DESCRIPTION finds bridges and articulation points in a network.


Bridge in a network is an edge/line whose removal would disconnect the (sub-)network. A node is an articulation point if its removal would disconnect the (sub-)network. For more information and formal definitions check the wikipedia entries: bridge and articulation point.

The output of the module contains the selected features. If method=bridge then lines corresponding to bridges are copied from the input map to the output map. On the other hand, if method=articulation then point are created on the positions of articulation points.

In GRASS, line is not always a single line segments. It might be, and often is, a sequence of line segments between two intersections. Also, articulation point is a standard graph theoretic terminology which is slightly misleading in GRASS. An articulation point in graph theory is an articulation node in GRASS terminology.





Daniel Bundala, Google Summer of Code 2009, Student
Wolf Bergenheim, Mentor

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