createFromXml($xml); * * If you want to create a WMC object from a WMC in the database * $xml = wmc::getDocument($wmcId); * $myWmc = new wmc(); * $myWmc->createFromXml($xml); * * * Instantiation (2) create a WMC from the client side * $myWmc = new wmc(); * $myWmc->createFromJs($mapObject, $generalTitle, $extensionData); * * (creates a WMC from the JS data and then creates an object from that WMC) * * Output (1) (do Instantiation first) Load a WMC into client * This will return an array of JS statements * * $myWmc->toJavaScript(); * * Output (2) (do Instantiation first) Merge with another WMC, then load * * $myWmc->merge($anotherWmcXml); * $myWmc->toJavaScript(); * */ class wmc { /** * Representing the main map in a map application * @var Map */ var $mainMap; /** * Representing an (optional) overview map in a map application * @var Map */ var $overviewMap; /** * @var Array */ var $generalExtensionArray = array(); /** * The XML representation of this WMC. * @var String */ var $xml; // constants var $saveWmcAsFile = false; var $extensionNamespace = "mapbender"; var $extensionNamespaceUrl = ""; // set in constructor var $wmc_id; var $userId; var $timestamp; var $public; // set during parsing var $wmc_version; var $wmc_name; var $wmc_title; var $wmc_abstract; var $wmc_srs; var $wmc_extent; var $wmc_keyword = array(); var $wmc_contactposition; var $wmc_contactvoicetelephone; var $wmc_contactemail; var $wmc_contactfacsimiletelephone; var $wmc_contactperson; var $wmc_contactorganization; var $wmc_contactaddresstype; var $wmc_contactaddress; var $wmc_contactcity; var $wmc_contactstateorprovince; var $wmc_contactpostcode; var $wmc_contactcountry; var $wmc_logourl; var $wmc_logourl_format; var $wmc_logourl_type; var $wmc_logourl_width; var $wmc_logourl_height; var $wmc_descriptionurl; var $wmc_descriptionurl_format; var $wmc_descriptionurl_type; var $inspireCats; var $isoTopicCats; var $customCats; public function __construct () { $this->userId = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"); $this->timestamp = time(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // INSTANTIATION // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Parses the XML string and instantiates the WMC object. * * @param $xml String */ public function createFromXml ($xml) { return $this->createObjFromWMC_xml($xml); } /** * Loads a WMC from the database. * * @param integer $wmc_id the ID of the WMC document in the database table "mb_user_wmc" */ function createFromDb($wmcId) { $doc = wmc::getDocument($wmcId); if ($doc === false) { return false; } $this->createObjFromWMC_xml($doc); $sql = "SELECT wmc_timestamp, wmc_title, wmc_public, srs, minx, miny, maxx, maxy " . "FROM mb_user_wmc WHERE wmc_serial_id = $1 AND (fkey_user_id = $2 OR wmc_public = 1)"; $v = array($wmcId, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); $t = array("i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(db_error()) { return false; } if($row = db_fetch_row($res)) { $this->wmc_id = $wmcId; $this->timestamp = $row[0]; $this->title = $row[1]; $this->public = $row[2]; $this->wmc_srs = $row[3]; $this->wmc_extent->minx = $row[4]; $this->wmc_extent->miny = $row[5]; $this->wmc_extent->maxx = $row[6]; $this->wmc_extent->maxy = $row[7]; return true; } return false; } public function createFromApplication ($appId) { // get the map objects "overview" and "mapframe1" $this->mainMap = map::selectMainMapByApplication($appId); $this->overviewMap = map::selectOverviewMapByApplication($appId); // a wWFS is basically just a vectorlayer, and a WFSconf is just a configured WFS, // so it makes sense to attach the WFSCONFIDstring to to the mapobject // this clearly needs a better solution though... try{ $ev = new ElementVar($appId,"mapframe1","wfsConfIdString"); $this->generalExtensionArray['WFSCONFIDSTRING'] = $ev->value; }catch(Exception $E){ // ... exceprtions are a terribkle way to do this, but I am not going to rewrite the ElementVar class $this->generalExtensionArray['WFSCONFIDSTRING'] = ""; } $this->createXml(); $this->saveAsFile(); } /** * Creates a WMC object from a JS map object {@see map_obj.js} * * @param object $mapObject a map object * @param integer $user_id the ID of the current user * @param string $generalTitle the desired title of the WMC * @param object $extensionData data exclusive to Mapbender, which will be * mapped into the extension part of the WMC */ public function createFromJs($mapObject, $generalTitle,$extensionData, $id=null) { if (count($mapObject) > 2) { $e = new mb_exception("Save WMC only works for two concurrent map frames (overview plus main) at the moment."); } // set extension data $this->generalExtensionArray = $extensionData; if ($id) { //set id $this->wmc_id = $id; } // set title $this->wmc_title = $generalTitle; // create the map objects for ($i = 0; $i < count($mapObject); $i++) { $currentMap = new Map(); $currentMap->createFromJs($mapObject[$i]); if (isset($mapObject[$i]->isOverview)) { $this->overviewMap = $currentMap; } else { $this->mainMap = $currentMap; } } // create XML $this->createXml(); $this->saveAsFile(); return true; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DATABASE FUNCTIONS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public function getPublicWmcIds () { $sql = "SELECT wmc_serial_id FROM mb_user_wmc "; $sql .= "WHERE wmc_public = 1 GROUP BY wmc_serial_id"; $res_wmc = db_query($sql); $wmcArray = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res_wmc)) { array_push($wmcArray, $row["wmc_serial_id"]); } return $wmcArray; } public function getAccessibleWmcs ($user) { $wmcArray = array(); // get WMC ids $wmcOwnerArray = $user->getWmcByOwner(); $publicWmcIdArray = $this->getPublicWmcIds(); return array_keys( array_flip(array_merge($wmcOwnerArray, $publicWmcIdArray))); } public function selectByUser ($user, $showPublic=0) { $wmcArray = array(); // get WMC ids $wmcOwnerArray = $user->getWmcByOwner(); if ($showPublic==1) { $publicWmcIdArray = self::getPublicWmcIds(); $wmcIdArray = array_keys( array_flip(array_merge($wmcOwnerArray, $publicWmcIdArray))); } else { $publicWmcIdArray = array(); $wmcIdArray=$wmcOwnerArray; } // get WMC data $v = array(); $t = array(); $wmcIdList = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmcIdArray); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $wmcIdList .