'.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $resource = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["id"]) & $_REQUEST["id"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["id"]; $pattern = '/^[\d,]*$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ echo 'id: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $id = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["outputFormat"]) & $_REQUEST["outputFormat"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["outputFormat"]; if (!($testMatch == 'iso19139' or $testMatch == 'html' or $testMatch == 'georss')){ echo 'outputFormat: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $outputFormat = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["languageCode"]) & $_REQUEST["languageCode"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["languageCode"]; if (!($testMatch == 'de' or $testMatch == 'fr' or $testMatch == 'en')){ echo 'languageCode: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $languageCode = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["layout"]) & $_REQUEST["layout"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["layout"]; if (!($testMatch == 'tabs' or $testMatch == 'accordion' or $testMatch == 'plain')){ echo 'layout: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $layout = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["subscribe"]) & $_REQUEST["subscribe"] != "") { //validate to csv integer list $testMatch = $_REQUEST["subscribe"]; if (!($testMatch == '1' or $testMatch == '0')){ echo 'layout: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $subscribe = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } $subscribe = intval($subscribe); $hostName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $mapbenderBaseUrl = "https://".$hostName; $mapbenderProtocol = "https://"; } else { $mapbenderBaseUrl = "http://".$hostName; $mapbenderProtocol = "http://"; } //Array with translations: switch ($languageCode) { case "de": $translation['overview'] = 'Übersicht'; $translation['properties'] = 'Eigenschaften'; $translation['termsOfUse'] = 'Nutzungsbedingungen'; $translation['contact'] = 'Kontakt'; $translation['quality'] = 'Qualität'; $translation['interfaces'] = 'Schnittstellen'; $translation['metadata'] = 'Metadaten'; $translation['kindOfResource'] = 'Art der Ressource'; $translation['wms'] = 'Kartendienst'; $translation['wfs'] = 'Datendienst'; $translation['layer'] = 'Kartenebene'; $translation['featuretype'] = 'Objektart'; $translation['geomtype'] = 'Geometrietyp'; $translation['contentId'] = 'Resourcenidentifikator'; $translation['contentName'] = 'Name der Ressouce'; $translation['serviceId'] = 'Informationen zum Dienst'; $translation['preview'] = 'Voransicht'; $translation['extent'] = 'Ausdehnung'; $translation['resourceAbstract'] = 'Zusammenfassung'; $translation['resourceTitle'] = 'Titel'; $translation['metadataProvider'] = 'Inhaltlich verantwortliche Stelle'; $translation['serviceProvider'] = 'Technisch verantwortliche Stelle'; $translation['contactPerson'] = 'Ansprechpartner'; $translation['contactOrganization'] = 'Organisation'; $translation['contactAddress'] = 'Adresse'; $translation['email'] = 'Email'; $translation['city'] = 'Ort'; $translation['logo'] = 'Logo'; $translation['status'] = 'Status'; $translation['availability'] = 'Verfügbarkeit'; $translation['statusRed'] = 'Probleme beim letzten Monitoring!'; $translation['statusGreen'] = 'Letztes Monitoring OK'; $translation['statusYellow'] = 'Dienstebeschreibung hat sich geändert!'; $translation['queryableFalse'] = 'Ebene nicht abfragbar'; $translation['queryableTrue'] = 'Ebene abfragbar'; $translation['queryable'] = 'Abfragbarkeit'; $translation['restrictedScale'] = 'Sichtbarkeit'; $translation['minscale'] = 'Minimaler Maßstab'; $translation['maxscale'] = 'Maximaler Maßstab'; $translation['crs'] = 'Koordinatenreferenzsysteme (mit BBOX)'; $translation['wmccrs'] = 'Eingestelltes Koordinatenreferenzsystem'; $translation['wgs84Bbox'] = 'Eckpunkte in geogr. Koordinaten'; $translation['wgs84BboxGraphic'] = 'Kartenübersicht'; $translation['mapbenderCapabilities'] = 'Geoportal Capabilities'; $translation['originalCapabilities'] = 'Original Capabilities'; $translation['describeFeaturetype'] = 'Link zum Datenschema'; $translation['kml'] = 'KML'; $translation['inspireMetadata'] = 'INSPIRE Service Metadaten'; $translation['showInspireMetadata'] = 'Metadatendatei'; $translation['securedCapabilities'] = 'Secured Capabilities URL'; $translation['capabilities'] = 'Link zum Capabilities Dokument'; $translation['inspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Validierung gegen INSPIRE Geoportal'; $translation['showInspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Validierung starten'; $translation['statusOK'] = 'Stabil'; $translation['statusChanged'] = 'Beschreibung hat sich geändert - Aktualisierung nötig'; $translation['statusProblem'] = 'Problem bei letzter Kontrolle'; $translation['contactTelephone'] = 'Telefon'; $translation['wmc'] = 'Web