Test suite i.atcorr ETM4_atmospheric_input.txt = File with the atmospheric and sensor conditions ETM4.res = Output file showing the atmospheric and sensor conditions ETM4_400x400.raw = Image input file ETM4_400x400_atms_corr.raw = Image output file (expected output) # try in Spearfish location or other: # import raw Landsat channel 4: r.in.gdal ETM4_400x400.raw out=ETM4_400x400.raw -o # set region to this map g.region rast=ETM4_400x400.raw # create synthetic DEM, close to sea level r.mapcalc "atcorr_dem = 10.0" # run atmospheric correction on imported channel 4: i.atcorr -r --o iimg=ETM4_400x400.raw \ icnd=./ETM4_atmospheric_input_GRASS.txt \ ialt=atcorr_dem \ oimg=ETM4_400x400.corrected # import already corrected test data set for comparison: r.in.gdal ETM4_400x400_atms_corr.raw out=ETM4_400x400_atms_corr -o # compare: r.mapcalc "atcorr_diff = ETM4_400x400_atms_corr - ETM4_400x400.corrected" r.colors atcorr_diff color=differences r.univar atcorr_diff