db.droptable drops an attribute table. If the -f force flag is not given then nothing is removed, instead a preview of the action to be taken is printed.


db.droptable is a front-end to db.execute to allow easier usage. To some extent it is verified if the table is connected to a vector map to avoid accidential table removal.


Removing an attribute table from default database

# show default database
db.connect -p

# show available tables
db.tables -p

# this will show what would happen
db.droptable table=sometable

# actually drop the table
db.droptable -f table=sometable

Removing an attribute table from given database

db.droptable allows defining optionally driver and database options different from default connection settings (db.connect -p).
# drop the table from SQLite database
db.droptable -f table=sometable driver=sqlite database=/opt/sqlite.db


db.dropdb, db.dropcolumn, db.execute, db.login, db.connect, db.tables, db.describe, v.db.droptable,

GRASS SQL interface


Markus Neteler
Driver and database options added by Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Last changed: $Date$