= ","; } $wmcIdList .= "$".($i+1); array_push($v, $wmcIdArray[$i]); array_push($t, 's'); } if ($wmcIdList !== "") { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT wmc_serial_id, wmc_title, wmc_timestamp, wmc_timestamp_create, wmc_public, abstract FROM mb_user_wmc "; $sql .= "WHERE wmc_serial_id IN (" . $wmcIdList . ") "; $sql .= "ORDER BY wmc_timestamp DESC"; $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); while($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $currentResult = array(); $currentResult["id"] = $row["wmc_serial_id"]; $currentResult["abstract"] = $row["abstract"]; $currentResult["title"] = administration::convertIncomingString($row["wmc_title"]); $currentResult["timestamp"] = date("M d Y H:i:s", $row["wmc_timestamp"]); $currentResult["timestamp_create"] = date("M d Y H:i:s", $row["wmc_timestamp_create"]); $currentResult["isPublic"] = $row["wmc_public"] == 1? true: false; $currentResult["disabled"] = (( in_array($currentResult["id"], $publicWmcIdArray) && !in_array($currentResult["id"], $wmcOwnerArray)) || $user->isPublic()) ? true : false; // get categories $currentResult["categories"] = $this->getCategoriesById($currentResult["id"], $user); $currentResult["keywords"] = $this->getKeywordsById($currentResult["id"], $user); array_push($wmcArray, $currentResult); } } return $wmcArray; } private function getKeywordsById ($id, $user) { $wmcArray = $this->getAccessibleWmcs($user); if (!in_array($id, $wmcArray)) { return array(); } $keywordArray = array(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT k.keyword FROM keyword AS k, wmc_keyword AS w " . "WHERE w.fkey_keyword_id = k.keyword_id AND w.fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1"; $v = array($id); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $keywordArray[]= $row["keyword"]; } return $keywordArray; } private function getCategoriesById ($id, $user) { $wmcArray = $this->getAccessibleWmcs($user); if (!in_array($id, $wmcArray)) { return array(); } $categoryArray = array(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT t.md_topic_category_id FROM " . "md_topic_category AS t, wmc_md_topic_category AS w " . "WHERE w.fkey_md_topic_category_id = t.md_topic_category_id " . "AND w.fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1"; $v = array($id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $categoryArray[]= $row["md_topic_category_id"]; } return $categoryArray; } private function compareWms ($a, $b) { if ($a["id"] === $b["id"]) return 0; return -1; } public function getAllWms () { $wmsArray = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); $resultObj = array(); $usedIds = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { if (in_array($wmsArray[$i]->wms_id, $usedIds)) { continue; } $resultObj[]= array( "title" => $wmsArray[$i]->wms_title, "id" => is_null($wmsArray[$i]->wms_id) ? null : intval($wmsArray[$i]->wms_id), "index" => $i ); $usedIds[]= $wmsArray[$i]->wms_id; } return $resultObj; } public function getWmsWithoutId () { $wmsArray = $this->getAllWms(); $resultObj = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { if (is_numeric($wmsArray[$i]["id"])) { continue; } $resultObj[]= array( "title" => $wmsArray[$i]["title"], "id" => $wmsArray[$i]["id"], "index" => $i ); } return $resultObj; } public function getWmsWithId () { return array_values(array_udiff( $this->getAllWms(), $this->getWmsWithoutId(), array("wmc", "compareWms") )); } public function getValidWms () { $inv = $this->getInvalidWms(); $withId = $this->getWmsWithId(); return array_values(array_udiff( $withId, $inv, array("wmc", "compareWms") )); } public function getInvalidWms () { $resultObj = array(); $wmsArray = $this->getWmsWithId(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(wms_id) FROM wms WHERE wms_id = $1"; $v = array($wmsArray[$i]["id"]); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $layerRow = db_fetch_row($res); if (intval($layerRow[0]) === 0) { $resultObj[]= array( "title" => $wmsArray[$i]["title"], "id" => intval($wmsArray[$i]["id"]), "index" => $wmsArray[$i]["index"] ); } } return $resultObj; } public function getWmsWithPermission ($user) { $wmsArray = $this->getValidWms(); $resultObj = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { $currentWmsId = intval($wmsArray[$i]["id"]); if ($user->isWmsAccessible($currentWmsId)) { $resultObj[]= array( "title" => $wmsArray[$i]["title"], "id" => intval($currentWmsId), "index" => $wmsArray[$i]["index"] ); } } return $resultObj; } public function getWmsWithoutPermission ($user) { return array_values(array_udiff( $this->getValidWms(), $this->getWmsWithPermission($user), array("wmc", "compareWms") )); } public function getAvailableWms ($user) { return array_values(array_udiff( $this->getWmsWithPermission($user), $this->getUnavailableWms(), array("wmc", "compareWms") )); } public function getUnavailableWms ($user) { $wmsArray = $this->getWmsWithPermission($user); $resultObj = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { $currentWmsId = $wmsArray[$i]["id"]; $sql = "SELECT last_status FROM mb_wms_availability WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1"; $v = array($currentWmsId); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $statusRow = db_fetch_row($res); $status = intval($statusRow[0]); if (isset($status) && $status == -1) { $resultObj[]= array( "title" => $wmsArray[$i]["title"], "id" => $currentWmsId, "index" => $wmsArray[$i]["index"] ); } } return $resultObj; } public function updateUrlsFromDb () { $query_mbWMSId = "/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:LayerList/wmc:Layer/wmc:Extension/mapbender:wms_id"; try { $WMCDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($this->toXml()); } catch (Exception $E) { new mb_exception("WMC XML is broken."); } $xpath = new DOMXPath($WMCDoc); $xpath->registerNamespace("wmc",""); $xpath->registerNamespace("mapbender",""); $xpath->registerNamespace("xlink",""); $WMSIdList = $xpath->query($query_mbWMSId); foreach($WMSIdList as $WMSId) { $id = $WMSId->nodeValue; $sql = "SELECT wms_timestamp,wms_getmap,wms_getlegendurl, wms_owsproxy " . "FROM wms WHERE wms_id = $1";// AND " . //"wms_owsproxy <> NULL AND wms_owsproxy <> ''"; $v = array($id); $t = array("t"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (db_error()) { true; } //FIMXE: PROPER ERROR MESSAGE if($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { //check if ows_proxy is set if (isset($row["wms_owsproxy"]) && $row["wms_owsproxy"] != '') { //set relevant wms urls to owsproxy urls $wmsowsproxy = $row["wms_owsproxy"]; $owsproxyurl = OWSPROXY."/".session_id()."/".$wmsowsproxy."?"; $wmsGetMapUrl = $owsproxyurl; $wmsGetLegendUrl = $owsproxyurl; //in the case of owsproxy the urls should be exchanged every time! $MapResources = $xpath->query("../../wmc:Server/wmc:OnlineResource",$WMSId); foreach($MapResources as $MapResource) { $MapResource->setAttribute("xlink:href",$wmsGetMapUrl); } $LegendResources = $xpath->query("../../wmc:StyleList/wmc:Style/wmc:LegendURL/wmc:OnlineResource",$WMSId); foreach ($LegendResources as $LegendResource) { $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: old getlegendurl (WMC): ".$LegendResource->getAttribute("xlink:href")); $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: new getlegendurl (OWSPROXY): ".$wmsGetLegendUrl); //get param part of getlegend url from xml $arURL = parse_url($LegendResource->getAttribute("xlink:href")); $query = $arURL["query"]; $url = $wmsGetLegendUrl . $query; $LegendResource->setAttribute("xlink:href",$url); } } else { //service is not secured - exchange urls only when they may have changed $wmsGetMapUrl = $row["wms_getmap"]; $wmsGetLegendUrl = $row["wms_getlegendurl"]; //in cases when no owsproxy is defined exchange only if timestamp are not in sync $wms_timestamp = $row["wms_timestamp"]; //if ($this->timestamp < $wms_timestamp) {//TODO: check if such a distiction is really needful - the timestamp of a wmc changes if some metadata changes - therefor it is needed - exchange all urls by default! if (false) { // wmc is fresh, life is good $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: the wms metadata has not been changed - no url will be exchanged!"); } else { $MapResources = $xpath->query("../../wmc:Server/wmc:OnlineResource",$WMSId); $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: the wms is newer than the wmc -urls will be exchanged!"); foreach($MapResources as $MapResource) { $MapResource->setAttribute("xlink:href",$wmsGetMapUrl); } $LegendResources = $xpath->query("../../wmc:StyleList/wmc:Style/wmc:LegendURL/wmc:OnlineResource",$WMSId); foreach ($LegendResources as $LegendResource) { $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: old getlegendurl (WMC): ".$LegendResource->getAttribute("xlink:href")); $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc.php: new getlegendurl (DB): ".$wmsGetLegendUrl); //get param part of getlegend url from xml $arURL = parse_url($LegendResource->getAttribute("xlink:href")); $query = $arURL["query"]; $url = $wmsGetLegendUrl . $query; $LegendResource->setAttribute("xlink:href",$url); } } } } } $updatedWMC = $WMCDoc->saveXML(); $this->update_existing($updatedWMC,$wmsId); return $updatedWMC; } /** * Stores this WMC in the database. The WMC has to be instantiated first, see above. * * @return mixed[] an assoc array with attributes "success" (boolean) and "message" (String). */ public function insert ($overwrite) { $result = array(); if ($this->userId && $this->xml && $this->wmc_title) { try { $user = new user($this->userId); } catch (Exception $E) { $errMsg = "Error while saving WMC document " . $this->wmc_title . "': Invalid UserId"; $result["success"] = false; $result["message"] = $errMsg; $e = new mb_exception("mod_insertWMCIntoDB: " . $errMsg); return $result; } $overwrite = ($user->isPublic())? false: $overwrite; //put keywords into Document try { $WMCDoc = DOMDocument::loadXML($this->toXml()); } catch (Exception $E) { new mb_exception("WMC XML is broken."); } $xpath = new DOMXPath($WMCDoc); $xpath->registerNamespace("wmc",""); $xpath->registerNamespace("mapbender",""); $xpath->registerNamespace("xlink",""); $query_KeywordList = "/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General/wmc:KeywordList"; $query_general = "/wmc:ViewContext/wmc:General"; $DocKeywordLists = $xpath->query($query_KeywordList); // we just use a single element $NewKeywordList = $WMCDoc->createElementNS('', 'wmc:KeywordList'); $WMCDoc->appendChild($NewKeywordList); foreach($this->wmc_keyword as $keyword) { $Keyword = $WMCDoc->createElementNS('', 'wmc:Keyword', $keyword); $NewKeywordList->appendChild($Keyword); } $generalList = $xpath->query($query_general); $general = $generalList->item(0); if($DocKeywordLists->item(0)) { $tmpNode = $WMCDoc->importNode($DocKeywordLists->item(0),true); $general->replaceChild($NewKeywordList,$tmpNode); } else { $tmpNode = $WMCDoc->importNode($NewKeywordList,true); $general->appendChild($tmpNode); } $this->xml = $WMCDoc->saveXML(); db_begin(); if($overwrite) { $findsql = "SELECT fkey_user_id,wmc_title,wmc_timestamp, wmc_serial_id FROM mb_user_wmc WHERE fkey_user_id = $1 AND wmc_serial_id = $2 ORDER BY wmc_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1;"; $v = array($this->userId, $this->wmc_id); $t = array("i","i"); $res = db_prep_query($findsql,$v,$t); if (db_error()) { $errMsg = "Error while saving WMC document '" . $this->wmc_title . "': " . db_error(); $result["success"] = false; $result["message"] = $errMsg; $e = new mb_exception("mod_insertWMCIntoDB: " . $errMsg); return $result; } if($row = db_fetch_row($res)) { $sql = "UPDATE mb_user_wmc SET wmc = $1, wmc_timestamp = $2, abstract = $3, srs = $4, minx = $5, miny = $6,". " maxx = $7, maxy = $8, wmc_title = $9 WHERE fkey_user_id = $10 AND wmc_serial_id=$11 AND wmc_timestamp = $12;"; $v = array($this->xml, time(), $this->wmc_abstract, $this->wmc_srs, $this->wmc_extent->minx, $this->wmc_extent->miny, $this->wmc_extent->maxx, $this->wmc_extent->maxy ,administration::convertOutgoingString($this->wmc_title), $this->userId, $this->wmc_id,$row[2]); $t = array("s", "s","s","s","i","i","i","i", "s", "i", "i","s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); // need the database Id $wmc_DB_ID = $row[3]; $delsqlCustomTopic = "DELETE FROM wmc_custom_category WHERE fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $delvCustomTopic = array($wmc_DB_ID); $deltCustomTopic = array("s"); db_prep_query($delsqlCustomTopic, $delvCustomTopic,$deltCustomTopic); $delsqlInspireTopic = "DELETE FROM wmc_inspire_category WHERE fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $delvInspireTopic= array($wmc_DB_ID); $deltInspireTopic = array("s"); db_prep_query($delsqlInspireTopic, $delvInspireTopic,$deltInspireTopic); $delsql = "DELETE FROM wmc_md_topic_category WHERE fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $delv = array($wmc_DB_ID); $delt = array("s"); db_prep_query($delsql, $delv,$delt); $delkwsql = "DELETE FROM wmc_keyword WHERE fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $delkwv = array($wmc_DB_ID); $delkwt = array("s"); db_prep_query($delkwsql, $delkwv,$delkwt); } else { $sql = "SELECT max(wmc_serial_id) AS i FROM mb_user_wmc"; $res = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($res); $wmc_DB_ID_new = intval($row["i"])+1; $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_user_wmc (" . "wmc_id, fkey_user_id, wmc, wmc_title, wmc_public, wmc_timestamp, wmc_timestamp_create, " . "abstract, srs, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, wmc_serial_id". ") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14);"; $v = array(time(), $this->userId, $this->xml, administration::convertOutgoingString($this->wmc_title), $this->isPublic()?1:0,time(),time(), $this->wmc_abstract, $this->wmc_srs, $this->wmc_extent->minx, $this->wmc_extent->miny, $this->wmc_extent->maxx, $this->wmc_extent->maxy, $wmc_DB_ID_new); $t = array("s", "i", "s", "s", "i", "s","s", "s","s","i","i","i", "i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); //$sql = "SELECT max(wmc_serial_id) AS i FROM mb_user_wmc"; //$res = db_query($sql); //$row = db_fetch_assoc($res); //$wmc_DB_ID = intval($row["i"]); } } //if overwrite = false else { $sql = "SELECT max(wmc_serial_id) AS i FROM mb_user_wmc"; $res = db_query($sql); $row = db_fetch_assoc($res); $wmc_DB_ID_new = intval($row["i"])+1; $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_user_wmc (" . "wmc_id, fkey_user_id, wmc, wmc_title, wmc_public, wmc_timestamp, wmc_timestamp_create, " . "abstract, srs, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, wmc_serial_id". ") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14);"; //$e = new mb_exception($sql); $v = array(time(), $this->userId, $this->xml, administration::convertOutgoingString($this->wmc_title), $this->isPublic()?1:0, time(),time(), $this->wmc_abstract, $this->wmc_srs, $this->wmc_extent->minx, $this->wmc_extent->miny, $this->wmc_extent->maxx, $this->wmc_extent->maxy, $wmc_DB_ID_new); $t = array("s", "i", "s", "s", "i", "s","s", "s","s","i","i","i", "i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); } if (db_error()) { $errMsg = "Error while saving WMC document '" . $this->wmc_title . "': " . db_error(); $result["success"] = false; $result["message"] = $errMsg; $e = new mb_exception("mod_insertWMCIntoDB: " . $errMsg); } else { // because the wmc id is created each time a wmc is instantiated $this->wmc_id has nothing to do with the database wmc_id // this is some duct tape to fix it :-( // see also above where wmc_DB_ID is defined if we need to update if(!isset($wmc_DB_ID_new)) { $wmc_DB_ID_new = $this->wmc_id; } // update keywords foreach($this->wmc_keyword as $keyword) { // if a keyword does not yet exist, create it $keywordExistsSql = "SELECT keyword FROM keyword WHERE keyword = $1"; $keywordCreateSql = "INSERT INTO keyword (keyword) VALUES($1);"; $v = array($keyword); $t = array("s"); $res = db_prep_query($keywordExistsSql,$v,$t); if(db_num_rows($res) == 0) { $res = db_prep_query($keywordCreateSql,$v,$t); if($a = db_error()) { } } $keywordsql = <<isoTopicCats = $this->isoTopicCats? $this->isoTopicCats: array(); foreach($this->isoTopicCats as $catId) { $catSql = "INSERT INTO wmc_md_topic_category (fkey_wmc_serial_id, fkey_md_topic_category_id) VALUES ($1,$2)"; $v = array($wmc_DB_ID_new, $catId); $t = array("s","s"); $res = db_prep_query($catSql, $v, $t); } // update inspire categories $this->inspireCats = $this->inspireCats? $this->inspireCats: array(); foreach($this->inspireCats as $catId) { $catSql = "INSERT INTO wmc_inspire_category (fkey_wmc_serial_id, fkey_inspire_category_id) VALUES ($1,$2)"; $v = array($wmc_DB_ID_new, $catId); $t = array("s","s"); $res = db_prep_query($catSql, $v, $t); } // update custom categories $this->customCats = $this->customCats? $this->customCats: array(); foreach($this->customCats as $catId) { $catSql = "INSERT INTO wmc_custom_category (fkey_wmc_serial_id, fkey_custom_category_id) VALUES ($1,$2)"; $v = array($wmc_DB_ID_new, $catId); $t = array("s","s"); $res = db_prep_query($catSql, $v, $t); } $result["success"] = true; $msg = "WMC document '" . $this->wmc_title . "' has been saved."; $result["message"] = $msg; $e = new mb_notice("mod_insertWMCIntoDB: WMC '" . $this->wmc_title . "' saved successfully."); } } else { $result["success"] = false; $errMsg = "missing parameters (user_id: ".