d.rast.leg is a GRASS script which clears the entire screen, divides it into a main (left) and a minor (right) frames, and then displays a raster map in the main frame and the map legend in the minor frame. The main frame remains active when the program finishs.


The legend may be flipped with the -f flag.

If the num_of_lines parameter is not given then the legend frame will display as many lines as number of categories in the map, otherwise, it will display the first num_of_lines minus 1 categories with the rest being truncated.

The user may adjust the num_of_lines parameter or the size of graphics window to get an appropriate result.

The user may specify a second raster map with the rast parameter from which the legend is generated. This is useful to visualize (time) series of raster maps with a common static legend instead of the default dynamic legend.

To remove all frames when clearing the display, use "d.erase -f".




Jianping Xu, Scott Madry, Rutgers University
Markus Neteler

Last changed: $Date$