README.grass - written by Justin Hickey - This directory contains an extension to Tcl/Tk (called BWidget) that provides new and enhanced widgets. It is not a new interpreter but simply Tcl/Tk files that provide the functionality. Therefore, there is nothing to compile and it only requires 2 lines of code in your Tcl/Tk script to use the new widgets. Some of the new widgets include On mouse over help balloons Tabbed notebook panes - like worksheets in Excel Directory tree listing Combination box or drop down option list Progress bar Many others For a demonstration of the new widgets available perform the following cd demo wish demo.tcl It may take some time to load, but it demonstrates all or most of the new features. To use these widgets with GRASS Tcl/Tk scripts (including tcltkgrass) then add the following two lines to your main Tcl/Tk script lappend auto_path $env(GISBASE)/bwidget package require BWidget Then simply use the new widgets as if they were already part of Tcl/Tk. To find out more information on using the new widgets see the manual pages in ./BWman/index.html For more information on BWidget see their home page at or read the README file in this directory.