The Graphical Modeler is a wxGUI component which allows the user to create, edit, and manage complex models using easy-to-use interface. When performing analytical operations in GRASS, the operations are not isolated, but part of a chain of operations. Using Graphical Modeler, that chain of processes (ie. GRASS modules) can be wrapped into one process (ie. model). So it's easier to execute the model later with slightly different inputs or parameters.

The modeler can be launched from the Layer Manager menu File -> Graphical modeler or from the main toolbar icon. It's also available as stand-alone module g.gui.gmodeler.

The Graphical Modeler allows you to:

Figure: A model to perform unsupervised classification using MLC and SMAP


wxGUI components

User-defined models available from SVN.

See also the wiki page (especially various video tutorials).


Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
