How to generate new scale bar thumbnail ======================================= Expects North Carolina dataset. The thumbnail height should be 24 px. export GRASS_RENDER_IMMEDIATE=png export GRASS_TRUECOLOR=TRUE export GRASS_WIDTH=300 export GRASS_HEIGHT=300 g.region rast=elevation for STYLE in classic line solid hollow full_checker part_checker mixed_checker tail_checker up_ticks down_ticks both_ticks arrow_ends do echo ${STYLE} export GRASS_PNGFILE=${STYLE}.png d.barscale style=${STYLE} at=20,20 mogrify -trim ${STYLE}.png identify -format "%[fx:w]x%[fx:h]" ${STYLE}.png convert ${STYLE}.png -gravity center -background white -extent 170x24 ${STYLE}.png optipng -o5 ${STYLE}.png ${STYLE}.png --quiet done