r.plane creates a tilted plane raster map given user-specified parameters for inclination, azimuth, and the geographic location of a point on the plane.
The angle orientations of the azimuth parameter increase counter-clockwise, i.e., 0 degree = N, 45 degree = NW, 90 degree = W etc.

Increasing values of the dip parameter progressively lower (or dip) the northern half of the plane, and incline the southern half, assuming the azimuth parameter is held constant at 0 degrees.


g.region -c provides the easting and northing coordinates for the center of the current region.

CELL (integer) maps take less disk space than FCELLs (floating point), which in turn take up less space than DCELLs (double precision floating point).


A tilted plane in the North Carolina sample dataset region:
g.region -d
g.region -c
r.plane myplane45 dip=45 az=90 east=527500.0 north=165000.0 \
        elev=1000 type=FCELL


Unknown, presumably CERL
Updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton, Arizona State University
Full rewrite for GRASS 7 by Glynn Clements

Last changed: $Date$