width = $value; } /** * * @return */ public function getWidth () { return $this->width; } /** * @param $value Integer */ public function setHeight ($value) { $this->height = $value; } /** * * @return */ public function getHeight () { return $this->height; } /** * @param $value String */ public function setFrameName ($value) { $this->frameName = $value; } /** * @param $value String */ public function setElementName ($value) { $this->elementName = $value; } /** * * @return String */ public function getFrameName () { return $this->frameName; } public function addZoomFullExtent ($aMapbenderBbox) { array_push($this->zoomFullExtentArray, $aMapbenderBbox); } public function getZoomFullExtentArray () { return $this->zoomFullExtentArray; } /** * @param $value String */ public function setExtent ($aMapbenderBbox) { $this->extent = $aMapbenderBbox; } /** * * @return Mapbender_bbox */ public function getExtent () { return $this->extent; } /** * * @return Mapbender_bbox extent information */ public function getExtentInfo () { return array($this->extent->min->x, $this->extent->min->y, $this->extent->max->x, $this->extent->max->y); } /** * converts the extent of the map so that the maximum extent will be displayed * */ public function calculateExtent($aMapbenderBbox) { $relation_px_x = $this->getWidth() / $this->getHeight(); $relation_px_y = $this->getHeight() / $this->getWidth(); $extentx = ($aMapbenderBbox->max->x - $aMapbenderBbox->min->x); $extenty = ($aMapbenderBbox->max->y - $aMapbenderBbox->min->y); $centerx = $aMapbenderBbox->min->x + $extentx/2; $centery = $aMapbenderBbox->min->y + $extenty/2; $relation_bbox_x = $extentx / $extenty; if($relation_bbox_x <= $relation_px_x){ $aMapbenderBbox->min->x = $centerx - $relation_px_x * $extenty / 2; $aMapbenderBbox->max->x = $centerx + $relation_px_x * $extenty / 2; } if($relation_bbox_x > $relation_px_x){ $aMapbenderBbox->min->y = $centery - $relation_px_y * $extentx / 2; $aMapbenderBbox->max->y = $centery + $relation_px_y * $extentx / 2; } $this->setExtent($aMapbenderBbox); } /** * * @return String EPSG code of the map. */ public function getEpsg () { return $this->extent->epsg; } public function getWms ($index) { if (is_numeric($index)) { $i = intval($index, 10); if ($i < count($this->wmsArray) && count($this->wmsArray) > 0 && $i >= 0) { return $this->wmsArray[$i]; } } return null; } /** * * @return */ public function getWmsArray () { return $this->wmsArray; } /** * * @return * @param $wmsArray Object */ public function setWmsArray ($wmsArray) { $this->wmsArray = $wmsArray; } /** * * @return */ public function isOverview () { return $this->isOverview; } public function setIsOverview ($bool) { $this->isOverview = $bool; } /** * @param $value Object */ public function addWms ($value) { array_push($this->wms, $value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // map manipulation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Appends the WMS of another map to this map. * * @param $anotherMap Map */ public function append ($anotherMap) { $this->wmsArray = array_merge($anotherMap->getWmsArray(), $this->wmsArray); } /** * Merges this map with another map: Copies the map settings from the * other map and merges the WMS (keeping the settings of the other * map if there are duplicates) * * @param $anotherMap Map */ public function merge ($anotherMap) { $this->width = $anotherMap->width; $this->height = $anotherMap->height; $this->frameName = $anotherMap->frameName; $this->elementName = $anotherMap->elementName; $this->extent = $anotherMap->extent; $this->isOverview = $anotherMap->isOverview; $this->wmsArray = wms::merge(array_merge($anotherMap->getWmsArray(), $this->wmsArray)); } /** * Adds WMS to this map * * @return */ public function appendWmsArray ($wmsArray) { $this->wmsArray = array_merge($this->wmsArray, $wmsArray); } /** * Merge WMS into this map * * @return */ public function mergeWmsArray ($wmsArray) { $this->wmsArray = wms::merge(array_merge($this->wmsArray, $wmsArray)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Instantiation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * * @return * @param $jsMapObject Object */ public function createFromJs ($jsMapObject) { $arrayBBox = explode(",", $jsMapObject->extent); $minx = floatval($arrayBBox[0]); $miny = floatval($arrayBBox[1]); $maxx = floatval($arrayBBox[2]); $maxy = floatval($arrayBBox[3]); $srs = $jsMapObject->epsg; $bbox = new Mapbender_bbox($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy, $srs); $this->width = $jsMapObject->width; $this->height = $jsMapObject->height; // there are no more map frames in Mapbender 2.6 $this->frameName = $jsMapObject->elementName; $this->extent = $bbox; if (isset($jsMapObject->isOverview) && $jsMapObject->isOverview == "1") { $this->isOverview = true; } for ($i=0; $i < count($jsMapObject->wms); $i++){ $currentWms = $jsMapObject->wms[$i]; $wms = new wms(); // // set WMS data // $wms->wms_id = $currentWms->wms_id; $wms->wms_version = $currentWms->wms_version; $wms->wms_title = $currentWms->wms_title; $wms->wms_abstract = $currentWms->wms_abstract; $wms->wms_getmap = $currentWms->wms_getmap; $wms->wms_getfeatureinfo = $currentWms->wms_getfeatureinfo; $wms->wms_getlegendurl = $currentWms->wms_getlegendurl; $wms->wms_filter = $currentWms->wms_filter; $wms->gui_epsg = $currentWms->gui_epsg; $wms->gui_minx = $currentWms->gui_minx; $wms->gui_miny = $currentWms->gui_miny; $wms->gui_maxx = $currentWms->gui_maxx; $wms->gui_maxy = $currentWms->gui_maxy; $wms->gui_wms_mapformat = $currentWms->gui_wms_mapformat; $wms->gui_wms_featureinfoformat = $currentWms->gui_wms_featureinfoformat; $wms->gui_wms_exceptionformat = $currentWms->gui_wms_exceptionformat; $wms->gui_wms_opacity = $currentWms->wms_opacity; $wms->gui_wms_sldurl = $currentWms->gui_wms_sldurl; $wms->gui_wms_visible = $currentWms->gui_wms_visible; $wms->gui_wms_epsg = $currentWms->gui_wms_epsg; $wms->data_type = $currentWms->data_type; $wms->data_format = $currentWms->data_format; for ($k = 0; $k < count($currentWms->objLayer); $k++){ // the current layer of the JSON map object $currentLayer = $currentWms->objLayer[$k]; // add new layer to WMS $pos = $currentLayer->layer_pos; $parent = $currentLayer->layer_parent; $wms->addLayer($pos, $parent); $newLayerIndex = count($wms->objLayer) - 1; // $newLayer is a short cut to the layer we just added $newLayer = $wms->objLayer[$newLayerIndex]; // set layer data $newLayer->layer_uid = $currentLayer->layer_uid; $newLayer->layer_name = $currentLayer->layer_name; $newLayer->layer_title = $currentLayer->layer_title; $newLayer->layer_dataurl_href = $currentLayer->layer_dataurl_href; $newLayer->layer_pos = $currentLayer->layer_pos; $newLayer->layer_queryable = $currentLayer->layer_queryable; $newLayer->layer_minscale = $currentLayer->layer_minscale; $newLayer->layer_maxscale = $currentLayer->layer_maxscale; $newLayer->layer_metadataurl = $currentLayer->metadataurl; $newLayer->gui_layer_wms_id = $currentLayer->gui_layer_wms_id; // $newLayer->gui_layer_wms_id = $wms->objLayer[0]->layer_uid; $newLayer->gui_layer_status = $currentLayer->gui_layer_status; $newLayer->gui_layer_style = $currentLayer->gui_layer_style; $newLayer->gui_layer_selectable = $currentLayer->gui_layer_selectable; if ($this->isOverview) { preg_match_all("/LAYERS\=([^&]*)/", $jsMapObject->mapURL[0], $resultMatrix); $layerList = $resultMatrix[1][0]; $layerListArray = explode(",", $layerList); $newLayer->gui_layer_visible = (in_array($currentLayer->layer_name, $layerListArray)) ? 1 : 0; } else { $newLayer->gui_layer_visible = $currentLayer->gui_layer_visible; } $newLayer->gui_layer_queryable = $currentLayer->gui_layer_queryable; $newLayer->gui_layer_querylayer = $currentLayer->gui_layer_querylayer; $newLayer->gui_layer_minscale = $currentLayer->gui_layer_minscale; $newLayer->gui_layer_maxscale = $currentLayer->gui_layer_maxscale; $newLayer->gui_layer_wfs_featuretype = $currentLayer->gui_layer_wfs_featuretype; // BEWARE THIS IS SUPER UGLY CODE $newLayer->layer_epsg = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($currentLayer->layer_epsg); $z++) { $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z] = array(); $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z]["epsg"] = $currentLayer->layer_epsg[$z]->epsg; $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z]["minx"] = $currentLayer->layer_epsg[$z]->minx; $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z]["miny"] = $currentLayer->layer_epsg[$z]->miny; $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z]["maxx"] = $currentLayer->layer_epsg[$z]->maxx; $newLayer->layer_epsg[$z]["maxy"] = $currentLayer->layer_epsg[$z]->maxy; } // BEWARE THIS IS SUPER UGLY CODE $newLayer->layer_style = array(); for ($z = 0; $z < count($currentLayer->layer_style); $z++) { $newLayer->layer_style[$z] = array(); $newLayer->layer_style[$z]["name"] = $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->name ? $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->name : "default"; $newLayer->layer_style[$z]["title"] = $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->title ? $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->title : "default"; $newLayer->layer_style[$z]["legendurl"] = $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->legendurl; $newLayer->layer_style[$z]["legendurlformat"] = $currentLayer->layer_style[$z]->legendurlformat; } } array_push($this->wmsArray, $wms); } return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // database functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ public static function selectMainMapByApplication ($appId) { return map::selectByApplication($appId, "mapframe1"); } public static function selectOverviewMapByApplication ($appId) { $currentMap = map::selectByApplication($appId, "overview"); if ($currentMap !== null) { $currentMap->setIsOverview(true); } return $currentMap; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Output // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Returns an array of string, which are JS statements. * @return String[] */ public function toJavaScript ($wmsIndex) { $jsCodeArray = array(); // initialise map object if ($wmsIndex === null) { $wmsIndex = "null"; } // syntax has changed in 2.6! Map is no longer a frame $registerMapString = "mb_registerMapObj('', " . "'" . $this->frameName . "', " . $wmsIndex . ", " . $this->width . ", " . $this->height . ");"; array_push($jsCodeArray, $registerMapString); // $e = new mb_notice("Map to JS: ov? " . $this->isOverview); // if map is overview... if ($this->isOverview) { // ...set overview flag $setOverviewFlagString = "mb_mapObj[mb_mapObj.length-1].isOverview = true;"; array_push($jsCodeArray, $setOverviewFlagString); } // set width $setMapframeWidth = "document.getElementById('" . $this->frameName . "')." . "style.width = " . $this->width . ";"; array_push($jsCodeArray, $setMapframeWidth); // set height $setMapframeHeight = "document.getElementById('" . $this->frameName . "')." . "style.height = " . $this->height . ";"; array_push($jsCodeArray, $setMapframeHeight); // calculate extent $calcExtentString = "mb_calculateExtent('" . $this->frameName . "', " . $this->extent->min->x . ", " . $this->extent->min->y . ", " . $this->extent->max->x . ", " . $this->extent->max->y . ");"; array_push($jsCodeArray, $calcExtentString); return $jsCodeArray; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static function selectByApplication ($appId, $frameName) { // find the mapframe in the application elements... $sql = "SELECT * FROM gui_element WHERE fkey_gui_id = $1 AND " . "e_id = $2 AND e_public = 1 LIMIT 1"; $v = array($appId, $frameName); $t = array('s', 's'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); // if found... if ($row) { $currentMap = new Map(); // use settings from database $currentMap->setWidth($row["e_width"]); $currentMap->setHeight($row["e_height"]); $currentMap->setFrameName($row["e_id"]); // get the WMS $wmsArray = wms::selectMyWmsByApplication($appId); // $e = new mb_notice("WMS in this map: " . implode(",", $wmsArray)); // if this is the overview, find the WMS index and // reset the WMS array // BEWARE, SUPER UGLY CODE AHEAD!! // (BUT THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO DO IT) if (strpos($row["e_src"], "mod_mapOV.php?wms") !== false) { // $e = new mb_exception("guess this is the OV"); $pattern = "/[\.\/a-zA-Z_]*\?wms=([0-9]*)[^0-9]*/"; $ovIndex = preg_replace($pattern, "\$1", $row["e_src"]); // $e = new mb_exception("OV index: " . $ovIndex); if (!$ovIndex) { $ovIndex = 0; } $wmsArray = array($wmsArray[$ovIndex]); // $e = new mb_notice("WMS in this map (corrected): " . implode(",", $wmsArray)); } else { // $e = new mb_exception("guess this is NOT the OV"); } $currentMap->wmsArray = $wmsArray; // EXTENT $minx = $wmsArray[0]->objLayer[0]->layer_epsg[0]["minx"]; $miny = $wmsArray[0]->objLayer[0]->layer_epsg[0]["miny"]; $maxx = $wmsArray[0]->objLayer[0]->layer_epsg[0]["maxx"]; $maxy = $wmsArray[0]->objLayer[0]->layer_epsg[0]["maxy"]; $epsg = $wmsArray[0]->objLayer[0]->layer_epsg[0]["epsg"]; $mapExtent = new Mapbender_bbox($minx, $miny, $maxx, $maxy, $epsg); $currentMap->setExtent($mapExtent); return $currentMap; } else { return null; } } } ?>