$this->userId.", title: " . $this->wmc_title . ")"; $result["message"] = $errMsg; $e = new mb_exception("mod_insertWMCIntoDB: " . $errMsg .")"); } db_commit(); return $result; } /* * overwrites an exact version of a wmc in the database */ public function update_existing($xml,$id) { $sql = "UPDATE mb_user_wmc SET wmc = $1 WHERE wmc_serial_id = $2"; $v = array($xml,$id); $t = array("s","i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(db_error()) { $e = new mb_exception("There was an error saving an updated WMC"); } } /** * deletes a {@link WMC} * entry specified by wmc_id and user_id * * @param integer the user_id * @param string the wmc_id * @return boolean Did the query run successful? */ public static function delete ($wmcId, $userId) { if (!isset($userId) || $userId === null) { $userId = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"); } try { $user = new user($userId); } catch (Exception $E) { return $false; } if($user->isPublic()) { return $false; } $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_user_wmc "; $sql .= "WHERE fkey_user_id = $1 AND wmc_serial_id = $2"; $v = array($userId, $wmcId); $t = array('i', 's'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if ($res) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns a WMC document * @return String|boolean The document if it exists; else false * @param $id String the WMC id */ public static function getDocument ($id) { $sql = "SELECT wmc FROM mb_user_wmc WHERE wmc_serial_id = $1 AND " . "(fkey_user_id = $2 OR wmc_public = 1)"; $v = array($id, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); $t = array('s', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) { return $row["wmc"]; } return false; } /** * Returns a WMC document * @return String|boolean The document if it exists; else false * @param $id String the WMC id */ public static function getDocumentByTitle ($title) { $sql = "SELECT wmc FROM mb_user_wmc WHERE wmc_title = $1 AND " . "(fkey_user_id = $2 OR wmc_public = 1)"; $v = array($title, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); $t = array('s', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) { return $row["wmc"]; } return false; } /* * sets the WMC's public flag * @param $public boolean wether access should be public */ public function setPublic($public) { $currentUser = new User(Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); if ($currentUser->isPublic()) { return false; } $wmcId = $this->wmc_id; $public = $public ? 1 :0; $sql = "UPDATE mb_user_wmc SET wmc_public = $1 WHERE wmc_serial_id = $2 AND fkey_user_id = $3;"; $v = array($public,$wmcId, $currentUser->id); $t = array("i","s","i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(db_error()) { return false; } return true; } /* * increments the wmc_load_count if it has been set before * @param $wmc_id wmc_serial_id */ public function incrementWmcLoadCount() { $wmcId = $this->wmc_id; //check for public else return false if ($this->isPublic()) { //check if a load_count has been set before //if not been set, set it to 1 //else increment it $sql = "SELECT load_count FROM wmc_load_count where fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $v = array($wmcId); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(db_error()) { return false; } $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) { $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc: incrementWmcLoadCount found entry increment should be performed"); $count = $row['load_count']; $count++; $sql = "UPDATE wmc_load_count SET load_count = $2 WHERE fkey_wmc_serial_id = $1;"; $v = array($wmcId,$count); $t = array("i","i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } else { $e = new mb_exception("class_wmc: incrementWmcLoadCount dont found entry - new should be set to 1"); $sql = "INSERT INTO wmc_load_count (fkey_wmc_serial_id,load_count) VALUES ($1, $2);"; $v = array($wmcId,1); $t = array("i","i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } return true; } return false; } /* * test if the given wmc is public * */ public function isPublic() { $wmcId = $this->wmc_id; $sql = "SELECT wmc_serial_id FROM mb_user_wmc "; $sql .= "WHERE wmc_serial_id = $1 AND wmc_public = 1;"; $v = array($wmcId); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if (isset($row['wmc_serial_id']) && $row['wmc_serial_id'] != '') { $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc: isPublic is true"); return true; } $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc: isPublic is false"); return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GETTER FUNCTIONS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @return string the title of the WMC. */ public function getTitle() { return $this->wmc_title; } private function getLayerWithoutIdArray () { $layerWithoutWmsIdArray = array(); $layerWithoutLayerIdArray = array(); // check if WMS IDs exist $wmsArray = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { $currentWms = $wmsArray[$i]; if (!is_numeric($currentWms[$currentId])) { array_push($layerWithoutWmsIdArray, $currentId); } } // check if layer IDs exist for ($i = 0; $i < count($layerIdArray); $i++) { $currentId = $layerIdArray[$i]; if (!is_numeric($this->wmc_layer_id[$currentId])) { array_push($layerWithoutLayerIdArray, $currentId); } } $noIdArray = array_unique(array_merge($layerWithoutWmsIdArray, $layerWithoutLayerIdArray)); return $noIdArray; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OUTPUT FUNCTIONS // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Wrapper function, returns XML at the moment * @return String */ public function __toString() { return $this->toXml(); } /** * Returns the XML document if available * * @return String The XML document; if unavailable, null is returned. */ public function toXml () { // if (!