Map Context Dokument'; $translation['graphicUnavailable'] = 'Grahische Übersicht nicht aktiviert'; $translation['notMonitored'] = 'Informationen über die Qualität sind nur verfügbar, wenn das Service Monitoring aktiv ist!'; $translation['wmcQualityText'] = 'Für Web Map Context Dokumente entfällt die Angabe zur Qualität!'; $translation['noTouInformation'] = 'Es sind keine Informationen über Nutzungsbedingungen verfügbar!'; break; case "en": $translation['overview'] = 'Overview'; $translation['properties'] = 'Properties'; $translation['termsOfUse'] = 'Terms Of Use'; $translation['contact'] = 'Contact'; $translation['quality'] = 'Quality'; $translation['interfaces'] = 'Interfaces'; $translation['metadata'] = 'Metadata'; $translation['kindOfResource'] = 'Kind of resource'; $translation['wms'] = 'Map Service'; $translation['wfs'] = 'Data Service'; $translation['layer'] = 'Map Layer'; $translation['featuretype'] = 'Featuretype'; $translation['geomtype'] = 'Type of geometry'; $translation['contentId'] = 'Resourceidentifier'; $translation['contentName'] = 'Name of the resource'; $translation['serviceId'] = 'Information about the service'; $translation['preview'] = 'Preview'; $translation['extent'] = 'Extent'; $translation['resourceAbstract'] = 'Abstract'; $translation['resourceTitle'] = 'Title'; $translation['metadataProvider'] = 'Responsible party for content'; $translation['serviceProvider'] = 'Responsible party for service'; $translation['contactPerson'] = 'Contact person'; $translation['contactOrganization'] = 'Organization'; $translation['contactAddress'] = 'Address'; $translation['email'] = 'Email'; $translation['city'] = 'City'; $translation['logo'] = 'Logo'; $translation['status'] = 'Status'; $translation['availability'] = 'Availability'; $translation['statusRed'] = 'Problem with last monitoring!'; $translation['statusGreen'] = 'Last Monitoring: OK'; $translation['statusYellow'] = 'Servicedescription changed!'; $translation['queryableFalse'] = 'Layer not queryable'; $translation['queryableTrue'] = 'Layer queryable'; $translation['queryable'] = 'Query'; $translation['restrictedScale'] = 'Visibility'; $translation['minscale'] = 'Minimum scale'; $translation['maxscale'] = 'Maximum scale'; $translation['crs'] = 'Coordinate Reference System'; $translation['wmccrs'] = 'Used Coordinate Reference System'; $translation['wgs84Bbox'] = 'Corner in geographic Coordinates'; $translation['wgs84BboxGraphic'] = 'Map View'; $translation['mapbenderCapabilities'] = 'Geoportal Capabilities'; $translation['originalCapabilities'] = 'Original Capabilities'; $translation['describeFeaturetype'] = 'Dataschema'; $translation['kml'] = 'KML'; $translation['inspireMetadata'] = 'INSPIRE Service Metadata'; $translation['showInspireMetadata'] = 'Metadatendatei'; $translation['securedCapabilities'] = 'Secured Capabilities URL'; $translation['capabilities'] = 'Link zum Capabilities Dokument'; $translation['inspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Validation against INSPIRE Geoportal'; $translation['showInspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Start Validation'; $translation['statusOK'] = 'stable'; $translation['statusChanged'] = 'Description changed - update necessary'; $translation['statusProblem'] = 'Problem at last control'; $translation['contactTelephone'] = 'Telephon'; $translation['wmc'] = 'Web Map Context document'; $translation['graphicUnavailable'] = 'Graphical Overview not active'; $translation['notMonitored'] = 'Information about Quality is only available if the service monitoring is activated!'; $translation['wmcQualityText'] = 'In case of Web Map Context Documents the Quality part is not applicable!'; $translation['noTouInformation'] = 'No informations about terms of use are available!'; break; default: #to english $translation['overview'] = 'Overview'; $translation['properties'] = 'Properties'; $translation['termsOfUse'] = 'Terms Of Use'; $translation['contact'] = 'Contact'; $translation['quality'] = 'Quality'; $translation['interfaces'] = 'Interfaces'; $translation['metadata'] = 'Metadata'; $translation['kindOfResource'] = 'Kind of resource'; $translation['wms'] = 'Map Service'; $translation['wfs'] = 'Data Service'; $translation['layer'] = 'Map Layer'; $translation['featuretype'] = 'Featuretype'; $translation['geomtype'] = 'Type of geometry'; $translation['contentId'] = 'Resourceidentifier'; $translation['contentName'] = 'Name of the resource'; $translation['serviceId'] = 'Information about the service'; $translation['preview'] = 'Preview'; $translation['extent'] = 'Extent'; $translation['resourceAbstract'] = 'Abstract'; $translation['resourceTitle'] = 'Title'; $translation['metadataProvider'] = 'Responsible party for content'; $translation['serviceProvider'] = 'Responsible party for service'; $translation['contactPerson'] = 'Contact person'; $translation['contactOrganization'] = 'Organization'; $translation['contactAddress'] = 'Address'; $translation['email'] = 'Email'; $translation['city'] = 'City'; $translation['logo'] = 