encode($this->confArray); } /** * Loads WFS conf data from the database * * @return Object WFS conf data. * @param $idOrIdArray Object May be an integer or an array of integers representing WFS conf IDs. */ public function load ($idOrIdArray) { // Check parameter and set idArray if (isset($idOrIdArray)){ // parameter is a number if (!is_array($idOrIdArray) && is_numeric($idOrIdArray)) { $idArray = array(intval($idOrIdArray)); } // parameter is an array of numbers if (is_array($idOrIdArray)) { $idArray = array(); for ($i=0; $i < count($idOrIdArray); $i++) { if (!is_numeric($idOrIdArray[$i])) { $e = new mb_exception("Wfs_conf: constructor: wrong parameter: ".$idOrIdArray[$i]." is not a number."); return array(); } array_push($idArray, intval($idOrIdArray[$i])); } // If a user ID is given, remove the ones the user has no access to if ($_SESSION["mb_user_id"]) { $user = new User($_SESSION["mb_user_id"]); $idArray = array_intersect($idArray, $user->getWfsConfByPermission()); } return $this->getWfsConfFromDB($idArray); } // parameter is invalid else { $e = new mb_exception("Wfs_conf: constructor: parameter must be number or an array of numbers."); return array(); } } else { $e = new mb_exception("Wfs_conf: constructor: parameter is not valid"); return null; } } // --------------------------- private ----------------------------------- /** * Gets the database content for a number of WFS configurations given by their IDs. * * @return Array * @param $idArray Array an array of integer values representing WFS conf IDs. */ private static function getWfsConfFromDbByArray ($idArray) { $rowArray = array(); foreach ($idArray as $id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_conf "; $sql .= "JOIN wfs ON wfs_conf.fkey_wfs_id = wfs.wfs_id "; $sql .= "WHERE wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id = $1 LIMIT 1"; $v = array($id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); array_push($rowArray, $row); } return $rowArray; } /** * Gets the database content of a WFS conf element given by a WFS conf ID. * * @return Array * @param $id Integer the WFS conf ID. */ private static function getWfsConfElementFromDb ($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_conf_element "; $sql .= "JOIN wfs_element ON wfs_conf_element.f_id = wfs_element.element_id "; $sql .= "WHERE wfs_conf_element.fkey_wfs_conf_id = $1 "; #filtered on client side #$sql .= "AND wfs_conf_element.f_search = 1 "; $sql .= "ORDER BY wfs_conf_element.f_pos"; $v = array($id); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $elementArray = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $currentElement = array("element_name" => $row["element_name"], "element_type" => $row["element_type"], "f_search" => $row["f_search"], "f_style_id" => $row["f_style_id"], "f_toupper" => $row["f_toupper"], "f_label" => $row["f_label"], "f_label_id" => $row["f_label_id"], "f_geom" => $row["f_geom"], "f_show" => $row["f_show"], "f_mandatory" => $row["f_mandatory"], "f_respos" => $row["f_respos"], "f_min_input" => $row["f_min_input"], "f_form_element_html" => $row["f_form_element_html"], "f_auth_varname" => $row["f_auth_varname"], "f_detailpos" => $row["f_detailpos"], "f_operator" => $row["f_operator"], "f_show_detail" => $row["f_show_detail"] ); array_push($elementArray, $currentElement); } return $elementArray; } /** * Gets the database content of a WFS feature type given by a WFS ID and a featuretype ID. * * @return Array * @param $wfsId Integer the WFS ID. * @param $featuretypeId Integer the WFS featuretype ID. */ private static function getWfsFeatureTypeFromDb($wfsId, $featuretypeId) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1 AND featuretype_id = $2"; $v = array($wfsId, $featuretypeId); $t = array("i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $currentRow = array(); if($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $currentRow["featuretype_name"] = $row["featuretype_name"]; $currentRow["featuretype_srs"] = $row["featuretype_srs"]; } return $currentRow; } /** * get WFS conf data from database */ private function getWfsConfFromDB ($idArray) { // if a user has access to some WFS confs... if (count($idArray) > 0) { // get WFS conf data from DB $rowArray = self::getWfsConfFromDbByArray($idArray); for ($i=0; $i < count($rowArray); $i++) { // WFS