r.external allows a user to link a GDAL supported raster file to a binary raster map layer, from any GDAL supported raster map format, with an optional title. The file is not imported but just registered as GRASS raster map.


In essence, r.external creates a read-only link to the original dataset which is only valid if the original dataset remains at the originally indicated directory and filename.

NULL data handling

GDAL-linked (r.external) maps do not have or use a NULL bitmap, hence r.null cannot manipulate them directly. Here NULL cells are those whose value matches the value reported by the GDALGetRasterNoDataValue() function. To apply the GDAL-linked the user need to either create a MASK (e.g. with r.mask) and then "apply" it using e.g. r.resample, or use r.mapcalc to create a copy with the appropriate categories changed to NULL (if() condition).


RGB Orthophoto from GeoTIFF

# import of all channels (each channel will become a GRASS raster map):
r.external input=/home/user/data/maps/059100.tif output=ortho
g.region raster=ortho.3 -p
d.rgb r=ortho.1 g=ortho.2 b=ortho.3
r.composite r=ortho.1 g=ortho.2 b=ortho.3 output=ortho.rgb

Processing workflow without data import and export

External raster maps to be processed can be directly linked using r.external; likewise, results can be written out to standard raster formats with r.external.out (GDAL supported formats):
# register GeoTIFF file to be used in current mapset:
r.external input=terra_lst1km20030314.LST_Day.tif output=modis_celsius
# define output directory for files resulting from GRASS calculation:
r.external.out directory=$HOME/gisoutput/ format="GTiff"

# perform GRASS calculation (here: extract pixels > 20 deg C)
# this stores the output map directly as GeoTIFF:
r.mapcalc "warm.tif = if(modis_celsius > 20.0, modis_celsius, null() )"

# cease GDAL output connection and turn back to write GRASS raster files:
r.external.out -r

# now use the resulting file elsewhere
gdalinfo $HOME/gisoutput/warm.tif


GDAL Pages:

SEE ALSO, r.external.out, v.external, v.external.out


Glynn Clements

Last changed: $Date$