parseXml($xml); foreach ($values as $element) { if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "WFS_CAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ return $element[attributes][version]; } } throw new Exception("WFS version could not be determined from XML."); } protected function createFeatureTypeFromUrl () { } /** * Retrieves the data of a WFS from the database and initiates the object. * * @return * @param $id Integer * @param $aWfs Wfs is being created by the subclass */ public function createFromDb ($id) { if (func_num_args() == 2) { $aWfs = func_get_arg(1); } else { return null; } // WFS $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_id = $1;"; $v = array($id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res)){ $aWfs->id = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_id"); $aWfs->name = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_name"); $aWfs->title = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_title"); $aWfs->summary = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_abstract"); $aWfs->getCapabilities = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getcapabilities"); $aWfs->getCapabilitiesDoc = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getcapabilities_doc"); $aWfs->uploadUrl = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_upload_url"); $aWfs->describeFeatureType = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_describefeaturetype"); $aWfs->getFeature = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getfeature"); $aWfs->transaction = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_transaction"); $aWfs->fees = db_result($res, $cnt, "fees"); $aWfs->accessconstraints = db_result($res, $cnt, "accessconstraints"); $aWfs->owner = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_owner"); $aWfs->timestamp = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_timestamp"); // Featuretypes $sql_fe = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1 ORDER BY featuretype_id"; $v = array($aWfs->id); $t = array("i"); $res_fe = db_prep_query($sql_fe, $v, $t); $cnt_fe = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_fe)){ $ft = new WfsFeatureType($aWfs); $ft->id = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_id"); $ft->name = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_name"); $ft->title = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_title"); $ft->summary = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_abstract"); $ft->srs = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_srs"); // Elements $sql_el = "SELECT * FROM wfs_element WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1 ORDER BY element_id"; $v = array($ft->id); $t = array("i"); $res_el = db_prep_query($sql_el, $v, $t); $cnt_el = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_el)){ $ft->addElement( db_result($res_el, $cnt_el, "element_name"), db_result($res_el, $cnt_el, "element_type"), db_result($res_el, $cnt_el, "element_id") ); $cnt_el++; } //Namespaces $sql_ns = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype_namespace WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1 ORDER BY namespace"; $v = array($ft->id); $t = array("i"); $res_ns = db_prep_query($sql_ns, $v, $t); $cnt_ns = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_ns)){ $ft->addNamespace( db_result($res_ns, $cnt_ns, "namespace"), db_result($res_ns, $cnt_ns, "namespace_location") ); $cnt_ns++; } $aWfs->addFeatureType($ft); $cnt_fe++; } $cnt++; } return $aWfs; } } ?>