/*! \page pythonlib GRASS Python Scripting Library by GRASS Development Team (http://grass.osgeo.org) \section pythonIntro Introduction The code in lib/python/ provides grass.script in order to support GRASS scripts written in Python. The scripts/ directory of GRASS contains a series of examples actually provided to the end users. See code in: - core.py - db.py - raster.py - vector.py Table of content - \subpage pythonScripting - \subpage pythonModules - \subpage pythonCore - \subpage pythonDb - \subpage pythonRaster - \subpage pythonVector \section pythonScripting GRASS scripting tasks for Python provided by "grass.script" Usage: \code import grass.script as grass \endcode or just import selected module, e.g. \code from grass.script import core as grass \endcode Sample script \code #!/usr/bin/env python #%module #% description: Checks if vector map is 3D #% keywords: vector #%end #%option #% key: map #% type: string #% gisprompt: old,vector,vector #% key_desc: name #% description: Name of vector map #% required: yes #%end import sys import grass.script as grass def main(): info = grass.parse_command('v.info', flags = 't', map = options['map']) if info['map3d'] == '1': print 'Vector map is 3D' else: print 'Vector map is 2D' return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = grass.parser() sys.exit(main()) \endcode \section pythonModules List of modules \subsection pythonCore Core GRASS-oriented interface to subprocess module - exec_command() - feed_command() - make_command() - parse_command() - pipe_command() - read_command() - run_command() - start_command() - write_command() Interface to g.message These all run g.message, differing only in which flag (if any) is used. fatal() is error(), but also calls sys.exit(1). - debug() - error() - fatal() - info() - message() - verbose() - warning() Interface to g.parser Interface to g.parser, intended to be run from the top-level, e.g. \code if __name__ == "__main__": options, flags = grass.parser() main() \endcode - parser() Interface to g.tempfile Returns the name of a temporary file, created with g.tempfile. - tempfile() Key-value parsers - parse_key_val() Interface to g.gisenv - gisenv() Interface to g.region - del_temp_region() - region() - use_temp_region() Interface to g.findfile - find_file() Interface to g.list - list_grouped() - list_pairs() - list_strings() - mlist_grouped() Interface to g.mapsets - mapsets() Color parsing - parse_color() Check GRASS environment variables - overwrite() - verbosity() Create new GRASS location - python::core::create_location() Various utilities, not specific to GRASS - basename() - find_program() - try_remove() - try_rmdir() - float_or_dms() \section pythonDb Database Interface for db.* modules. \code from grass.script import db as grass \endcode - db_connection() - db_describe() - db_select() \section pythonRaster Raster Interface for r.* modules. \code from grass.script import raster as grass \endcode - raster_history() - raster_info() - mapcalc() \section pythonVector Vector Interface for v.* modules. \code from grass.script import vector as grass \endcode - vector_columns() - vector_db() - vector_db_select() - vector_history() - vector_info_topo() - vector_layer_db() \section pythonAuthors Authors Glynn Clements Martin Landa */