TODO list ========= GRASS 7 ------- * Uses UNIX sockets, replace or figure out how to use them on Windows * Shell scripts, Tcl/Tk, Xmonitors to be replaced by Python + wxPython equivalents. See Luca D's prototype in trunk/gui/wxpython/rlisetup and Brute-force testing ------------------- # TODO: change to/add 3x3 example # 7x7 moving window test: # still Spearfish... # created as described in EXAMPLES, moving window, in gui/wxgui/rlisetup/g.gui.rlisetup.html: echo "SAMPLINGFRAME 0|0|1|1 SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|0.015021459227467811|0.011058451816745656 MOVINGWINDOW" > $HOME/.grass7/ export GRASS_OVERWRITE=1 g.region rast=landcover.30m -p r.mapcalc "forests = if(landcover.30m >= 41 && landcover.30m <= 43,1,null())" MEASURE="dominance edgedensity mpa mps padcv padrange padsd patchdensity patchnum pielou richness shannon shape simpson" for mymeasure in $MEASURE ; do${mymeasure} input=forests conf=movwindow7 out=forests_${mymeasure}_mov7 r.univar forests_${mymeasure}_mov7 done # also alpha: input=forests conf=movwindow7 out=forests_renyi_mov7_a06 alpha=0.6 r.univar forests_renyi_mov7_a06 echo "End of tests" ======================== GRASS 7: North Carolina tests echo "SAMPLINGFRAME 0|0|1|1 SAMPLEAREA 0.0|0.0|1.0|1.0" > $HOME/.grass7/ g.region rast=lsat7_2002_40 -p input=lsat7_2002_40 conf=landsat_test out=landsat_shannon --> Result written to ASCII file <$HOME/.grass7/> =============================================================== GRASS 6 ------- TODO: backport all GRASS 7 fixes A few remaining things should be done soon: - add relevant references - use English variable names in C code Please change the examples to North Carolina wherever possible: # Spearfish g.region rast=landcover.30m -p r.mapcalc "forests = if(landcover.30m >= 41 && landcover.30m <= 43,1,null())" d.mon wx0 d.rast forests # g.gui.rlisetup: # created as described in EXAMPLES, moving window, in echo "SAMPLINGFRAME 0|0|1|1 SAMPLEAREA -1|-1|0.015021459227467811|0.011058451816745656 MOVINGWINDOW" > $HOME/ forests conf=movwindow7 out=forests_p_dens7 d.rast.leg forests_p_dens7 forests out=forests feature=area d.vect forests type=boundary # MASK test g.copy rast=fields,MASK forests conf=movwindow7 out=forests_p_dens7mask --o d.rast.leg forests_p_dens7mask # -> no negative values! but MASK is respected --------- Add example which results in an ASCII output file