maxEntries = 10; protected $items = array(); protected $nritems; //const MAX_ENTRIES = 10; protected function createItem () { return new RssItem(); } //function to append item at the end of the item list public function append () { if (func_num_args() === 0) { $item = $this->createItem(); } else { $item = func_get_arg(0); }; $this->items[]= $item; $this->nritems++; $this->deleteLast(15+3);//offset of 3 for channel: title/link/description return $item; } //function to append item at the top of the item list - maybe most recent ! public function appendTop () { if (func_num_args() === 0) { $item = $this->createItem(); } else { $item = func_get_arg(0); } array_unshift($this->items, $item); $this->nritems++; $this->deleteLast(15+3); return $item; } public function deleteLast ($maxEntries) { for ($k=$maxEntries-1; $k<$this->nritems; $k++){ $this->items[$k] = null; $e = new mb_notice("delete georss items: items[".$k."]=null"); } if ($this->nritems > ($maxEntries-3)){ //reduce to maxEntries-3 $this->nritems = $maxEntries-3; } return true; } public function saveAsFile() { if (func_num_args() === 1) { $pathAndFilename = func_get_arg(0); } else { if ($this->filename) { $pathAndFilename = $this->filename; } else { new mb_exception(__FILE__ . ": saveAsFile(): must specify a filename!"); return false; } } //delete all entries which are more than MAX_ENTRIES from RSS! return administration::saveFile($pathAndFilename, $this->__toString()); } public function __construct() { $this->nritems=0; $this->channel_url=LOGIN; $this->channel_title="Mapbender GeoRSS"; $this->channel_description="New and updated WMS"; $this->channel_lang=''; $this->channel_copyright=''; $this->channel_date=''; $this->channel_creator=''; $this->channel_subject=''; $this->image_url=''; } public function setTitle ($title) { $this->channel_title=$title; } public function setDescription ($description) { $this->channel_description=$description; } public function setUrl ($url) { $this->channel_url=$url; } public function setChannel($url, $title, $description, $lang, $copyright, $creator, $subject) { $this->channel_url=$url; $this->channel_title=$title; $this->channel_description=$description; $this->channel_lang=$lang; $this->channel_copyright=$copyright; //$this->channel_date=date("Y-m-d").'T'.date("H:i:s").'+01:00'; $timestamp = ($timestamp==null) ? time() : $timestamp; /*** Mon, 02 Jul 2009 11:36:45 +0000 ***/ $this->channel_date = date(DATE_RSS, $timestamp); $this->channel_creator=$creator; $this->channel_subject=$subject; } public function setImage($url) { $this->image_url=$url; } public function setItem($rssItem) { if (is_a($rssItem, "RssItem")) { #array_unshift($this->items, $rssItem); $this->items[]= $rssItem; $this->nritems++; return true; } new mb_exception(__FILE__ . ": setItem(): parameter is not an RSS item!"); } public function getItem ($index) { if (!is_numeric($index)) { return null; } $i = intval($index); if ($i >= 0 && $i < count($this->items)) { return $this->items[$i]; } return null; } public function __toString () { $output = ''."\n"; $output .= 'getNamespaceString() . ' version="2.0">'."\n"; // $output .= 'getNamespaceString() . '>'."\n"; // $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''.$this->channel_title.''."\n"; $output .= ''.htmlentities( $this->channel_url, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET ).''."\n"; $output .= ''.$this->channel_description.''."\n"; # $output .= ''.$this->channel_lang.''."\n"; # $output .= ''.$this->channel_copyright.''."\n"; # $output .= ''.$this->channel_date.''."\n"; # $output .= ''.$this->channel_creator.''."\n"; # $output .= ''.$this->channel_subject.''."\n"; # $output .= ''."\n"; # $output .= ''; # for($k=0; $k<$this->nritems; $k++) { # $output .= ''."\n"; # }; # $output .= ''."\n"; # $output .= ''."\n"; # $output .= ''."\n"; for($k=0; $k<$this->nritems; $k++) { $output .= $this->items[$k]; }; $output .= ''."\n"; // $output .= ''."\n"; $output .= ''."\n"; return $output; } protected function getNamespaceString () { return ""; # return 'xmlns:rdf="" ' . # 'xmlns="" ' . # 'xmlns:slash="" ' . # 'xmlns:taxo="" ' . # 'xmlns:dc="" ' . # 'xmlns:syn="" ' . # 'xmlns:admin="" ' . # 'xmlns:feedburner=""'; } } ?>