conf data $currentRow = array("g_label" => $rowArray[$i]["g_label"], "g_label_id" => $rowArray[$i]["g_label_id"], "g_style" => $rowArray[$i]["g_style"], "g_button" => $rowArray[$i]["g_button"], "g_button_id" => $rowArray[$i]["g_button_id"], "g_buffer" => $rowArray[$i]["g_buffer"], "g_res_style" => $rowArray[$i]["g_res_style"], "g_use_wzgraphics" => $rowArray[$i]["g_use_wzgraphics"], "wfs_id" => $rowArray[$i]["fkey_wfs_id"], "featuretype_id" => $rowArray[$i]["fkey_featuretype_id"], "wfs_getfeature" => $rowArray[$i]["wfs_getfeature"], "wfs_describefeaturetype" => $rowArray[$i]["wfs_describefeaturetype"], "wfs_transaction" => $rowArray[$i]["wfs_transaction"] ); // get WFS conf element data of current WFS conf $id = $rowArray[$i]["wfs_conf_id"]; $currentRow["element"] = self::getWfsConfElementFromDb($id); // get WFS featuretype data of current WFS conf $wfsId = $rowArray[$i]["fkey_wfs_id"]; $featuretypeId = $rowArray[$i]["fkey_featuretype_id"]; $currentRow = array_merge($currentRow , self::getWfsFeatureTypeFromDb($wfsId, $featuretypeId)); $this->confArray[$id] = $currentRow; } return $this->confArray; } else { $e = new mb_warning("class_wfs_conf.php: getWfsConfFromDB: You don't have access to any WFS confs. Check EDIT WFS."); return array(); } } } /** * @deprecated */ class wfs_conf{ var $wfs_id; var $wfs_name; var $wfs_title; var $wfs_abstract; var $wfs_getcapabilities; var $wfs_describefeaturetype; var $wfs_getfeature; var $features; var $elements; var $namespaces; function getallwfs($userid){ $this->wfs_id = array(); $this->wfs_name = array(); $this->wfs_title = array(); $this->wfs_abstract = array(); global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); if($userid){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owner = $1"; $v = array($userid); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs"; $res = db_query($sql); } $cnt = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $this->wfs_version[$cnt] = $row["wfs_version"]; $this->wfs_id[$cnt] = $row["wfs_id"]; $this->wfs_name[$cnt] = $row["wfs_name"]; $this->wfs_title[$cnt] = $row["wfs_title"]; $this->wfs_abstract[$cnt] = $row["wfs_abstract"]; $this->wfs_getcapabilities[$cnt] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities"]; $this->wfs_describefeaturetype[$cnt] = $row["wfs_describefeaturetype"]; $this->wfs_getfeature[$cnt] = $row["wfs_getfeature"]; $cnt++; } } function getfeatures($wfsid){ $this->features = new features($wfsid); } function getelements($feature){ $this->elements = new elements($feature); } function getnamespaces($feature){ $this->namespaces = new namespaces($feature); } } class features extends wfs_conf{ var $featuretype_id; var $featuretype_name; var $featuretype_title; var $featuretype_srs; function features($id){ $featuretype_id = array(); $featuretype_name = array(); $featuretype_title = array(); $featuretype_srs = array(); global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1"; $v = array($id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $this->featuretype_id[$cnt] = $row["featuretype_id"]; $this->featuretype_name[$cnt] = $row["featuretype_name"]; $this->featuretype_title[$cnt] = $row["featuretype_title"]; $this->featuretype_srs[$cnt] = $row["featuretype_srs"]; $cnt++; } } } class elements extends wfs_conf{ var $element_id; var $element_name; var $element_type; function elements($fid){ $element_id = array(); $element_name = array(); $element_type = array(); global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_element WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1"; $v = array($fid); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $this->element_id[$cnt] = $row["element_id"]; $this->element_name[$cnt] = $row["element_name"]; $this->element_type[$cnt] = $row["element_type"]; $cnt++; } } } class namespaces extends wfs_conf{ var $namespace_name; var $namespace_location; function namespaces($fid){ $namespace_name = array(); $namespace_location = array(); global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype_namespace WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1"; $v = array($fid); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $this->namespace_name[$cnt] = $row["namespace"]; $this->namespace_location[$cnt] = $row["namespace_location"]; $cnt++; } } } ?>