'Logo'; $translation['status'] = 'Status'; $translation['availability'] = 'Availability'; $translation['statusRed'] = 'Problem with last monitoring!'; $translation['statusGreen'] = 'Last Monitoring: OK'; $translation['statusYellow'] = 'Servicedescription changed!'; $translation['queryableFalse'] = 'Layer not queryable'; $translation['queryableTrue'] = 'Layer queryable'; $translation['queryable'] = 'Query'; $translation['restrictedScale'] = 'Visibility'; $translation['minscale'] = 'Minimum scale'; $translation['maxscale'] = 'Maximum scale'; $translation['crs'] = 'Coordinate Reference System'; $translation['wmccrs'] = 'Used Coordinate Reference System'; $translation['wgs84Bbox'] = 'Corner in geographic Coordinates'; $translation['wgs84BboxGraphic'] = 'Map View'; $translation['mapbenderCapabilities'] = 'Geoportal Capabilities'; $translation['originalCapabilities'] = 'Original Capabilities'; $translation['describeFeaturetype'] = 'Dataschema'; $translation['kml'] = 'KML'; $translation['inspireMetadata'] = 'INSPIRE Service Metadata'; $translation['showInspireMetadata'] = 'Metadatendatei'; $translation['securedCapabilities'] = 'Secured Capabilities URL'; $translation['capabilities'] = 'Link zum Capabilities Dokument'; $translation['inspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Validation against INSPIRE Geoportal'; $translation['showInspireMetadataValidation'] = 'Start Validation'; $translation['statusOK'] = 'stable'; $translation['statusChanged'] = 'Description changed - update necessary'; $translation['statusProblem'] = 'Problem at last control'; $translation['contactTelephone'] = 'Telephon'; $translation['wmc'] = 'Web Map Context document'; $translation['graphicUnavailable'] = 'Graphical Overview not active'; $translation['notMonitored'] = 'Information about Quality is only available if the service monitoring is activated!'; $translation['wmcQualityText'] = 'In case of Web Map Context Documents the Quality part is not applicable!'; $translation['noTouInformation'] = 'No informations about terms of use are available!'; } //Array with infos about the different elements which are shown in the tabs //Check if an id and a resource was given if (!isset($_REQUEST["id"]) or !isset($_REQUEST["resource"])) { echo 'Not enough input parameters. resource and id must be given!
'; die(); } //Read out information from mapbender database switch ($resource) { case "wms": //get root layer information $sql = "SELECT layer_id FROM layer WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1 AND layer_pos = 0"; $v = array($id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); $layerId = $row["layer_id"]; $sql = "SELECT "; $sql .= "layer.layer_id as contentid, layer.layer_title as contenttitle, layer.layer_abstract as contentabstract, layer.layer_pos as contentpos, layer.layer_parent as contentparent, "; $sql .= "layer.layer_minscale as contentminscale, layer.layer_maxscale as contentmaxscale, layer.layer_queryable,"; $sql .= "wms.wms_title as servicetitle, wms.wms_abstract as serviceabstract, wms.wms_id as serviceid, wms.fees, wms.accessconstraints, wms.contactperson, wms.wms_getcapabilities,"; $sql .= "wms.contactposition, wms.contactorganization, wms.address, wms.city, wms_timestamp as timestamp, wms_owner as owner, wms.wms_owsproxy as owsproxy, wms.fkey_mb_group_id,"; $sql .= "wms.stateorprovince, wms.postcode, wms.contactvoicetelephone, wms.contactfacsimiletelephone, "; $sql .= "wms.contactelectronicmailaddress, wms.country "; $sql .= "FROM layer, wms WHERE layer.layer_id = $1 AND layer.fkey_wms_id = wms.wms_id LIMIT 1"; $v = array($layerId); $t = array('i'); $serviceType = 'wms'; $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['wms']; break; case "layer": $layerId = $id; $sql = "SELECT "; $sql .= "layer.layer_id as contentid, layer.layer_title as contenttitle, layer.layer_abstract as contentabstract, layer.layer_pos as contentpos, layer.layer_parent as contentparent,layer.layer_name as contentname, "; $sql .= "layer.layer_minscale as contentminscale, layer.layer_maxscale as contentmaxscale, layer.layer_queryable,"; $sql .= "wms.wms_title as servicetitle, wms.wms_abstract as serviceabstract, wms.wms_id as serviceid, wms.fees, wms.accessconstraints, wms.contactperson, wms.wms_getcapabilities,"; $sql .= "wms.contactposition, wms.contactorganization, wms.address, wms.city, wms_timestamp as timestamp, wms_owner as owner, wms.wms_owsproxy as owsproxy, wms.fkey_mb_group_id,"; $sql .= "wms.stateorprovince, wms.postcode, wms.contactvoicetelephone, wms.contactfacsimiletelephone, "; $sql .= "wms.contactelectronicmailaddress, wms.country "; $sql .= "FROM layer, wms WHERE layer.layer_id = $1 AND layer.fkey_wms_id = wms.wms_id LIMIT 1"; $v = array($layerId); $t = array('i'); $serviceType = 'wms'; $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['layer']; break; case "wfs": $wfsId = $id; $sql = "SELECT "; $sql .= "wfs.wfs_title as servicetitle, wfs.wfs_version as serviceversion, wfs.wfs_abstract as serviceabstract, wfs.wfs_id as serviceid, wfs.wfs_id as contentid,wfs.fees, wfs.accessconstraints, wfs.individualname as contactperson, wfs.wfs_getcapabilities,"; $sql .