'.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $type = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["outputFormat"]) & $_REQUEST["outputFormat"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["outputFormat"]; if (!($testMatch == 'html' or $testMatch == 'json')){ echo 'outputFormat: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $outputFormat = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["scale"]) & $_REQUEST["scale"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["scale"]; if (!($testMatch == 'linear')){ echo 'scale: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $scale = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["maxObjects"]) & $_REQUEST["maxObjects"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["maxObjects"]; if (!(($testMatch == '10') or ($testMatch == '15') or ($testMatch == 20) or ($testMatch == '25') or ($testMatch == '30'))){ echo 'maxObjects: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $maxObjects = (integer)$testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if (isset($_REQUEST["maxFontSize"]) & $_REQUEST["maxFontSize"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["maxFontSize"]; if (!(($testMatch == '10') or ($testMatch == '20') or ($testMatch == '30') or ($testMatch == '40'))){ echo 'maxFontSize: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $maxFontSize = (integer)$testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } // if (isset($_REQUEST["languageCode"]) & $_REQUEST["languageCode"] != "") { //validate to wms, wfs $testMatch = $_REQUEST["languageCode"]; if (!($testMatch == 'de' or $testMatch == 'en' or $testMatch == 'fr')){ echo 'languageCode: '.$testMatch.' is not valid.
'; die(); } $languageCode = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } // if (isset($_REQUEST["hostName"]) & $_REQUEST["hostName"] != "") { //validate to some hosts $testMatch = $_REQUEST["hostName"]; if (!($testMatch == 'www.geoportal.rlp' or $testMatch == 'www.geoportal.rlp.de' or $testMatch == 'www.gdi-rp-dienste3.rlp.de' or $testMatch == '' or $testMatch == '' )){ echo 'hostName: '.$testMatch.' is not a valid server of gdi-rp.
'; die(); } $hostName = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } if ($outputFormat == 'json'){ $classJSON = new Mapbender_JSON; } if ($languageCode == 'en'){ $pathToSearchScript = '/portal/en/service/search.html?cat=dienste&searchfilter='; } if ($type == 'keywords'){ $sql = "select a.keyword, sum(a.count) from ("; $sql .= "(select keyword, count(*) from keyword INNER JOIN layer_keyword ON (layer_keyword.fkey_keyword_id = keyword.keyword_id) GROUP BY keyword.keyword) union "; $sql .= "(select keyword, count(*) from keyword INNER JOIN wmc_keyword ON (wmc_keyword.fkey_keyword_id = keyword.keyword_id) GROUP BY keyword.keyword) union "; $sql .= "(select keyword, count(*) from keyword INNER JOIN wfs_featuretype_keyword ON (wfs_featuretype_keyword.fkey_keyword_id = keyword.keyword_id)"; $sql .= " GROUP BY keyword.keyword)) as a WHERE a.keyword <> '' GROUP BY a.keyword ORDER BY sum DESC LIMIT $1"; $showName = 'keyword'; } if ($type == 'topicCategories') { $sql = "select a.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.", a.md_topic_category_id,sum(a.count) from ("; $sql .= "(select md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN layer_md_topic_category ON (layer_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) union "; $sql .= "(select md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN wfs_featuretype_md_topic_category ON (wfs_featuretype_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) union "; $sql .= "(select md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN wmc_md_topic_category ON (wmc_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id)"; $sql .= " GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.",md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id)) as a WHERE a.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode." <> '' GROUP BY a.md_topic_category_code_".$languageCode.", a.md_topic_category_id ORDER BY sum DESC LIMIT $1"; $showName = 'md_topic_category_code_'.$languageCode; } #sql #select a.md_topic_category_code_de,a.md_topic_category_id, sum(a.count) from ((select md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN layer_md_topic_category ON (layer_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) union (select md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN wfs_featuretype_md_topic_category ON (wfs_featuretype_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) union (select md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category_id, count(*) from md_topic_category INNER JOIN wmc_md_topic_category ON (wmc_md_topic_category.fkey_md_topic_category_id = md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id) GROUP BY md_topic_category.md_topic_category_code_de,md_topic_category.md_topic_category_id)) as a WHERE a.md_topic_category_code_de <> '' GROUP BY a.md_topic_category_code_de, a.md_topic_category_id ORDER BY sum DESC LIMIT 20 $v = array($maxObjects); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $tags = array(); $i = 0; //max pixelsize $inc = ($maxFontSize-$minFontSize)/$maxObjects;//maybe 10 or 5 or ... $maxWeight = 0; while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ if ((integer)$row['sum'] >= $maxWeight ) { $maxWeight = (integer)$row['sum']; } if ($type == 'topicCategories') { $tags[$i] = array('weight' =>$row['sum'], 'tagname' =>$row[$showName], 'url'=>'http://'.$hostName.$pathToSearchScript.urlencode('searchText=*&resultTarget=file&outputFormat=json&isoCategories='.$row['md_topic_category_id'].'&languageCode='.$languageCode)); } if ($type == 'keywords') { $tags[$i] = array('weight' =>$row['sum'], 'tagname' =>$row[$showName], 'url'=>'http://'.$hostName.$pathToSearchScript.urlencode('searchText='.$row[$showName].'&resultTarget=file&outputFormat=json&languageCode='.$languageCode)); } $i++; } //normalize the tag cloud with some max value for pixelsize or set them to linear scale! for($i=0; $i"; echo "Mapbender Tag Cloud"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; /*** create a new tag cloud object ***/ $tagCloud = new tagCloud($tags); echo $tagCloud -> displayTagCloud(); echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; } if ($outputFormat == 'json'){ $tagCloudJSON = new stdClass; $tagCloudJSON->tagCloud = (object) array( 'maxFontSize' => $maxFontSize, 'maxObjects' => $maxObjects, 'tags' => array() ); shuffle($tags); for($i=0; $itagCloud->tags[$i]->title = $tags[$i]['tagname']; $tagCloudJSON->tagCloud->tags[$i]->url = $tags[$i]['url']; $tagCloudJSON->tagCloud->tags[$i]->weight = $tags[$i]['weight']; } #echo "json"; $tagCloudJSON = $classJSON->encode($tagCloudJSON); echo $tagCloudJSON; } class tagCloud{ /*** the array of tags ***/ private $tagsArray; public function __construct($tags){ /*** set a few properties ***/ $this->tagsArray = $tags; } /** * * Display tag cloud * * @access public * * @return string * */ public function displayTagCloud(){ $ret = ''; shuffle($this->tagsArray); foreach($this->tagsArray as $tag) { $ret.=''.$tag['tagname'].''."\n"; } return $ret; } } /*** end of class ***/ ?>