/*! \page displaylib GRASS Display Library \section displayintro Display Library

Author: CERL
Major rewrite: Glynn Clements

This library provides a wide assortment of higher level graphics commands which in turn use the graphics raster library primitives. It is highly recommended that this section be used to understand how some of the GRASS graphics commands operate. Such modules like d.vect, d.graph, and d.rast demonstrate how these routines work together. The routines fall into four basic sets: 1) frame creation and management, 2) coordinate conversion routines, 3) specialized efficient raster display routines, and 4) assorted miscellaneous routines like pop-up menus and line clipping. Note. All routines and global variables in this library, documented or undocumented, start with the prex D_. To avoid name conflicts, programmers should not create variables or routines in their own modules which use this prefix. TODO: insert ordered function list (see GRASS 5 progman) - int D_add_to_cell_list(); - int D_add_to_dig_list(); - int D_add_to_list(); - double D_a_to_d_col(); - double D_a_to_d_row(); - void D_box(); - void D_box_clip(); - int D_c_color(); - void D_cell_draw_end(); - int D_cell_draw_setup(); - int D_check_map_window(); - int D_clear_window(); - int D_clip_to_map(); - void D_clip_to_map(); - int D_color(); - int D_color_number_to_RGB(); - int D_color_of_type(); - void D_cont(); - int D_cont_abs(); - int D_cont_clip(); - int D_cont_rel(); - int D_d_color(); - int D_do_conversions(); - int D_draw_cell(); - int D_draw_c_raster(); - int D_draw_d_raster(); - int D_draw_f_raster(); - int D_draw_raster(); - int D_draw_raster_RGB(); - double D_d_to_a_col(); - double D_d_to_a_row(); - double D_d_to_u_col(); - double D_d_to_u_row(); - void D_erase(); - void D_erase_window(); - int D_f_color(); - void D_full_screen(); - int D_get_a(); - void D_get_a(); - double D_get_a_east(); - double D_get_a_north(); - double D_get_a_south(); - double D_get_a_west(); - int D_get_cell_list(); - int D_get_cell_name(); - int D_get_cur_wind(); - int D_get_d(); - void D_get_d(); - double D_get_d_east(); - int D_get_dig_list(); - int D_get_dig_name(); - double D_get_d_north(); - double D_get_d_south(); - double D_get_d_west(); - int D_get_erase_color(); - double D_get_ew_resolution(); - int D_get_list(); - double D_get_ns_resolution(); - int D_get_screen_window(); - void D_get_u(); - double D_get_u_east(); - double D_get_u_north(); - double D_get_u_south(); - int D_get_u_south(); - double D_get_u_to_d_xconv(); - double D_get_u_to_d_yconv(); - double D_get_u_west(); - int D_is_lat_lon(); - void D_line_width(); - void D_move(); - int D_move_abs(); - void D_move_clip(); - int D_move_rel(); - int D_new_window(); - int D_new_window_percent(); - int D_parse_color(); - void D_polydots(); - void D_polydots_clip(); - void D_polygon(); - void D_polygon_clip(); - void D_polygon_cull(); - void D_polyline(); - void D_polyline_clip(); - void D_polyline_cull(); - int D_popup(); - int D_raster_use_color(); - void D_remove_window(); - int D_remove_windows(); - void D_remove_windows(); - int D_reset_screen_window(); - int D_set_cell_name(); - int D_set_clip(); - void D_set_clip(); - int D_set_clip_window(); - int D_set_clip_window_to_map_window(); - int D_set_clip_window_to_screen_window(); - int D_set_cur_wind(); - int D_set_dig_name(); - int D_set_erase_color(); - int D_set_overlay_mode(); - int D_setup(); - int D_show_window(); - void D_symbol(); - void D_symbol2(); - int D_timestamp(); - int D_translate_color(); - double D_u_to_a_col(); - double D_u_to_a_row(); - double D_u_to_d_col(); - double D_u_to_d_row(); */