DESCRIPTION allows the user to import waypoint, route, and track data from a locally connected Garmin GPS receiver via the gpstrans program by Carsten Tschach or the gardump program by Marc Hyman.

Use at your own risk. This software comes with absolutely no warranty.


If the GPS is set up to output WGS84 Lat/Lon, will attempt to automatically transform the coordinates to the current projection. In all other cases, no checks are performed for datum, projection and format of data. You must check for yourself that your receiver, gpstrans and GRASS use the same map datum and projection. The automatic transform may be skipped by using the -k flag.

Route and Track data may be uploaded as points by using the -p flag, otherwise they will be imported as a line. You can run multiple times and merge the line and point vectors with the v.patch command if you want, but take care when merging dissimilar attribute tables.

Future versions of GRASS will use gardump as the default download program. It can talk to newer Garmin GPSs, while gpstrans seems to be mostly abandoned these days and only works with older GPSs. The current version of gardump (ver 2.5) will not yet talk to USB-only GPSs, but you can try the module for those. The gardump code has been tested with an older Garmin GPS 45 and a newer GPS V and is expected to work with everything in between.

Before running, gpstrans should be set up to output WGS84 latitude-longitude, as follows:
$ gpstrans -s
datum: 100 (WGS84)
format: 2 - lat/lon ddd.ddddd



gpstrans manual
gardump from the "garmin-utils" package
cs2cs from PROJ.4
The awk user manual


Based on for GRASS 5.0 by Andreas Lange
     with bug fixes by Glynn Clements and Markus Neteler
Rewritten for GRASS 5.3 and 5.7 by Hamish Bowman
gardump and 3D track support by Hamish Bowman

gpstrans was written by Carsten Tschach
gardump was written by Marc Hyman

Last changed: $Date$