= "wfs.positionname as contactposition, wfs.providername as contactorganization, wfs.deliverypoint as address, wfs.city, wfs_timestamp as timestamp, wfs_owner as owner, wfs.wfs_owsproxy as owsproxy, wfs.fkey_mb_group_id,"; $sql .= "wfs.administrativearea as stateorprovince, wfs.postalcode as postcode, wfs.voice as contactvoicetelephone, wfs.facsimile as contactfacsimiletelephone, "; $sql .= "wfs.electronicmailaddress as contactelectronicmailaddress, wfs.country "; $sql .= "FROM wfs WHERE wfs_id = $1"; $v = array($wfsId); $t = array('i'); $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['wfs']; $serviceType = 'wfs'; break; case "featuretype": $featuretypeId = $id; $sql = "SELECT "; $sql .= "wfs_featuretype.featuretype_id as contentid, wfs_featuretype.featuretype_title as contenttitle, wfs_featuretype.featuretype_abstract as contentabstract, wfs_featuretype.featuretype_name as contentname,wfs_featuretype.featuretype_srs, "; $sql .= "wfs.wfs_title as servicetitle, wfs.wfs_version as serviceversion, wfs.wfs_abstract as serviceabstract, wfs.wfs_id as serviceid, wfs.fees, wfs.accessconstraints, wfs.individualname as contactperson, wfs.wfs_getcapabilities, wfs.wfs_describefeaturetype, "; $sql .= "wfs.positionname as contactposition, wfs.providername as contactorganization, wfs.deliverypoint as address, wfs.city, wfs_timestamp as timestamp, wfs_owner as owner, wfs.wfs_owsproxy as owsproxy, wfs.fkey_mb_group_id,"; $sql .= "wfs.administrativearea as stateorprovince, wfs.postalcode as postcode, wfs.voice as contactvoicetelephone, wfs.facsimile as contactfacsimiletelephone, "; $sql .= "wfs.electronicmailaddress as contactelectronicmailaddress, wfs.country "; $sql .= "FROM wfs_featuretype, wfs WHERE wfs_featuretype.featuretype_id = $1 AND wfs_featuretype.fkey_wfs_id = wfs.wfs_id LIMIT 1"; $v = array($featuretypeId); $t = array('i'); $serviceType = 'wfs'; $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['featuretype']; $serviceType = 'wfs'; break; case "wfs-conf": echo 'Not yet implemented!'; $serviceType = 'wfs'; die(); break; case "wmc": $wmcId = $id; $sql = "SELECT "; $sql .= "mb_user_wmc.wmc_serial_id as contentid, mb_user_wmc.wmc_title as contenttitle, mb_user_wmc.abstract as contentabstract, mb_user_wmc.minx as contentminx,mb_user_wmc.miny as contentminy,mb_user_wmc.maxx as contentmaxx,mb_user_wmc.maxy as contentmaxy,mb_user_wmc.srs as contentcrs, "; $sql .= "mb_user.mb_user_position_name as contactposition, mb_user.mb_user_organisation_name as contactorganization, (mb_user.mb_user_street || ' ' || mb_user.mb_user_housenumber) as address, mb_user.mb_user_city as city, mb_user_wmc.wmc_timestamp as timestamp, mb_user_wmc.fkey_user_id as owner,"; $sql .= "mb_user.mb_user_country as stateorprovince, mb_user.mb_user_postal_code as postcode, mb_user.mb_user_phone as contactvoicetelephone, mb_user.mb_user_phone1 as contactfacsimiletelephone, "; $sql .= "mb_user.mb_user_email as contactelectronicmailaddress "; $sql .= "FROM mb_user_wmc, mb_user WHERE mb_user_wmc.wmc_serial_id = $1 AND mb_user_wmc.fkey_user_id = mb_user.mb_user_id LIMIT 1"; $v = array($wmcId); $t = array('i'); $serviceType = 'wmc'; $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['wmc']; break; } //read resource information from database //$e = new mb_exception("mod_showMetadata: sql: ".$sql); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $resourceMetadata = db_fetch_array($res); if (!isset($resourceMetadata['contentid']) or ($resourceMetadata['contentid'] == '')) { echo 'No result for the requested id found in the registry!'; die(); } if($resourceMetadata['owsproxy']!='') { $resourceSecured = true; } else { $resourceSecured = false; } $serviceId = $resourceMetadata['serviceid']; /*switch ($serviceType) { case "wms": #$resourceSymbol = ""..""; die(); break; case "wfs": #$resourceSymbol = ""; die(); break; case "wmc": $resourceSymbol = ""; die(); break; case "kml": die(); break; case "georss": die(); break; } */ //$e = new mb_exception("mod_showMetadata: fkey_mb_group_id from wms or wfs table: ".$resourceMetadata['fkey_mb_group_id']); if (!isset($resourceMetadata['fkey_mb_group_id']) or isnull($resourceMetadata['fkey_mb_group_id'])){ $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: fkey_mb_group_id not found!"); //Get information about owning user of the relation mb_user_mb_group - alternatively the defined fkey_mb_group_id from the service must be used! $sqlDep = "SELECT mb_group_name as metadatapointofcontactorgname, mb_group_title as metadatapointofcontactorgtitle, mb_group_id, mb_group_logo_path as metadatapointofcontactorglogo, mb_group_address as metadatapointofcontactorgaddress, mb_group_email as metadatapointofcontactorgemail, mb_group_postcode as metadatapointofcontactorgpostcode, mb_group_city as metadatapointofcontactorgcity, mb_group_voicetelephone as metadatapointofcontactorgtelephone, mb_group_facsimiletelephone as metadatapointofcontactorgfax FROM mb_group AS a, mb_user AS b, mb_user_mb_group AS c WHERE b.mb_user_id = $1 AND b.mb_user_id = c.fkey_mb_user_id AND c.fkey_mb_group_id = a.mb_group_id AND c.mb_user_mb_group_type=1 LIMIT 1"; $vDep = array($resourceMetadata['owner']); $tDep = array('i'); $resDep = db_prep_query($sqlDep, $vDep, $tDep); $metadataContactGroup = db_fetch_array($resDep); $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: mb_group_id: ".