/*! \page vlibPg GRASS-PostGIS data provider by GRASS Development Team (http://grass.osgeo.org) \tableofcontents \section vlibPgInro Introduction GRASS-PostGIS data provider allows GRASS vector library to read and write PostGIS data directly without any external library (like in the case of \ref vlibOgr). GRASS-PostGIS data provider is implemented using libpq library. Note that GRASS-PostGIS data provider is compiled only when GRASS is configured with --with-postgres switch. See the trac page for more info. \section vlibFn List of functions Note that the functions listed below are lower level subroutines, in other word these functions are not considered to be part of public API. They are internally used by the vector library when accessing PostGIS data. The programmer should use higher level functions instead. - Vect_open_old() to open exising vector map (ie. PostGIS table when using GRASS-PostGIS data provider) - Vect_open_new() to create new vector map - Vect_close() to close vector map - Vect_rewind() to rewind the map for sequential access - Vect_read_next_line() for sequential access - Vect_read_line() for random access - Vect_write_line() to write a new feature - Vect_delete_line() to delete existing feature - Vect_rewrite_line() to modify exising feature - Vect_build() to build (pseudo-)topology Note that functions with V1_ prefix access vector data without topology. Topological (pseudo-topological for simple features) access is provided by functions starting with V2_ prefix. \par Open/Create PostGIS table as GRASS vector map - V1_open_old_pg() - V2_open_old_pg() - V1_open_new_pg() - V1_close_pg() - V2_close_pg() \par Read access - V1_rewind_pg() - V2_rewind_pg() - V1_read_next_line_pg() - V2_read_next_line_pg() - V1_read_line_pg() - V2_read_line_sfa() - V2_read_line_pg() \par Write new feature or topological element - V1_write_line_pg() - V2_write_line_sfa() - write new simple feature - V2_write_line_pg() - write new topological element in PostGIS Topology schema \par Delete exising feature or topological element - V1_delete_line_pg() - V2_delete_line_sfa() - delete simple feature - V2_delete_line_pg() - delete topological element from PostGIS Topology schema \par Modify existing feature or topological element - V1_rewrite_line_pg() - V2_rewrite_line_sfa() - modify simple feature - V2_rewrite_line_pg() - modify topological element from PostGIS Topology schema \par Build topology - Vect_open_topo_pg() - Vect__build_sfa() - Vect_build_pg() \section vlibPgSeeAlso See Also - \ref vlibOgr \section vlibPgAuthors Authors Martin Landa */