geometry = $aGeometry; } /** * @return string a string representation of the object, currently geoJSON. */ public function __toString() { return $this->toGeoJSON(); } /** * @param mixed $key The key of the property. * @param mixed $value The value of the property. */ public function setProperty ($key, $value) { // TODO: keys are unique, may be not intended in KML OWS5 $this->properties[$key] = $value; } /** * @param string $key the property name * @return mixed the property value; if none exists, null. */ public function getProperty ($key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->properties)) { return $this->properties[$key]; } $e = new mb_exception("class_kml_placemark.php: getProperty: no value for key '" . $key . "'"); return null; } /** * @return array the array of properties. */ public function getProperties () { return $this->properties; } /** * @return string a geoJSON string representation of the object. */ public function toGeoJSON () { $str = ""; if ($this->geometry !== null) { $str .= "{\"type\":\"Feature\", "; // $str .= "\"sid\":\"id". time() ."\", "; $str .= "\"geometry\": "; $str .= $this->geometry->toGeoJSON(); $str .= ", \"properties\": {"; $cnt = 0; foreach ($this->properties as $key => $value) { if ($cnt > 0) { $str .= ","; } $str .= "\"" . $key . "\":" . json_encode($value) . ""; $cnt ++; } $str .= "}}"; } else { $e = new mb_exception("KMLPlacemark: toGeoJSON: this geometry is null!"); } return $str; } /** * @return KMLGeometry the geometry of this placemark */ public function getGeometry () { return $this->geometry; } /** * @return string class name of geometry */ public function getGeometryType () { if (KMLGeometry::isGeometry($this->geometry)) { return $this->geometry->getGeometryType(); } $e = new mb_exception("class_kml_placemark.php: getGeometryType: Geometry not set."); return ""; } private $geometry; private $properties = array(); } ?>