%"=="" set HOME=%USERPROFILE% set WINGISRC=%HOME%\.grassrc6 rem Make sure %GISRC% is set so g.dirseps will work rem (not actually used) set GISRC=junk rem Generate GISBASE by converting dirsep characters from \ to / FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`g.dirseps -g "%WINGISBASE%"`) DO @set GISBASE=%%i if not "%LANG%"=="" goto langset FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`"%WINGISBASE%\etc\winlocale"`) DO @set LANG=%%i :langset set GRASS_PAGER=more if "%GRASS_WISH%"=="" set GRASS_WISH=wish.exe if "%GRASS_SH%"=="" set GRASS_SH=c:\msys\1.0\bin\sh.exe rem Should do something with "assoc .html" and ftype here but would require rem a new g.manual.bat too so leaving it like this for now... if "%GRASS_HTML_BROWSER%"=="" set GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=%SYSTEMDRIVE%/PROGRA~1/INTERN~1/IEXPLORE.EXE if "%GRASS_PROJSHARE%"=="" set GRASS_PROJSHARE=CONFIG_PROJSHARE rem Add python scripts to the PATHEXT variable set PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.PY if "%1" == "-version" goto displaylicence if "%1" == "-v" goto displaylicence if "%1" == "-text" goto settextmode :aftertextcheck if "%1" == "-tcltk" goto setguimode if "%1" == "-wxpython" goto setwxmode if "%1" == "-wx" goto setwxmode if "%1" == "-gui" goto setguimode :afterguicheck if exist "%WINGISRC%" ( set HAVE_GISRC=true goto aftercreategisrc ) set HAVE_GISRC=false rem Create an initial GISRC file based on current directory "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "GISDBASE: %USERPROFILE%" | g.dirseps -g > "%WINGISRC%" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "LOCATION_NAME: " >> "%WINGISRC%" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "MAPSET: " >> "%WINGISRC%" :aftercreategisrc rem Now set the real GISRC FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`g.dirseps -g "%WINGISRC%"`) DO @set GISRC=%%i rem Set GRASS_GUI if "%GRASS_GUI%" == "" ( FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`g.gisenv "get=GRASS_GUI"`) DO @set GRASS_GUI=%%i ) else ( g.gisenv "set=GRASS_GUI=%GRASS_GUI%" ) rem Set tcltk as default if not specified elsewhere if "%GRASS_GUI%"=="" set GRASS_GUI=tcltk rem Clean out old .tmp files from the mapset if "%HAVE_GISRC%"=="true" ( "%WINGISBASE%\etc\clean_temp" > NUL: ) set HAVE_GISRC= if "%GRASS_GUI%"=="text" goto text if "%GRASS_GUI%"=="wxpython" goto wxpython if not "%GRASS_WISH%"=="" ( "%GRASS_WISH%" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\gis_set.tcl" ) else ( "%WINGISBASE%\etc\gis_set.tcl" ) rem This doesn't seem to work; don't understand return codes from gis_set.tcl PK rem if return ok, gis.m start: if %errorlevel% == 2 goto exitinit rem Does line 42 above mean that GRASS_WISH will always be set? if not "%GRASS_WISH%"=="" ( start /b "GRASS Tcl/Tk" "%GRASS_WISH%" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\gm\gm.tcl" ) else ( start /b "GRASS Tcl/Tk" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\gm\gm.tcl" ) rem Will redirecting output to NUL hide legitamite error messages, harming debugging? "%WINGISBASE%\etc\clean_temp" > NUL: goto exitinit :wxpython set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;%WINGISBASE%\etc\python;%WINGISBASE%\etc\wxpython python "%GISBASE%/etc/wxpython/gis_set.py" if %errorlevel% == 2 goto exitinit python "%GISBASE%/etc/wxpython/wxgui.py" goto exitinit :text "%WINGISBASE%\etc\set_data" if %errorlevel% == 1 goto exitinit rem Get LOCATION_NAME to use in prompt FOR /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`g.gisenv "get=LOCATION_NAME"`) DO @set LOCATION_NAME=%%i type "%WINGISBASE%\etc\welcome" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "GRASS homepage: http://grass.osgeo.org/" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "This version running thru: Windows Command Shell (cmd.exe)" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "When ready to quit enter: exit" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "Help is available with the command: g.manual -i" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "See the licence terms with: g.version -c" "%WINGISBASE%\etc\echo" "" prompt GRASS %GRASS_VERSION% $C%LOCATION_NAME%$F$G cmd.exe prompt goto exitinit :displaylicence type "%WINGISBASE%\etc\license" goto exitinit :settextmode set GRASS_GUI=text shift goto aftertextcheck :setguimode set GRASS_GUI=tcltk shift goto afterguicheck :setwxmode set GRASS_GUI=wxpython shift goto afterguicheck :exitinit rem Clean out old .tmp files from the mapset "%WINGISBASE%\etc\clean_temp" > NUL: set PATH=%SAVEPATH% set SAVEPATH= exit /b