$metadataContactGroup['mb_group_id']); $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: mb_group_logo_path: ".$metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorglogo']); } else { $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: fkey_mb_group_id found!"); $sqlDep = "SELECT mb_group_name as metadatapointofcontactorgname, mb_group_title as metadatapointofcontactorgtitle, mb_group_id, mb_group_logo_path as metadatapointofcontactorglogo, mb_group_address as metadatapointofcontactorgaddress, mb_group_email as metadatapointofcontactorgemail, mb_group_postcode as metadatapointofcontactorgpostcode, mb_group_city as metadatapointofcontactorgcity, mb_group_voicetelephone as metadatapointofcontactorgtelephone, mb_group_facsimiletelephone as metadatapointofcontactorgfax FROM mb_group WHERE mb_group_id = $1 LIMIT 1"; $vDep = array($resourceMetadata['fkey_mb_group_id']); $tDep = array('i'); $resDep = db_prep_query($sqlDep, $vDep, $tDep); $metadataContactGroup = db_fetch_array($resDep); } //Get Geometry Type if featuretype info was requested if ($resource == 'featuretype') { $getTypeSql = "SELECT element_id, element_type from wfs_element WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1 AND element_type LIKE '%PropertyType';"; $vgetType = array($resourceMetadata['contentid']); $tgetType = array('i'); $resGetType = db_prep_query($getTypeSql,$vgetType,$tgetType); $featuretypeElements = db_fetch_array($resGetType); $resourceMetadata['featuretype_geomType'] = $featuretypeElements['element_type']; } $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: mb_group_name: ".$metadataContactGroup['mb_group_name']); //db select for layer previews if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer') { $sqlP = "SELECT * FROM layer_preview WHERE fkey_layer_id = $1 LIMIT 1"; $vP = array($layerId); $tP = array('i'); $resP = db_prep_query($sqlP, $vP, $tP); $rowP = db_fetch_array($resP); if ($rowP['layer_map_preview_filename'] != "") { $resourceMetadata['preview'] = ""; } if ($rowP['layer_legend_preview_filename'] != "") { $resourceMetadata['legend'] .= ""; } /* if ($rowP['layer_extent_preview_filename'] != "") { $resourceMetadata['extent'] .= ""; }*/ } if ($resource == 'wmc') { $resourceMetadata['preview'] = ""; } //db select for service quality if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer') { $sql = "SELECT availability, last_status FROM mb_wms_availability WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1"; $v = array($serviceId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $serviceQuality = db_fetch_array($res); } //db select for content properties if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer') { //get bbox and crs codes for single layer - maybe some entries ;-) $sql = "SELECT * FROM layer_epsg WHERE fkey_layer_id = $1"; $contentBboxes = array(); $v = array($layerId); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $j = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $contentBboxes[$j] = array(); $contentBboxes[$j]['epsg'] = $row['epsg']; $contentBboxes[$j]['minx'] = $row['minx']; $contentBboxes[$j]['miny'] = $row['miny']; $contentBboxes[$j]['maxx'] = $row['maxx']; $contentBboxes[$j]['maxy'] = $row['maxy']; $j++; } $j = 0; } if ($resource == 'wmc') { $contentBboxes[$j]['epsg'] = $resourceMetadata['srs']; $contentBboxes[$j]['minx'] = $resourceMetadata['minx']; $contentBboxes[$j]['miny'] = $resourceMetadata['miny']; $contentBboxes[$j]['maxx'] = $resourceMetadata['maxx']; $contentBboxes[$j]['maxy'] = $resourceMetadata['maxy']; } //generate HTML frame //Give out page //Array with structure of metadata //e.g. tabs and their content $html = ''; $html .= ''; $metadataStr .= '' . ''.$translation['metadata'].'' . ''. '' . ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. '' . ''; $html .= $metadataStr; //define the javascripts to include $html .= ''; if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; /*if ($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorglogo'] != '') { $html .= ""; } //TODO use right name $html .= displayText($resourceMetadata['contactorganization']); $html .= '


'; */ //initialize tabs $html .= ''; //independently define the headers of the parts $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; } if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; //define the javascript functions $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } //some placeholders $tableBegin = "\n"; $t_a = "\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\n"; $tableEnd = "
\n\t\t\t"; $t_b = "\n\t\t\n\t\t\t"; $t_c = "\n\t\t
