describeFeatureType . $aWfs->getConjunctionCharacter($aWfs->describeFeatureType) . "&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=" . $aWfs->getVersion() . "&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=" . $featureTypeName; $xml = $this->get($url); return $this->createFeatureTypeFromXml ($xml, $aWfs); } protected function createFeatureTypeFromXml ($xml, $myWfs) { $newFeatureType = new WfsFeatureType($myWfs); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML($xml); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); $xpath->registerNamespace("xs",""); // populate a Namespaces Hastable where we can use thec namesopace as a lookup for the prefix // and also keep a $namespaces = array(); $namespaceList = $xpath->query("//namespace::*"); $targetNamespace = $doc->documentElement->getAttribute("targetNamespace"); $targetNamespaceNode = null; foreach($namespaceList as $namespaceNode){ $namespaces[$namespaceNode->nodeValue] = $namespaceNode->localName; if($namespaceNode->nodeValue == $targetNamespace){ $targetNamespaceNode = $namespaceNode; } $newFeatureType->addNamespace($namespaceNode->localName, $namespaceNode->nodeValue); } list($ftLocalname,$ftTypePrefix) = array_reverse(explode(":",$featureTypeName)); // for the sake of simplicity we only care about top level elements. Seems to have worked so far $query = sprintf("/xs:schema/xs:element[@name='%s']",$ftLocalname); $elementList = $xpath->query($query); foreach ($elementList as $elementNode){ $elementName = $elementNode->getAttribute("name"); $elementType = $elementNode->getAttribute("type"); // The elementType is now bound to a prefix e.g. topp:housType // if the prefix is in the targetNamespace, changces are good it's defined in this very document // if the prefiox is not in the targetNamespace, it's likely not defined here, and we bail list($elementTypeLocalname,$elementTypePrefix) = array_reverse(explode(":",$elementType)); $elementTypeNamespace = $doc->lookupNamespaceURI($elementTypePrefix); if($elementTypeNamespace !== $targetNamespaceNode->nodeValue){ $e = new mb_warning("Tried to parse FeatureTypeName $featureTypeName : $elementType is not in the targetNamespace"); break; } // Just querying for complexTypes containing a Sequence - good enough for Simple Features $query = sprintf("//xs:complexType[@name='%s']//xs:element",$elementTypeLocalname); $subElementList = $xpath->query($query); $e = new mb_exception("NNN sub $query $subElementList->length"); foreach($subElementList as $subElement){ $newFeatureType->addElement($subElement->getAttribute('name'), $subElement->getAttribute('type')); } } return $newFeatureType; } /** * Creates WFS 1.0 objects from a capabilities documents. * * @return Wfs_1_0 * @param $xml String */ public function createFromXml ($xml) { try { $myWfs = new Wfs_1_0(); $admin = new administration(); $values = $admin->parseXml($xml); $myWfs->getCapabilitiesDoc = $admin->char_encode($xml); $myWfs->id = $this->createId(); foreach ($values as $element) { $tag = strtoupper($element[tag]); if($tag == "WFS_CAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $myWfs->version = $element[attributes][version]; if ($myWfs->version !== "1.0.0") { throw new Exception("Not a WFS 1.0.0 capabilities document."); } } if($tag == "NAME" && $element[level] == '3'){ $myWfs->name = $element[value]; } if($tag == "TITLE" && $element[level] == '3'){ $myWfs->title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if($tag == "ABSTRACT" && $element[level] == '3'){ $myWfs->summary = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if($tag == "FEES"){ $myWfs->fees = $element[value]; } if($tag == "ACCESSCONSTRAINTS"){ $myWfs->accessconstraints = $element[value]; } # getCapabilities if($tag == "GETCAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getcapabilities"; } if($section == "getcapabilities" && $tag == "GET"){ $myWfs->getCapabilities = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # descriptFeatureType if($tag == "DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "describefeaturetype"; $myWfs->describeFeatureType = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if($section == "describefeaturetype" && $tag == "POST"){ $myWfs->describeFeatureType = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # getFeature if($tag == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getfeature"; } if($section == "getfeature" && $tag == "POST"){ $myWfs->getFeature = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if($tag == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } # transaction if($tag == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "transaction"; } if($section == "transaction" && $tag == "POST"){ $myWfs->transaction = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if($tag == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } if($tag == "FEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "featuretype"; } if($section == "featuretype" && $tag == "NAME"){ $featuretype_name = $element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && $tag == "TITLE"){ $featuretype_title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if($section == "featuretype" && $tag == "ABSTRACT"){ $featuretype_abstract = $element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && $tag == "SRS"){ $featuretype_srs = $element[value]; // Do not add defective featuretypes try { $currentFeatureType = $this->createFeatureTypeFromUrl($myWfs, $featuretype_name); if ($currentFeatureType !== null) { $currentFeatureType->name = $featuretype_name; $currentFeatureType->title = $featuretype_title; $currentFeatureType->summary = $featuretype_abstract; $currentFeatureType->srs = $featuretype_srs; $myWfs->addFeatureType($currentFeatureType); } } catch (Exception $e) { new mb_exception("Failed to load featuretype " . $featuretype_name); } } } return $myWfs; } catch (Exception $e) { $e = new mb_exception($e); return null; } } public function createFromDb ($id) { $myWfs = new Wfs_1_0(); return parent::createFromDb($id, $myWfs); } } ?>