/** * Package: changeEPSG * * Description: * Select a spatial reference system EPSG code. All maps are transformed to * that system. * * Files: * - http/javascripts/mod_changeEPSG.php * - http/php/mod_changeEPSG_server.php * * SQL: * > INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, * > e_title, e_element, e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, * > e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles, e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, * > e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires, e_url) VALUES ('','changeEPSG', * > 2,1,'change EPSG, Postgres required, overview is targed for full extent', * > 'Change Projection','select','','',432,25,107,24,1,'', * > '','select', * > 'mod_changeEPSG.php','','overview','',''); * > * > INSERT INTO gui_element_vars (fkey_gui_id, fkey_e_id, var_name, * > var_value, context, var_type) VALUES('', 'changeEPSG', * > 'projections', * > 'EPSG:4326;Geographic Coordinates, * > EPSG:31466;Gauss-Krueger 2,EPSG:31467;Gaus-Krueger 3', '' , * > 'php_var'); * * Help: * http://www.mapbender.org/ChangeEpsg * * Maintainer: * http://www.mapbender.org/User:Christoph_Baudson * * License: * Copyright (c) 2009, Open Source Geospatial Foundation * This program is dual licensed under the GNU General Public License * and Simplified BSD license. * http://svn.osgeo.org/mapbender/trunk/mapbender/license/license.txt */ 1) { $projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0]; $projectionsName[$i] = _mb($projectionList[1]); } else { $projectionsValue[$i] = $projectionList[0]; $projectionsName[$i] = $projectionList[0]; } } ?> (function ($) { $.fn.ajaxChange = function () { var args = arguments; return this.each(function () { if (this.tagName.toUpperCase() !== "SELECT") { return; } var $this = $(this); if (args.length >= 1 && $.isFunction(args[0])) { var f = args[0]; var options = {}; if (args.length >= 2 && typeof args[1] === "object") { options = args[1]; } options = $.extend({ disable: true, undo: true }, options); $this .data("ajaxChangeDisable", options.disable) .data("ajaxChangeUndo", options.undo) .data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null) .change(function () { if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) { $this.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } f.apply(this, arguments); }) .mousedown(function () { if ($this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex") === null && $this.data("ajaxChangeUndo") ) { $this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", this.selectedIndex); } }); } // control else if (args.length >= 1 && typeof args[0] === "string") { var command = args[0]; switch (command) { case "abort": if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) { $this.removeAttr("disabled"); } if ($this.data("ajaxChangeUndo")) { this.selectedIndex = $this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex"); $this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null); } break; case "done": if ($this.data("ajaxChangeDisable") === true) { $this.removeAttr("disabled"); } if ($this.data("ajaxChangeUndo")) { $this.data("ajaxChangeSelectedIndex", null); } break; } } }); }; }(jQuery)); var $changeEpsg = $(this); $changeEpsg.ajaxChange(function () { var srsValue = this.value; if (srsValue === "") { $(this).ajaxChange("abort"); return; } $changeEpsg.mapbender(function () { this.setSrs(srsValue); }); }); var ChangeEpsg = function () { var compileSrsArray = function () { var srsArray = []; var wmsArray = []; // this is kind of inconsistent...for WMS, only the new extent of // the FIRST main map is calculated var mainMap = $(":mainMaps").eq(0).mapbender(); $("div:maps").mapbender(function () { srsArray.push({ frameName: this.elementName, epsg: this.epsg, extent: this.extent.toString(), width: this.width, height: this.height }); for (var i = 0; i < this.wms.length; i++) { var wms = this.wms[i]; // unique entries only if ($.inArray(wms.wms_id, wmsArray) !== -1) { continue; } // only wms with bounding box in current SRS var ext = wms.getBoundingBoxBySrs(this.epsg); if (ext === null) { continue; } srsArray.push({ wms: wms.wms_id, epsg: mainMap.epsg, extent: ext.toString(), width: mainMap.width, height: mainMap.height }); wmsArray.push(wms.wms_id); } }); return srsArray; }; var setSrsCallback = function (obj, success, message) { if (!success) { $changeEpsg.ajaxChange("abort"); new Mapbender.Exception(message); return; } $changeEpsg.ajaxChange("done"); var newExtent = obj; var mapObjNames = []; var myTarget = options.target[0]; var exists = false; var i, j; for (i = 0; i < newExtent.length; i++) { if (newExtent[i].frameName) { mapObjNames.push("#" + newExtent[i].frameName); } } for (i = 0; i < newExtent.length; i++) { if (newExtent[i].wms) { // global wms object is deprecated. // this loop can be removed once the // wms object has been removed. // redundant. for (j = 0; j < wms.length; j++) { if (wms[j].wms_id == newExtent[i].wms) { wms[j].setBoundingBoxBySrs( newExtent[i].newSrs, new Extent( parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy) ) ); } } $(mapObjNames.join(",")).mapbender(function(){ for (j = 0; j < this.wms.length; j++) { if (this.wms[j].wms_id == newExtent[i].wms) { this.wms[j].setBoundingBoxBySrs( newExtent[i].newSrs, new Extent( parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy) ) ); } break; } }); } // // Overview map // if (newExtent[i].frameName === myTarget){ var map = $("#" + myTarget).mapbender(); for (var ii = 0; ii < map.mb_MapHistoryObj.length; ii++) { if (map.mb_MapHistoryObj[ii].epsg == newExtent[i].newSrs) { exists = ii; var goback = true; } } if (goback) { var extArray = map.mb_MapHistoryObj[exists].extent.toString().split(","); var newExt = new Extent( parseFloat(extArray[0]), parseFloat(extArray[1]), parseFloat(extArray[2]), parseFloat(extArray[3]) ); map.setSrs({ srs: newExtent[i].newSrs, extent: newExt, displayWarning: false }); } else{ map.setSrs({ srs: newExtent[i].newSrs, extent: new Extent( parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy) ), displayWarning: false }); } } // // Main maps // else { $("#" + newExtent[i].frameName).mapbender(function () { this.setSrs({ srs: newExtent[i].newSrs, extent: new Extent( parseFloat(newExtent[i].minx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].miny), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxx), parseFloat(newExtent[i].maxy) ), displayWarning: false }); }); } } setTimeout(function () { $(":maps").mapbender(function () { this.setMapRequest(); }); }, 200); }; this.setSrs = function (val) { var srsArray = compileSrsArray(); $.ajaxSetup({async:false}); var req = new Mapbender.Ajax.Request({ method: "changeEpsg", url: "../php/mod_changeEPSG_server.php", callback: setSrsCallback, parameters:{ srs: srsArray, newSrs: val } }); req.send(); $.ajaxSetup({async:true}); }; // initialization ".$projectionsName[$i]."');\n"; } ?> // update epsg in select box after any map request Mapbender.events.init.register(function () { $("div:mainMaps").mapbender(function () { var map = this; map.events.afterMapRequest.register(function () { $changeEpsg.children("option").each(function () { if (this.value === map.epsg) { $(this).attr("selected", "selected"); } }); }); }); }); }; $changeEpsg.mapbender(new ChangeEpsg());