v.colors allows to create or modify color table associated with a vector map similarly to r.colors for raster maps.

Color rules are built from features category values (use=cat) or numeric data column (use=attr) defined by column option. For 3D vector maps is allowed to define color rules based on points or centroids z-coordinate (use=z). 3D vector lines are not supported.

The rast option allows user to specify a raster map from which to copy the color table, similarly volume option for 3D raster map.

The rules color table type will cause v.colors to read color table specifications from given file and will build the color table accordingly. See r.colors manual page for details.

If the user specifies the -w flag, the current color table file for the input map will not be overwritten. This means that the color table is created only if the vector map does not already have a color table. If this option is not specified, the color table will be created if one does not exist, or modified if it does.

Alternatively the color rules can be stored in a string column (rgb_column) by saving the RRR:GGG:BBB values suitable for use with d.vect.


For vector maps with a large number of features it's more convenient to store color rules in an attribute column (given by rgb_column) rather then in a color table file. Reading color tables with more then 1000 items is slow.


Define color table

Define color table wave based on categories from layer 1
v.colors map=soils_general layer=1 color=wave
Define color table ryg based on values from attribute column AREA. Attribute table is linked to layer 1. map=soils_general layer=1 option=area column=AREA
v.colors map=soils_general layer=1 color=wave use=attr column=AREA
Write color values to the attribute table (column GRASSRGB) instead of creating color table.
v.colors map=soils_general layer=1 color=wave use=attr column=AREA rgb_column=GRASSRGB

# See some GRASSRGB values: map=soils_general | head -n 4

Convert RGB attribute values into color table

Convert existing RGB values to color table rules.
v.colors -c map=soils_general rgb_column=GRASSRGB
Note that in this case the vector map has a proper color table assigned (check by v.colors.out) together with GRASSRGB attribute column. Also note that color table is prefered over RGB values stored in attribute table.

Remove existing color table

Existing color table can be removed by -r flag.

v.colors -r map=soils_general
Before removing color table you can store color rules to the file by v.colors.out and later to assign by rules option.
v.colors.out map=soils_general rules=soils.colr
v.colors map=soils_general rules=soils.colr
To drop RGB column use v.db.dropcolumn.
v.db.dropcolumn map=soils_general column=GRASSRGB


d.vect, v.colors.out, r.colors, r.colors.out, r3.colors, r3.colors.out,

See also wiki page Color tables (from GRASS User Wiki)

ColorBrewer is an online tool designed to help people select good color schemes for maps and other graphics.


Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Last changed: $Date$