decode($geoJSON); $id = 0; if (gettype($geometryFromGeoJSON) == "object" && $geometryFromGeoJSON->type == "FeatureCollection") { if ($geometryFromGeoJSON->crs->type == "EPSG" && $geometryFromGeoJSON->crs->properties->code) { $epsg = $geometryFromGeoJSON->crs->properties->code; } // create Placemarks for ($i = 0; $i < count($geometryFromGeoJSON->features); $i++) { $e = new mb_notice("parsing plm #" . $i . "...length of placemarkArray: " . count($this->placemarkArray)); $feature = $geometryFromGeoJSON->features[$i]; if (gettype($feature) == "object" && $feature->type == "Feature") { if ($feature->geometry->crs->type == "EPSG") { $epsg = $feature->geometry->crs->properties->code; } if (!$epsg) { $e = new mb_notice("EPSG is not set! Aborting...(" . $epsg . ")"); } $geometry = $feature->geometry; $currentGeometry = false; //TODO: missing Polygon and MultiGeometry switch ($geometry->type) { case "LineString" : $coordinateList = ""; for ($j = 0; $j < count($geometry->coordinates); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $coordinateList .= " "; } $coordinateList .= implode(",", $geometry->coordinates[$j]); } $currentGeometry = new KMLLine($coordinateList, $epsg); break; case "Point" : $coordinateList = implode(",", $geometry->coordinates); $currentGeometry = new KMLPoint($coordinateList, $epsg); break; } if ($currentGeometry) { $currentPlacemark = new KMLPlacemark($currentGeometry); if (gettype($feature->properties) == "object") { foreach ($feature->properties as $key => $value) { $currentPlacemark->setProperty($key, $value); } $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:kml", true); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:name", "unknown"); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:id", $kmlId); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:placemarkId", $id); $e = new mb_notice("adding to placemarkArray (current length: " . count($this->placemarkArray) . ")"); array_push($this->placemarkArray, $currentPlacemark); $e = new mb_notice(" length: " . count($this->placemarkArray)); $id ++; } } } } } return true; } public function parseKML ($kml, $kmlId) { $doc = new DOMDocument("1.0"); $doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $doc->loadXML($kml); /* * Get geometry information only, store it in placemarkArray */ $placemarkTagArray = $doc->getElementsByTagName("Placemark"); if (count($placemarkTagArray) > 0) { $id = 0; foreach ($placemarkTagArray as $node) { $geometryArray = $this->getGeometryArrayFromPlacemarkOrMultigeometryNode($node); $metadataArray = $this->getMetadataFromPlacemarkNode($node); /* * For a placemark, the geometryArray should only contain 1 geometry! */ for ($i=0; $i < count($geometryArray); $i++) { $currentPlacemark = new KMLPlacemark($geometryArray[$i]); foreach ($metadataArray as $key => $value) { $currentPlacemark->setProperty($key, $value); } $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:kml", true); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:name", "unknown"); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:id", $kmlId); $currentPlacemark->setProperty("Mapbender:placemarkId", $id); array_push($this->placemarkArray, $currentPlacemark); } $id ++; } } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_kml.php: KMLOWSParser: No placemarks found in KML."); return false; } return true; } /** * Returns an associative array, containing metadata */ private function getMetadataFromPlacemarkNode ($node) { $children = $node->childNodes; $metadataArray = array(); // search "ExtendedData" tag foreach ($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "EXTENDEDDATA") { $extendedDataNode = $child; $extDataChildren = $extendedDataNode->childNodes; // search "Data" or "SchemaData" tag foreach ($extDataChildren as $extDataChild) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($extDataChild->nodeName)) == "SCHEMADATA") { $simpleDataNode = $extDataChild->firstChild; while ($simpleDataNode !== NULL) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($simpleDataNode->nodeName)) == "SIMPLEDATA") { $name = $simpleDataNode->getAttribute("name"); $value = $simpleDataNode->nodeValue; $metadataArray[$name] = $value; } $simpleDataNode = $simpleDataNode->nextSibling; } } if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($extDataChild->nodeName)) == "DATA") { $dataNode = $extDataChild; $name = $dataNode->getAttribute("name"); $metadataArray[$name] = $dataNode->nodeValue; } } } } return $metadataArray; } /** * Given a "Point" node, this function returns the geometry (KMLPoint) * from within the node. */ private function getGeometryFromPointNode ($node) { $coordinatesNode = $this->getCoordinatesNode($node); $geomString = $coordinatesNode->nodeValue; return new KMLPoint($geomString, 4326); } /** * Given a "LineString" node, this function returns the geometry (KMLLine) * from within the node. */ private function getGeometryFromLinestringNode ($node) { $coordinatesNode = $this->getCoordinatesNode($node); $geomString = $coordinatesNode->nodeValue; return new KMLLine($geomString, 4326); } /** * Given a "Polygon" node, this function returns the geometry (KMLPolygon) * from within the node. */ private function getGeometryFromPolygonNode ($node) { $polygon = null; $children = $node->childNodes; // create new KMLPolygon foreach ($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "EXTERIOR" || mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "OUTERBOUNDARYIS") { // create a new Linear Ring $outerBoundary = $this->getGeometryFromLinearRingNode($child); $polygon = new KMLPolygon($outerBoundary); } } if ($polygon !== null) { // append inner boundaries to KMLPolygon foreach ($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "INTERIOR" || mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "INNERBOUNDARYIS") { // create a new Linear Ring $innerBoundary = $this->getGeometryFromLinearRingNode($child); $polygon->appendInnerBoundary($innerBoundary); } } } return $polygon; } /** * Given a "OuterBoundaryIs" or "InnerBoundaryIs" node, this function * returns the geometry (KMLLinearRing) within the child node named "linearring" */ private function getGeometryFromLinearRingNode ($node) { $children = $node->childNodes; foreach($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "LINEARRING") { $coordinatesNode = $this->getCoordinatesNode($child); $geomString = $coordinatesNode->nodeValue; return new KMLLinearRing($geomString); } } return null; } /** * Checks if the child nodes of a given KML node contains any geometries and * returns an array of geometries (KMLPoint, KMLPolygon, KMLLinestring and KMLMultigeometry) */ private function getGeometryArrayFromPlacemarkOrMultigeometryNode ($node) { $geometryArray = array(); $children = $node->childNodes; foreach($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "POINT") { array_push($geometryArray, $this->getGeometryFromPointNode($child)); } elseif (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "POLYGON") { array_push($geometryArray, $this->getGeometryFromPolygonNode($child)); } elseif (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "LINESTRING") { array_push($geometryArray, $this->getGeometryFromLinestringNode($child)); } elseif (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "MULTIGEOMETRY") { $geometryArray = $this->getGeometryArrayFromPlacemarkOrMultigeometryNode($child); $multigeometry = new KMLMultiGeometry(); for ($i=0; $i < count($geometryArray); $i++) { $multigeometry->append($geometryArray[$i]); } array_push($geometryArray, $multigeometry); } } return $geometryArray; } /** * Returns the child node with node name "coordinates" of a given KML node. * If no node is found, null is returned. */ private function getCoordinatesNode ($node) { $children = $node->childNodes; foreach($children as $child) { if (mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "POSLIST" || mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "POS" || mb_strtoupper($this->sepNameSpace($child->nodeName)) == "COORDINATES") { return $child; } } return null; } private function sepNameSpace($s){ $c = mb_strpos($s,":"); if($c>0){ return mb_substr($s,$c+1); } else{ return $s; } } } ?>