/*! \page projlib GRASS and the PROJ4 projection library by GRASS Development Team http://grass.osgeo.org \section projintro GRASS and the PROJ4 projection library GRASS utilizes the PROJ4 library (http://proj.osgeo.org) originally developed by Gerald Evenden/USGS (Cartographic Projection Procedures for the UNIX Environment -- A User's Manual, Evenden, 1990, Open-file report 90-284). The PROJ4 functions are used through wrapper functions in a GRASS environment. Internally to the PROJ.4 library, projection may involve transformation to and from geodetic co-ordinates (latitude and longitude), and numerical corrections to account for different datums. This is transparent for the user as input and output parameters are either read from PROJ_INFO and PROJ_UNITS files (g.proj, v.proj, r.proj) or read from user prompts (g.proj and g.setproj). In GRASS the wrapper functions in lib/proj/get_proj.c makes the preparations to set up the parameter strings and init the info-structures, while lib/proj/do_proj.c contains the actual projection calls. Files lib/proj/ellipse.c and lib/proj/datum.c contain functions for querying GRASS locations and users for ellipsoid and datum information (some of these functions were included in the GIS library in earlier versions of GRASS). File lib/proj/convert.c contains functions for converting GRASS co-ordinate system descriptions to and from the formats used by other GIS. Heavy use is made of the OGR library, part of GDAL (http://www.gdal.osgeo.org/ogr/). \subsection datum_transformation Datum transformation GRASS generally supports datum transformation (3 parameters, 7 parameters and grid).

If a warning appears that a certain datum is not recognised by GRASS and no parameters found, the datum transformation parameters have to be added to $GISBASE/etc/datum.table (and also $GISBASE/etc/datumtransform.table if you have 7-parameter transformation parameters). No need to re-compile though. When adding to SVN, currently these files are still in lib/gis/. \subsection Makefile_Example Makefile Example

The following code demonstrates the Makefile. \verbatim MODULE_TOPDIR = ../.. PGM = r.myproj EXTRA_INC = $(PROJINC) LIBES = $(GPROJLIB) $(GISLIB) DEPENDENCIES= $(GPROJDEP) $(GISDEP) include $(MODULE_TOPDIR)/include/Make/Module.make default: cmd \endverbatim \section Function - GPJ_ask_datum_params() - GPJ_get_datum_by_name() - GPJ__get_datum_params() - GPJ_get_datum_params() - GPJ_get_default_datum_params_by_name() - GPJ_get_ellipsoid_by_name() - GPJ_get_ellipsoid_params() - GPJ_get_equivalent_latlong() - GPJ_grass_to_osr() - GPJ_grass_to_wkt() - GPJ_free_datum() - GPJ_free_ellps() - GPJ_set_csv_loc() - GPJ_osr_to_grass() - GPJ_wkt_to_grass() */