Update procedure: GRASS GIS relies on GDAL/PROJ. The EPGS DB is transformed into suitable CSV data for GDAL/PROJ according to this procedure: http://svn.osgeo.org/metacrs/geotiff/trunk/libgeotiff/csv/README The EPSG CSV files are used via GDAL/OGR API from gdal-config --datadir The datum shift grids are partially included here. See https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/wiki --> Datum shift grids TODO: It is recommended to rely on PROJ4's proj-nad package. For doing so, there would be some changes needed to lib/proj/get_proj.c - the call to pj_set_finder() should be removed so that PROJ looks in its default locations for the files. Also changes needed to lib/proj/Makefile so it no longer creates the /etc/proj and /etc/proj/nad directories within a GRASS installation nor installs the files there.