/** * definition of buttons for spatialRequest * * [@param {integer} status show this button (value is 1 or 0) * [@param {string} img image for the button * [@param {string} title for the button * [@param {string} filteroption type of filter for search (values: "intersects" or "within"), used for buttons buttonRectangle and buttonPolygon */ var buttonRectangle = {"status":1,"img":"select_rectangle_off.png","title":"","filteroption":"intersects"}; var buttonPolygon = {"status":1,"img":"select_polygon_off.png","title":"","filteroption":"intersects"}; var buttonPoint = {"status":1, "img":"select_point_off.png","title":""}; var buttonExtent = {"status":1,"img":"select_extent_off.png","title":""}; var mb_wfs_tolerance = 8; var spatialRequestIsSetMessage = ''; var clearFilterButtonLabel = ''; var noResultMsg = ''; var buttonWfs_imgdir = "../img/button_gray/"; var buttonWfs_zIndex = 10; var generalHighlightZIndex = 90; var generalHighlightLineWidth = 2; var wfsResultModulePath = "php/"; var wfsResultModuleFilename = "mod_wfs_result.php"; var searchPopupTitle = ''; var searchPopupWidth = 400; var searchPopupHeight =250; var searchPopupX = 750; var searchPopupY = 80; var detailPopupTitle = ''; var detailPopupWidth = 400; var detailPopupHeight = 200; var detailPopupX = 750; var detailPopupY = 410;