The purpose of t.rast.colors is to compute a color table based on all registered maps of a space time raster dataset and to assign this color table to each map. Hence the created color table reflects the data range of the space time raster dataset. This module is a simple wrapper around r.colors. All options of r.colors are supported. Internally a file with map names is created and passed to the file option of r.colors.

Please have a look at the r.colors manual page for further informations.


In this example we create 6 raster maps that will be registered in a single space time raster dataset named precip_abs using a monthly temporal granularity. Then we set an equilized grey color table using t.rast.colors and print the color table of the first map to stdout representing the data range of the space time raster dataset.

g.region s=0 n=80 w=0 e=120 b=0 t=50 res=10 res3=10 -p3

r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_1 = 100"
r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_2 = 200"
r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_3 = 300"
r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_4 = 400"
r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_5 = 500"
r.mapcalc --o expr="prec_6 = 600"

t.create --o type=strds temporaltype=absolute \
    output=precip_abs title="Color setting example" \
    descr="Color setting example"

t.register type=rast input=precip_abs \
    maps=prec_1,prec_2,prec_3,prec_4,prec_5,prec_6 \
    start="2001-01-01" increment="1 months"

# Grey color table for the full range 100 - 600
t.rast.colors input=precip_abs color=grey.eq
r.colors.out map=prec_1

100 21:21:21
199 21:21:21
200 64:64:64
299 64:64:64
300 106:106:106
399 106:106:106
400 149:149:149
499 149:149:149
500 192:192:192
599 192:192:192
600 234:234:234
nv 255:255:255
default 255:255:255




Sören Gebbert

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