t.connect allows the user to set the temporal GIS database connection.


Values are stored in the mapset's VAR file; the connection is not tested for validity.

The -d flag will set the default TGIS connection parameters. A sqlite3 database "tgis/sqlite.db" will be created in the PERMANET directory of the current location. It will be located in the "tgis" sub-directory to not interfere with the sqlite3 database used for vector attribute storage.

The -p flag will display the current TGIS connection parameters.

The -pg flag will display the current TGIS connection parameters using shell style.

The -c flag will silently check if the TGIS connection parameters have been set, and if not will set them to use GRASS's default values.


The default TGIS database of type sqlite3 is located in the PERMANENT mapset directory. Temporal GIS content from all created mapsets will be stored here. In case you have thousends of maps to register in the temporal database or you need concurrent read and write access in the TGIS database, consider to use a postgresql database instead.


t.connect driver=sqlite database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/PERMANENT/tgis/sqlite.db'
t.connect -p -s

The SQLite database is created automatically when used the first time.


In case you use a postgresql database, you will need to specify the TGIS database connection for each mapset.
t.connect driver=pg database="dbname=grass_test user=soeren password=abcdefgh"
t.connect -p -s


Soeren Gebbert, vTI/AK Braunschweig

Last changed: $Date$