v.import imports selected layers from a OGR vector datasource into the current location and mapset. If the projection of the input does not match the projection of the location, the input is reprojected into the current location. If the projection of the input does match the projection of the location, the input is imported directly with


Topology cleaning

When importing polygons, non-topological polygons are converted to topological areas. By default, a very small snapping threshold is applied (1e-13 map units) to avoid topological errors caused by numerical inaccuracy of the input data format. If the original polygons contain errors (unexpected overlapping areas or small gaps between polygons), the import might need to be repeated using a larger snap value.


# import SHAPE file at full extent and reproject to current location projection
v.import input=research_area.shp output=research_area extent=input

SEE ALSO, v.proj


Markus Metz
Improvements: Martin Landa, Anna Petrasova

Last changed: $Date: 2015-01-20 20:52:27 +0100 (Tue, 20 Jan 2015) $