db.out.ogr exports GRASS GIS attribute tables into various formats as supported by the OGR driver on the local system (CSV, DBF, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, ODBC, etc.).

The output parameter is used to define the output file name (if the path is not defined, the module will attempt to write to the current directory). In case of a database connection as output, the connection string has to be specified.

The layer parameter is needed if the attribute table to be exported is linked as non-default layer to a vector map.


Export of GRASS GIS attribute table to a CSV table file (default format)

db.out.ogr input=precip_30ynormals output=precip_30ynormals.csv

Export of a GRASS GIS attribute table to a DBF table

db.out.ogr input=precip_30ynormals output=precip_30ynormals.dbf format=DBF

Export of GRASS GIS attribute table into a PostgreSQL table

db.out.ogr input=precip_30ynormals \
	   output="PG:host=localhost dbname=meteo user=neteler" \
# verify
echo "SELECT * FROM precip_30ynormals" | psql meteo



GRASS SQL interface


Markus Neteler
Converted to Python by Glynn Clements

Last changed: $Date$