\n"; //**************************overview part begin****************************** //generate div tags for the content - the divs are defined in the array if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= $tableBegin; if ($resourceMetadata['contenttitle'] !='') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['resourceTitle'].$t_b."".displayText($resourceMetadata['contenttitle'])."".$t_c; } else { $html .= $t_a.$translation['resourceTitle'].$t_b."".displayText($resourceMetadata['servicetitle'])."".$t_c; } //decide if a root layer have been found - then the type will be a server #$html .= "
"; #$html .= "
"; if ($resource == 'layer' & $resourceMetadata['contentpos'] == 0) { $resourceSymbol = "".$translation[ - ".$translation['wms']; } $html .= $t_a.$translation['kindOfResource'].$t_b.$resourceSymbol.$t_c; //identification information: $html .= $t_a.$translation['contentId'].$t_b.$resourceMetadata['contentid'].$t_c; if (isset($resourceMetadata['contentname']) && ($resourceMetadata['contentname'] != '')) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['contentName'].$t_b.$resourceMetadata['contentname'].$t_c; } if ($resource != 'wmc') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['serviceId'].$t_b."".$serviceId."".$t_c; } if (($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer' or $resource == 'wmc' ) and isset($resourceMetadata['preview'])) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['preview'].$t_b.$resourceMetadata['preview']; if (isset($resourceMetadata['legend'])) { $html .= $resourceMetadata['legend']; } $html .= $t_c; } if ($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorglogo'] != '') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactOrganization'].$t_b.""; } $html .= displayText($metadataContactGroup['metadatacontactorganization']).$t_c; if ($resourceMetadata['contentabstract'] != '') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['resourceAbstract'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['contentabstract']).$t_c; } else { $html .= $t_a.$translation['resourceAbstract'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['serviceabstract']).$t_c; } $user = new User(); // // Monitoring is only available if the user is allowed to access this service // if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer'){ if ($user->isLayerAccessible($layerId)) { $is_public = $user->isPublic(); //show abo function to registred and authorized users if (!$is_public) { if ($subscribe == 1) { $user->addSubscription($resourceMetadata['serviceid']); } else if ($subscribe == 0) { $user->cancelSubscription($resourceMetadata['serviceid']); } $is_subscribed = $user->hasSubscription($resourceMetadata['serviceid']); if ($is_subscribed) { $aboStr = "Abo"; //TODO check wherefor user_id should be given as parameter? } else if (!$is_subscribed) { $aboStr = "Abo"; } } } $html .= $aboStr; } $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
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'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= $tableBegin; if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer'){ if ($resourceMetadata['layer_queryable'] == '1') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['queryable'].$t_b."".$translation[".$t_c; } else { $html .= $t_a.$translation['queryable'].$t_b."".$translation[".$t_c; } } $epsgString = ''; if (($resource == 'wms') || ($resource == 'layer')) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($contentBboxes); $j++) { $epsgString .= $contentBboxes[$j]['epsg']." "; if ($contentBboxes[$j]['epsg'] == 'EPSG:4326') { $wgs84Bbox = $contentBboxes[$j]['minx'].",".$contentBboxes[$j]['miny'].",".$contentBboxes[$j]['maxx'].",".$contentBboxes[$j]['maxy']; $getMapUrl = getExtentGraphic(explode(",", $wgs84Bbox)); } } $html .= $t_a.$translation['crs'].$t_b.$epsgString.$t_c; } if (($resource == 'featuretype') ) { $epsgString .= $resourceMetadata['featuretype_srs']; $html .= $t_a.$translation['crs'].$t_b.$epsgString.$t_c; } if ($resource == 'wmc') { $epsgString .= $resourceMetadata['contentcrs']." "; if ($resourceMetadata['contentcrs'] == 'EPSG:4326') { $wgs84Bbox = $resourceMetadata['contentminx'].",".$resourceMetadata['contentminy'].",".$resourceMetadata['contentmaxx'].",".$resourceMetadata['contentmaxy']; $getMapUrl = getExtentGraphic(explode(",", $wgs84Bbox)); } elseif ($resourceMetadata['contentcrs'] != ''){ //transform crs $oldEPSG = preg_replace("/EPSG:/","", $resourceMetadata['contentcrs']); $ll = transform( floatval($resourceMetadata['contentminx']), floatval($resourceMetadata['contentminy']), $oldEPSG, "4326" ); $ur = transform( floatval($resourceMetadata['contentmaxx']), floatval($resourceMetadata['contentmaxy']), $oldEPSG, "4326" ); $wgs84Bbox = round($ll["x"],4).",".round($ll["y"],4).",".round($ur["x"],4).",".round($ur["y"],4); $getMapUrl = getExtentGraphic(explode(",", $wgs84Bbox)); } $html .= $t_a.$translation['wmccrs'].$t_b.$epsgString.$t_c; } if (isset($wgs84Bbox)) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['wgs84Bbox'].$t_b.$wgs84Bbox.$t_c; if (defined('EXTENTSERVICEURL')) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['wgs84BboxGraphic'].$t_b."".$t_c; } else { $html .= $t_a.$translation['wgs84BboxGraphic'].$t_b.$translation['graphicUnavailable'].$t_c; } //show preview map - dynamically } $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= $tableBegin; //Scales if ((isset($resourceMetadata['contentminscale']) & $resourceMetadata['contentminscale'] != '0') or (isset($resourceMetadata['contentmaxscale']) & $resourceMetadata['contentmaxscale'] != '0')){ $html .= '


