Postgres driver. This driver was originaly written by Alex Shevlakov using dbf driver (PostgreSQL driver forked from DBF driver by Radim Blazek). DBF driver was not good starting point, so I (R. Blazek) have rewritten it again using ODBC, postgres driver and adding new code. Driver supports only some field types, other types are ignored and warning is printed by G_warning(). FIELD TYPES: Field type code may change. See for example Because of this, type codes must be read from server when database is opened. Check also for PostgreSQL data types for defining them in GRASS: /usr/include/pgsql/server/catalog/pg_type.h Supported types in ./globals.h: ( DB_C_TYPE_INT: bit, int2, smallint, int4, int, integer, int8, bigint, serial, oid DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE: float4, real, float8, double precision, numeric, decimal DB_C_TYPE_STRING: character, char, character varying, varchar, text, bool, boolean DB_C_TYPE_DATETIME: date, time, timestamp