(\s)+\<", trim($string)); } /** * Creates a GML object from a GeoJSON (http://www.geojson.org) String * * @return Gml * @param $geoJson String */ public function createFromGeoJson ($geoJson, $gml) { $json = new Mapbender_JSON (); $jsonObj = $json->decode($geoJson); // check if valid feature collection new mb_exception("Is Array? " . is_array($jsonObj->features)); new mb_exception("Type? " . strtoupper($jsonObj->type)); if (strtoupper($jsonObj->type) != "FEATURECOLLECTION" || !is_array($jsonObj->features)) { $e = new mb_exception("Not a valid GeoJSON Feature Collection."); return null; } $gml->featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); foreach ($jsonObj->features as $currentFeature) { $feature = new Feature(); if (!is_object($currentFeature->crs) || $currentFeature->crs->type !== "name") { $e = new mb_exception("Feature doesn't have a SRS."); return null; } $srs = $currentFeature->crs->properties->name; // set geometry if (is_object($currentFeature->geometry)) { $currentGeometry = $currentFeature->geometry; switch (strtoupper($currentGeometry->type)) { case "POLYGON": $geometry = new GMLPolygon(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentGeometry->coordinates); $i++) { $currentRing = $currentGeometry->coordinates[$i]; foreach ($currentRing as $coords) { list($x, $y) = $coords; // exterior ring if (0 == $i) { $geometry->addPoint($x, $y); } // interior ring else { $geometry->addPointToRing($i, $x, $y); } } } break; case "POINT": $geometry = new GMLPoint(); list($x, $y) = $currentGeometry->coordinates; $geometry->setPoint($x, $y); break; case "LINESTRING": $geometry = new GMLLine(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentGeometry->coordinates); $i++) { $currentLinePoint = $currentGeometry->coordinates[$i]; list($x, $y) = $currentLinePoint; $geometry->addPoint($x, $y); } break; case "MULTIPOLYGON": $geometry = new GMLMultiPolygon(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentGeometry->coordinates); $i++) { $currentPolygon = $currentGeometry->coordinates[$i]; for ($j = 0; $j < count($currentPolygon); $j++) { $currentRing = $currentPolygon[$j]; foreach ($currentRing as $coords) { list($x, $y) = $coords; // exterior ring if (0 == $j) { $geometry->addPoint($x, $y, $i); } // interior ring else { $geometry->addPointToRing($i, $j-1, $x, $y); } } } } break; case "MULTIPOINT": $e = new mb_exception($currentGeometry->type . " are not supported!"); return null; break; case "MULTILINESTRING": // not tested! $geometry = new GMLMultiLine(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentGeometry->coordinates); $i++) { $currentLine = $currentGeometry->coordinates[$i]; foreach ($currentLine as $currentLinePoint) { list($x, $y) = $currentLinePoint; $geometry->addPoint($x, $y, $i); } } break; case "GEOMETRYCOLLECTION": $e = new mb_exception($currentGeometry->type . " are not supported!"); return null; break; default: $e = new mb_exception($currentGeometry->type . " is not a valid geometry type"); return null; break; } // add the geometry to the feature $geometry->srs = $srs; $feature->geometry = $geometry; } else { $e = new mb_exception("This feature does not have a geometry."); return null; } // set fid and properties if (is_object($currentFeature->properties)) { foreach ($currentFeature->properties as $pName => $pValue) { if ("fid" == $pName) { $feature->fid = $pValue; } else { $feature->properties[$pName] = $pValue; } } } $gml->featureCollection->addFeature($feature); } return $gml; } /** * Creates GML objects from GML documents. * * @return Gml * @param $xml String */ public function createFromXml ($xml, $wfsConf, $gml) { try { $xml = $this->removeWhiteSpace($xml); $gmlDoc = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); // we need to find the name and namespaces of the featuretype // used in this WFS configuration $wfsFactory = new UniversalWfsFactory(); $myWfs = $wfsFactory->createFromDb($wfsConf->wfsId); if (is_null($myWfs)) { return null; } $featureType = $myWfs->findFeatureTypeById($wfsConf->featureTypeId); // register namespace of feature type $pos = strpos($featureType->name, ":"); if ($pos !== false) { $ns = substr($featureType->name, 0, $pos); $url = $featureType->getNamespace($ns); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace($ns, $url); } $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('xls', 'http://www.opengis.net/xls'); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('wfs', 'http://www.opengis.net/wfs'); $gmlDoc->registerXPathNamespace('gml', 'http://www.opengis.net/gml'); // build feature collection $gml->featureCollection = new FeatureCollection(); // segments of the featureCollection $gmlFeatureMembers = $gmlDoc->xpath("//" . $featureType->name); if (count($gmlFeatureMembers) > 0) { foreach ($gmlFeatureMembers as $gmlFeatureMember) { // $e = new mb_exception($gmlFeatureMember->asXML()); $featureMember_dom = dom_import_simplexml($gmlFeatureMember); $feature = new Feature(); $this->parseFeature($featureMember_dom, $feature, $wfsConf); if (isset($feature->geometry)) { $gml->featureCollection->addFeature($feature); } } } return $gml; } catch (Exception $e) { $e = new mb_exception($e); return null; } } } ?>