'; if (isset($resourceMetadata['contentminscale']) & $resourceMetadata['contentminscale'] != '0' ) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['maxscale'].$t_b. "1 : ".$resourceMetadata['contentminscale'].$t_c; } if (isset($resourceMetadata['contentmaxscale']) & $resourceMetadata['contentmaxscale'] != '0') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['minscale'].$t_b. "1 : ".$resourceMetadata['contentmaxscale'].$t_c; } } if (isset($resourceMetadata['wfs_describefeaturetype']) && ($resourceMetadata['wfs_describefeaturetype'] != '')) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['describeFeaturetype'].$t_b."Link".$t_c; #$html .= $t_a.$translation['describeFeaturetype'].$t_b."Link".$t_c; } if (isset($resourceMetadata['featuretype_geomType']) && ($resourceMetadata['featuretype_geomType'] != '')) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['geomtype'].$t_b.$resourceMetadata['featuretype_geomType'].$t_c; } $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
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'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '


'; $html .= $tableBegin; if ($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorglogo'] != '') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['logo'].$t_b."".$t_c; } $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactOrganization'].$t_b.displayText($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorgtitle']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactAddress'].$t_b.displayText($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorgaddress']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['city'].$t_b.displayText($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorgpostcode'].' '.$metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorgcity']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['email'].$t_b.displayText($metadataContactGroup['metadatapointofcontactorgemail']).$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '


'; $html .= $tableBegin; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactOrganization'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['contactorganization']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactPerson'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['contactperson']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactAddress'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['address']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactCity'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['postcode'].' '.$resourceMetadata['city']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['contactTelephone'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['contactvoicetelephone']).$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['email'].$t_b.displayText($resourceMetadata['contactelectronicmailaddress']).$t_c; $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'; //**************************contact part end****************************** //**************************termsOfUse part begin****************************** if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer') { $touServiceConnector = new connector($mapbenderProtocol."localhost".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."/../mod_getServiceDisclaimer.php?resource=wms&id=".$resourceMetadata['serviceid']."&languageCode=".$languageCode."&asTable=true"); $tou = $touServiceConnector->file; } if ($resource == 'wmc' ) { $e = new mb_notice("mod_showMetadata: wmcid for disclaimer: ".$resourceMetadata['contentid']); $touWmcConnector = new connector($mapbenderProtocol."localhost".$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."/../mod_getWmcDisclaimer.php?&id=".$resourceMetadata['contentid']."&languageCode=".$languageCode."&hostName=".$hostName); $tou = $touWmcConnector->file; } if ($tou == ''){ $html .= $translation['noTouInformation']; } else { $html .= $tou; } $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'; //**************************termsOfUse part end****************************** //**************************quality part begin****************************** if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; $html .= $tableBegin; if ($resource != 'wmc') { switch ($serviceQuality['last_status']) { case '1': $html .= $t_a.$translation['status'].$t_b."".$translation[".$t_c; break; case '0': $html .= $t_a.$translation['status'].$t_b."".$translation[".$t_c; break; case '-1': $html .= $t_a.$translation['status'].$t_b."".$translation[".$t_c; break; } if (isset($serviceQuality['availability'])) { $html .= $t_a.$translation['availability'].$t_b.$serviceQuality['availability']." %".$t_c; } else { $html .= $t_a.$translation['availability'].$t_b.$translation['notMonitored'].$t_c; } } else { //resource is wmc $html .= $translation['wmcQualityText']; } $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'; //**************************quality part end****************************** //**************************interfaces part begin****************************** if ($layout == 'accordion') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'tabs') { $html .= '
