/owsproxy"); # -------------------------------------------- # Definitions for HTTP Authentication # -------------------------------------------- define('REALM', 'mapbender_registry'); define('NONCEKEY', 'mapbender'); $nonceLife = 300; define('HTTP_AUTH_PROXY',"https://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/http_auth"); //Problem - behind a rewrite rule - define it hardcoded? # -------------------------------------------- # type of server-connection # curl, socket, http # -------------------------------------------- #define("CONNECTION", "curl"); define("CONNECTION", "http"); #define("CONNECTION", "socket"); define("CONNECTION_PROXY", ""); // ip define("CONNECTION_PORT", ""); // port define("CONNECTION_USER", ""); // user define("CONNECTION_PASSWORD", ""); // password define("CONNECTION_USERAGENT", "Mapbender"); # -------------------------------------------- # HOSTs not for Proxy (curl) # -------------------------------------------- define("NOT_PROXY_HOSTS", ",,"); # -------------------------------------------- # security: path to modules # -------------------------------------------- define("CHECK", true); # -------------------------------------------- # enable/disable portal # -------------------------------------------- define("PORTAL", false); # -------------------------------------------- # mail settings for internal mapbender mails # smtp mailing # for further settings check 'class_administration.php' # please check phpmailer for more information # -------------------------------------------- define("USE_PHP_MAILING", "false"); define("MAILHOST", ""); define("MAILUSERNAME", ""); define("MAILPASSWORD", ""); define("MAILADMIN", ""); define("MAILADMINNAME", ""); $mailHost = MAILHOST; $mailUsername = MAILUSERNAME; $mailPassword = MAILPASSWORD; # -------------------------------------------- # wms monitoring # -------------------------------------------- define("AUTO_UPDATE", "0"); define("TIME_LIMIT", "300"); define("PHP_PATH", "/usr/local/bin/"); # -------------------------------------------- # Mapbender error logging # -------------------------------------------- define("LOG_LEVEL", "error"); //"off","error","warning","notice" or "all" define("LOG_JS", "off"); // "on", "alert", "console" or "off" # -------------------------------------------- # Internationalization # -------------------------------------------- define("USE_I18N", false); // requires gettext for PHP. // If "false", LANGUAGE is set to english define("LANGUAGE", "en"); // only available if USE_I18N is "true". // "en", "de", "bg", "gr", "nl", "hu", "it", "es","fr","pt" # -------------------------------------------- # RSS # Mapbender > 2.7 generates a GeoRSS file which shows the changes in the mapbender service database. The # GeoRSS file get entries when wms are uploaded, updated or deleted. The RSS file can be used to show the positions # of new layers and services on in the own mapframe or in other applications. # -------------------------------------------- define("GEO_RSS_FILE", "../tmp/georss.xml"); #--------------------------------------------- # PREVIEW # This path is defined to allow a saving of preview pictures for the content of wms/layers and # wmc docs. The preview can generated with the wms and wmc metadata editor guis and the previews are used # by the metadata module and are distributed with the iso19139 files which can be generated by mapbender. #--------------------------------------------- define("PREVIEW_DIR", "../geoportal/preview"); # -------------------------------------------- # UPLOAD # -------------------------------------------- define("UPLOAD_DIR", "../tmp"); define("UPLOAD_WHITELIST_FILE_TYPES", ""); define("UPLOAD_BLACKLIST_FILE_TYPES", ""); define("UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_KB", 2048); # -------------------------------------------- # use jQuery from Google CDN # -------------------------------------------- define("LOAD_JQUERY_FROM_GOOGLE", false); # -------------------------------------------- # define a public user # This user is a typical anonymous user which don't need to authenticate itself. # Some functions of the portal framework not allowed for this user. # -------------------------------------------- define("PUBLIC_USER", ""); # -------------------------------------------- # Define a session name (useful for installations when more than one mapbender is installed on one server. # These installations won't share the session but will share probably one database. When the user switch from one # to another installation - and there are different session names - the configuration from the session will be forgotten. There is a new environment.) # -------------------------------------------- #define("SESSION_NAME", "MAPBENDER"); #--------------------------------------------- # HOSTNAME WHITELIST # The whitelist is used for some modules who generate urls from a given hostName GET parameter. In such a case it is usefull to give a whitelist for security reasons! If no hostName is given, the parameter $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is used for the urls! #--------------------------------------------- define("HOSTNAME_WHITELIST", ""); # -------------------------------------------- # Calculate bboxes for all supported SRS (Postgis needed) # This module will compute bboxes for all srs which will be found in the service capabilities and which are defined # in the array below. Normaly mapbender only uses bbox's which are given thru the service caps. In many use cases it is # needfull to have more than one bbox given (e.g. metadata). The array is defined to supress the calculation of to many # srs like e.g. geoserver offers. The array should include all the srs which are used in the mapbender installation and # which are usefull for the special community for which the installation was done (local-sdi, INSPIRE, ...) # -------------------------------------------- #define("SRS_ARRAY", "4326, 31466, 31467, 31468, 25832"); ###HACK for GLOBALS $DBSERVER=DBSERVER; $DB=DB; $OWNER=OWNER; $PW=PW; ?>