i.his.rgb processes three input images as hue, intensity and saturation components. The output images represent the red, green and blue colors.

Hue values are expected to be degrees ranging in [0, 360] while intensity and saturation should range within [0,1]. The output images base upon a standard hue-intensity-saturation (HIS) to red-green-blue (RGB) color space transformation. The derived values are of double precision. A user may convert the output in integer values using i.rgb.his.

Each output raster map layer is given a linear gray scale color table. The current geographic region definition and mask settings are respected.


i.rgb.his, r.colors


David Satnik, GIS Laboratory, Central Washington University
with acknowledgements to Ali Vali, Univ. of Texas, Space Research Center, for the core routine.
Nikos Alexandris, support for user defined image bit depth