$this->xml) { $this->createXml(); // } return $this->xml; } private function incrementLoadCount ($wms) { // counts how often a layer has been loaded $monitor = new Layer_load_count(); foreach ($wms->objLayer as $l) { $monitor->increment($l->layer_uid); } } public function extentToJavaScript() { return $this->mainMap->extentToJavaScript(); } public function wmsToJavaScript() { $wmsArray = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); $wmcJsArray = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { $currentWms = $wmsArray[$i]; $wmcJsArray[] = $currentWms->createJsObjFromWMS_(); $this->incrementLoadCount($currentWms); } return $wmcJsArray; } public function featuretypeConfToJavaScript() { $wfsConfIds = $this->generalExtensionArray['WFSCONFIDSTRING']; //new mb_notice("app AAAA idstr $wfsConfIds"); $featuretypeConfs = array(); $featuretypeConfArray = is_string($wfsConfIds) ? explode(",", $wfsConfIds) : array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($featuretypeConfArray); $i++) { $featuretypeConf = WfsConf::getWfsConfFromDb($featuretypeConfArray[$i]); array_push($featuretypeConfs,$featuretypeConf); } $featuretypeConfObj = new Mapbender_JSON(); $featuretypeConfObj = $featuretypeConfObj->encode($featuretypeConfs); return $featuretypeConfObj; } public function removeWms ($wmsIndexArray) { $wmsArray = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); // remove WMS from overview map if (!is_null($this->overviewMap)) { $ovIndices = array(); $ovWmsArray = $this->overviewMap->getWmsArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ovWmsArray); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($wmsArray); $j++) { if ($ovWmsArray[$i]->equals($wmsArray[$j]) && in_array($j, $wmsIndexArray)) { $ovIndices[]= $i; break; } } } $this->overviewMap->removeWms($ovIndices); } // remove WMS from main map $this->mainMap->removeWms($wmsIndexArray); } /** * Returns an array of JavaScript statements * * @return String[] */ public function toJavaScript () { $skipWmsArray = array(); if (func_num_args() === 1) { if (!is_array(func_get_arg(0))) { throw new Exception("Invalid argument, must be array."); } $skipWmsArray = func_get_arg(0); } // will contain the JS code to create the maps // representing the state stored in this WMC $wmcJsArray = array(); // set general extension data if (count($this->generalExtensionArray) > 0) { $json = new Mapbender_JSON(); array_push($wmcJsArray, "restoredWmcExtensionData = " . $json->encode($this->generalExtensionArray) . ";"); } // reset WMS data array_push($wmcJsArray, "wms = [];"); array_push($wmcJsArray, "wms_layer_count = 0;"); // add WMS for main map frame $wmsArray = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); // find the WMS in the main map which is equal to the WMS // in the overview map $overviewWmsIndex = null; $ovWmsArray = array(); if ($this->overviewMap !== null) { $ovWmsArray = $this->overviewMap->getWmsArray(); $overviewWmsIndex = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ovWmsArray); $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($wmsArray); $j++) { if ($ovWmsArray[$i]->equals($wmsArray[$j]) && !in_array($j, $skipWmsArray)) { $overviewWmsIndex = $j; $wmsIndexOverview = $i; break; } } } } // for all wms... for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArray); $i++) { if (in_array($i, $skipWmsArray)) { continue; } array_push($wmcJsArray, $wmsArray[$i]->createJsObjFromWMS_()); $this->incrementLoadCount($wmsArray[$i]); } // delete existing map objects... // array_push($wmcJsArray, "mb_mapObj = [];"); // .. and add the overview map (if exists) and set map request if ($this->overviewMap !== null) { $wmcJsArray = array_merge( $wmcJsArray, $this->overviewMap->toJavaScript( "{wms:wms,wmsIndexOverview:" . $overviewWmsIndex . "}" ) ); } // .. and add main map .. $wmcJsArray = array_merge( $wmcJsArray, $this->mainMap->toJavaScript( "{wms:wms,wmsIndexOverview:null}" ) ); // set visibility of ov map WMS (may be different from main) if ($this->overviewMap !== null) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($ovWmsArray[$wmsIndexOverview]->objLayer); $i++) { $visStr = "try { Mapbender.modules['".$this->overviewMap->getFrameName(). // "'].wms[" .$wmsIndexOverview . "].handleLayer(" . // The above doesn't work. // But there is only one WMS in the overview anyway! The index 0 is hard wired for now. "'].wms[0].handleLayer(" . "'" . $ovWmsArray[$wmsIndexOverview]->objLayer[$i]->layer_name . "', " . "'visible', " . ($ovWmsArray[$wmsIndexOverview]->objLayer[$i]->gui_layer_visible ? 1 : 0) . ")} catch (e) {};"; array_push($wmcJsArray, $visStr); } array_push($wmcJsArray, "try { Mapbender.modules['".$this->overviewMap->getFrameName(). "'].restateLayers(" . $ovWmsArray[$wmsIndexOverview]->wms_id . ");} catch (e) {};"); } // .. request the map array_push($wmcJsArray, "Mapbender.modules['".$this->mainMap->getFrameName(). "'].setMapRequest();"); if ($this->overviewMap !== null) { array_push($wmcJsArray, "try {Mapbender.modules['".$this->overviewMap->getFrameName(). "'].setMapRequest()} catch (e) {};"); } array_push($wmcJsArray, "eventAfterLoadWMS.trigger();"); return $wmcJsArray; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // manipulation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Merges this WMC with another WMC. * The settings of the other WMC overwrite the settings of this WMC. * * @return void * @param $xml2 Object */ public function merge ($xml2) { $someWmc = new wmc(); $someWmc->createFromXml($xml2); $this->mainMap->merge($someWmc->mainMap); if (isset($this->overviewMap) && isset($someWmc->overviewMap)) { $this->overviewMap->merge($someWmc->overviewMap); } } /** * Appends the layers of another WMC to this WMC. * * @return void * @param $xml2 Object */ public function append ($xml2) { $someWmc = new wmc(); $someWmc->createFromXml($xml2); $this->mainMap->append($someWmc->mainMap); if (isset($this->overviewMap) && isset($someWmc->overviewMap)) { // There is only one WMS in the overview map; merge, not append $this->overviewMap->merge($someWmc->overviewMap); } } /** * Adds a WMS to this WMC * * @return */ public function appendWmsArray ($wmsArray) { return $this->mainMap->appendWmsArray($wmsArray); } /** * Merges a WMS into this WMC * * @return */ public function mergeWmsArray ($wmsArray) { if (func_num_args() > 1) { $options = func_get_arg(1); return $this->mainMap->mergeWmsArray($wmsArray, $options); } return $this->mainMap->mergeWmsArray($wmsArray); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // private functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Loads a WMC from an actual WMC XML document. * Uses WMS class. * * @param string $data the data from the XML file */ protected function createObjFromWMC_xml($data) { // store xml $this->xml = $data; $values = administration::parseXml($data); if (!