t.rast.series is a simple wrapper for the raster module r.series. It supports a subset of the aggregation methods of r.series.

The input of this module is a single space time raster dataset, the output is a single raster map layer. A subset of the input space time raster dataset can be selected using the where option. The sorting of the raster map layer can be set using the order option. Be aware that the order of the maps can significantly influence the result of the aggregation (e.g.: slope). By default the maps are ordered by start_time.


Example for monthly aggregation with complex where statements to aggregate a single month in a time series of several years:
# January averages
t.rast.series input=tempmean_monthly \
    output=jan_average method=average \
    where="start_time = datetime(start_time, 'start of year', '0 month')"

# February averages
t.rast.series input=tempmean_monthly \
    output=feb_average method=average \
    where="start_time = datetime(start_time, 'start of year', '1 month')"

# March averages
t.rast.series input=tempmean_monthly \
    output=mar_average method=average \
    where="start_time = datetime(start_time, 'start of year', '2 month')"


r.series, t.create,


Sören Gebbert, Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture

Last changed: $Date$