'; } if ($layout == 'plain') { $html .= '


'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '

'; /*$translation['mapbenderCapabilities'] = 'Geoportal Capabilities'; $translation['originalCapabilities'] = 'Original Capabilities'; $translation['kml'] = 'KML'; $translation['inspireMetadata'] = 'INSPIRE Service Metadaten'; $translation['securedCapabilities'] = 'Secured Capabilities URL';*/ $html .= $tableBegin; if ($resource == 'wmc') { $html .= $t_a.$translation['wmc'].$t_b."XML".$t_c; } if ($resource == 'wfs') { } if ($resource == 'wms' or $resource == 'layer'){ $html .= $t_a.$translation['mapbenderCapabilities'].$t_b."".$translation['capabilities']."".$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['originalCapabilities'].$t_b."".$translation['capabilities']."".$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['inspireMetadata'].$t_b."".$t_c; $html .= $t_a.$translation['inspireMetadataValidation'].$t_b."".$translation['showInspireMetadataValidation']."".$t_c; //if service is secured and http_auth is adjusted show secured url if ($resourceSecured) { $securedLink = HTTP_AUTH_PROXY."/".$layerId."?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1&SERVICE=WMS"; $html .= $t_a.$translation['securedCapabilities'].$t_b."".$translation['capabilities']."".$t_c; } //kml $html .= $t_a.$translation['kml'].$t_b."".$t_c; } $html .= $tableEnd; $html .= '

'; $html .= '
'; //**************************interfaces part end****************************** $html .= '
'; //accordion $html .= '
'; //demo $html .= ''; $html .= ''; echo $html; //functions (from old metadata module): function displayText($string) { $string = mb_eregi_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]", "\\0", $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([0-9a-z](-?[0-9a-z])*\.)+[a-z]{2}([zmuvtg]|fo|me)?$", "\\0", $string); $string = mb_eregi_replace("\n", "
", $string); return $string; } function getExtentGraphic($layer_4326_box) { $rlp_4326_box = array(6.05,48.9,8.6,50.96); if ($layer_4326_box[0] <= $rlp_4326_box[0] || $layer_4326_box[2] >= $rlp_4326_box[2] || $layer_4326_box[1] <= $rlp_4326_box[1] || $layer_4326_box[3] >= $rlp_4326_box[3]) { if ($layer_4326_box[0] < $rlp_4326_box[0]) { $rlp_4326_box[0] = $layer_4326_box[0]; } if ($layer_4326_box[2] > $rlp_4326_box[2]) { $rlp_4326_box[2] = $layer_4326_box[2]; } if ($layer_4326_box[1] < $rlp_4326_box[1]) { $rlp_4326_box[1] = $layer_4326_box[1]; } if ($layer_4326_box[3] > $rlp_4326_box[3]) { $rlp_4326_box[3] = $layer_4326_box[3]; } $d_x = $rlp_4326_box[2] - $rlp_4326_box[0]; $d_y = $rlp_4326_box[3] - $rlp_4326_box[1]; $new_minx = $rlp_4326_box[0] - 0.05*($d_x); $new_maxx = $rlp_4326_box[2] + 0.05*($d_x); $new_miny = $rlp_4326_box[1] - 0.05*($d_y); $new_maxy = $rlp_4326_box[3] + 0.05*($d_y); if ($new_minx < -180) $rlp_4326_box[0] = -180; else $rlp_4326_box[0] = $new_minx; if ($new_maxx > 180) $rlp_4326_box[2] = 180; else $rlp_4326_box[2] = $new_maxx; if ($new_miny < -90) $rlp_4326_box[1] = -90; else $rlp_4326_box[1] = $new_miny; if ($new_maxy > 90) $rlp_4326_box[3] = 90; else $rlp_4326_box[3] = $new_maxy; } $getMapUrl = EXTENTSERVICEURL."VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&LAYERS=".EXTENTSERVICELAYER."&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&BBOX=".$rlp_4326_box[0].",".$rlp_4326_box[1].",".$rlp_4326_box[2].",".$rlp_4326_box[3]."&WIDTH=120&HEIGHT=120&FORMAT=image/png&BGCOLOR=0xffffff&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&minx=".$layer_4326_box[0]."&miny=".$layer_4326_box[1]."&maxx=".$layer_4326_box[2]."&maxy=".$layer_4326_box[3]; return $getMapUrl; } //from php/mod_coordsLookup_server.php function transform ($x, $y, $oldEPSG, $newEPSG) { if (is_null($x) || !is_numeric($x) || is_null($y) || !is_numeric($y) || is_null($oldEPSG) || !is_numeric($oldEPSG) || is_null($newEPSG) || !is_numeric($newEPSG)) { return null; } $sqlMinx = "SELECT X(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$x." ".$y.")',".$oldEPSG."),".$newEPSG.")) as minx"; $resMinx = db_query($sqlMinx); $minx = floatval(db_result($resMinx,0,"minx")); $sqlMiny = "SELECT Y(transform(GeometryFromText('POINT(".$x." ".$y.")',".$oldEPSG."),".$newEPSG.")) as miny"; $resMiny = db_query($sqlMiny); $miny = floatval(db_result($resMiny,0,"miny")); return array("x" => $minx, "y" => $miny); } ?>