$values) { throw new Exception("WMC document could not be parsed."); } // // Local variables that indicate which section of the WMC // is currently parsed. // $extension = false; $general = false; $layerlist = false; $layer = false; $formatlist = false; $dataurl = false; $metadataurl = false; $stylelist = false; // // reset WMC data // $this->mainMap = new Map(); $this->overviewMap = null; $this->generalExtensionArray = array(); $layerlistArray = array(); $layerlistArray["main"] = array(); $layerlistArray["overview"] = array(); foreach ($values as $element) { $tag = strtoupper(administration::sepNameSpace($element[tag])); $tagLowerCase = administration::sepNameSpace($element[tag]); $type = $element[type]; $attributes = $element[attributes]; $value = mb_utf8_decode(html_entity_decode($element[value])); if ($tag == "VIEWCONTEXT" && $type == "open") { $this->wmc_id = $attributes["id"]; $this->wmc_version = $attributes["version"]; } if ($tag == "GENERAL" && $type == "open") { $general = true; } if ($tag == "LAYERLIST" && $type == "open") { $layerlist = true; } if ($general) { if ($tag == "WINDOW") { $this->mainMap->setWidth($attributes["width"]); $this->mainMap->setHeight($attributes["height"]); } if ($tag == "BOUNDINGBOX") { $bbox = new Mapbender_bbox($attributes["minx"], $attributes["miny"], $attributes["maxx"], $attributes["maxy"], $attributes["SRS"]); $this->mainMap->setExtent($bbox); } if ($tag == "NAME") { $this->wmc_name = $value; } if ($tag == "TITLE") { $this->wmc_title = $value; } if ($tag == "ABSTRACT") { $this->wmc_abstract = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTINFORMATION" && $type == "open") { $contactinformation = true; } if ($contactinformation) { if ($tag == "CONTACTPOSITION") { $this->wmc_contactposition = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTVOICETELEPHONE") { $this->wmc_contactvoicetelephone = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTFACSIMILETELEPHONE") { $this->wmc_contactfacsimiletelephone = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTELECTRONICMAILADDRESS") { $this->wmc_contactemail = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTPERSONPRIMARY" && $type == "open") { $contactpersonprimary = true; } if ($contactpersonprimary) { if ($tag == "CONTACTPERSON") { $this->wmc_contactperson = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTORGANIZATION") { $this->wmc_contactorganization = $value;; } if ($tag == "CONTACTPERSONPRIMARY" && $type == "close") { $contactpersonprimary = false; } } if ($tag == "CONTACTADDRESS" && $type == "open") { $contactaddress = true; } if ($contactaddress) { if ($tag == "ADDRESSTYPE") { $this->wmc_contactaddresstype = $value; } if ($tag == "ADDRESS") { $this->wmc_contactaddress = $value; } if ($tag == "CITY") { $this->wmc_contactcity = $value; } if ($tag == "STATEORPROVINCE") { $this->wmc_contactstateorprovince = $value; } if ($tag == "POSTCODE") { $this->wmc_contactpostcode = $value; } if ($tag == "COUNTRY") { $this->wmc_contactcountry = $value; } if ($tag == "CONTACTADDRESS" && $type == "close") { $contactaddress = false; } } } if ($tag == "LOGOURL" && $type == "open") { $logourl = true; $this->wmc_logourl_width = $attributes["width"]; $this->wmc_logourl_height = $attributes["height"]; $this->wmc_logourl_format = $attributes["format"]; } if ($logourl) { if ($tag == "LOGOURL" && $type == "close") { $logourl = false; } if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $this->wmc_logourl_type = $attributes["xlink:type"]; $this->wmc_logourl = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } } if ($tag == "DESCRIPTIONURL" && $type == "open") { $descriptionurl = true; $this->wmc_descriptionurl_format = $attributes["format"]; } if ($descriptionurl) { if ($tag == "DESCRIPTIONURL" && $type == "close") { $descriptionurl = false; } if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $this->wmc_descriptionurl_type = $attributes["xlink:type"]; $this->wmc_descriptionurl = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } } if ($tag == "KEYWORDLIST" && $type == "open") { $keywordlist = true; } if ($keywordlist) { if ($tag == "KEYWORDLIST" && $type == "close") { $keywordlist = false; $cnt_keyword = -1; } if ($tag == "KEYWORD") { $cnt_keyword++; $this->wmc_keyword[$cnt_keyword] = $value; } } if ($tag == "EXTENSION" && $type == "close") { $generalExtension = false; // // After the general extension tag is closed, // we have all necessary information to CREATE // the map objects that are contained in this // WMC. // $this->setMapData(); } if ($generalExtension) { if ($value !== "") { if (isset($this->generalExtensionArray[$tag])) { if (!is_array($this->generalExtensionArray[$tag])) { $firstValue = $this->generalExtensionArray[$tag]; $this->generalExtensionArray[$tag] = array(); array_push($this->generalExtensionArray[$tag], $firstValue); } array_push($this->generalExtensionArray[$tag], $value); } else { $this->generalExtensionArray[$tag] = $value; } } } if ($tag == "EXTENSION" && $type == "open") { $generalExtension = true; } if ($tag == "GENERAL" && $type == "close") { $general = false; } } if ($layerlist) { if ($tag == "LAYERLIST" && $type == "close") { $layerlist = false; } if ($tag == "LAYER" && $type == "open") { // // The associative array currentLayer holds all // data of the currently processed layer. // The data will be set in the classes' WMS // object when the layer tag is closed. // $currentLayer = array(); $currentLayer["queryable"] = $attributes["queryable"]; if ($attributes["hidden"] == "1") { $currentLayer["visible"] = 0; } else { $currentLayer["visible"] = 1; } $currentLayer["format"] = array(); $currentLayer["style"] = array(); $layer = true; } if ($layer) { if ($tag == "LAYER" && $type == "close") { // // After a layer tag is closed, // we have all necessary information to CREATE // a layer object and append it to the WMS object // if (isset($currentLayer["extension"]["OVERVIEWHIDDEN"])) { array_push($layerlistArray["overview"], $currentLayer); } $modifiedLayer = $currentLayer; unset($modifiedLayer["extension"]["OVERVIEWHIDDEN"]); array_push($layerlistArray["main"], $modifiedLayer); $layer = false; } if ($formatlist) { if ($tag == "FORMAT") { array_push($currentLayer["format"], array("current" => $attributes["current"], "name" => $value)); if ($attributes["current"] == "1") { $currentLayer["formatIndex"] = count($currentLayer["format"]) - 1; } } if ($tag == "FORMATLIST" && $type == "close") { $formatlist = false; } } elseif ($metadataurl) { if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $currentLayer["metadataurl"] = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } if ($tag == "METADATAURL" && $type == "close") { $metadataurl = false; } } elseif ($dataurl) { if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $currentLayer["dataurl"] = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } if ($tag == "DATAURL" && $type == "close") { $dataurl = false; } } elseif ($stylelist) { if ($style) { $index = count($currentLayer["style"]) - 1; if ($tag == "STYLE" && $type == "close") { $style = false; } if ($tag == "SLD" && $type == "open") { $sld = true; } if ($sld) { if ($tag == "SLD" && $type == "close") { $sld = false; } if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $currentLayer["style"][$index]["sld_type"] = $attributes["xlink:type"]; $currentLayer["style"][$index]["sld_url"] = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } if ($tag == "TITLE") { $currentLayer["style"][$index]["sld_title"] = $value; } } else { if ($tag == "NAME") { $currentLayer["style"][$index]["name"] = $value ? $value : "default"; } if ($tag == "TITLE") { $currentLayer["style"][$index]["title"] = $value ? $value : "default"; } if ($legendurl) { if ($tag == "LEGENDURL" && $type == "close") { $legendurl = false; } if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $currentLayer["style"][$index]["legendurl_type"] = $attributes["xlink:type"]; $currentLayer["style"][$index]["legendurl"] = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } } if ($tag == "LEGENDURL" && $type == "open") { $legendurl = true; $currentLayer["style"][$index]["legendurl_width"] = $attributes["width"]; $currentLayer["style"][$index]["legendurl_height"] = $attributes["height"]; $currentLayer["style"][$index]["legendurl_format"] = $attributes["format"]; } } } if ($tag == "STYLE" && $type == "open") { $style = true; array_push($currentLayer["style"], array("current" => $attributes["current"])); if ($attributes["current"] == "1") { $currentLayer["styleIndex"] = count($currentLayer["style"]) - 1; } } if ($tag == "STYLELIST" && $type == "close") { $stylelist = false; } } else { if ($tag == "SERVER" && $type == "open") { $server = true; $currentLayer["service"] = $attributes["service"]; $currentLayer["version"] = $attributes["version"]; $currentLayer["wms_title"] = $attributes["title"]; } if ($server) { if ($tag == "SERVER" && $type == "close") { $server = false; } if ($tag == "ONLINERESOURCE") { $currentLayer["url"] = $attributes["xlink:href"]; } } if ($tag == "NAME") { $currentLayer["name"] = $value; } if ($tag == "TITLE") { $currentLayer["title"] = $value; } if ($tag == "ABSTRACT") { $currentLayer["abstract"] = $value; } if ($tag == "SRS") { $currentLayer["epsg"] = explode(" ", $value); } if ($tag == "EXTENSION" && $type == "close") { $extension = false; } if ($extension == true) { // if ($value !== "") { if (isset($currentLayer["extension"][$tag])) { if (!is_array($currentLayer["extension"][$tag])) { $firstValue = $currentLayer["extension"][$tag]; $currentLayer["extension"][$tag] = array(); array_push($currentLayer["extension"][$tag], $firstValue); } array_push($currentLayer["extension"][$tag], $value); } else { $currentLayer["extension"][$tag] = $value; } // } } if ($tag == "EXTENSION" && $type == "open") { $currentLayer["extension"] = array(); $extension = true; } if ($tag == "METADATAURL" && $type == "open") { $metadataurl = true; } if ($tag == "DATAURL" && $type == "open") { $dataurl = true; } if ($tag == "FORMATLIST" && $type == "open") { $formatlist = true; } if ($tag == "STYLELIST" && $type == "open") { $stylelist = true; } } } } } // set WMS data $layerlistCompleteArray = array_merge($layerlistArray["main"], $layerlistArray["overview"]); for ($i = 0; $i < count($layerlistCompleteArray); $i++) { $this->setLayerData($layerlistCompleteArray[$i]); } $wmsArr = $this->mainMap->getWmsArray(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($wmsArr); $i++) { $wmsArr[$i]->updateAllOwsProxyUrls(); } return true; } /** * Saves the current WMC in the log folder. * * @return string the filename of the WMC document. */ private function saveAsFile() { if ($this->saveWmcAsFile) { $filename = "wmc_" . date("Y_m_d_H_i_s") . ".xml"; $logfile = "../tmp/" . $filename; if($h = fopen($logfile,"a")) { $content = $this->xml; if(!fwrite($h,$content)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_wmc.php: failed to write wmc."); return false; } fclose($h); } $e = new mb_notice("class_wmc: saving WMC as file " . $filename . "; You can turn this behaviour off in class_wmc.php"); return $filename; } return null; } /** * Called during WMC parsing; sets the data of a single layer. * * @return * @param $currentLayer Array an associative array with layer data */ private function setLayerData ($currentLayer) { $currentMap = $this->mainMap; $currentMapIsOverview = false; if (isset($currentLayer["extension"]["OVERVIEWHIDDEN"])) { $currentMap = $this->overviewMap; $currentMapIsOverview = true; } if (is_null($currentMap)) { $e = new mb_exception('class_wmc.php: setLayerData: $currentMap is null. Aborting.'); return null; } $wmsArray = $currentMap->getWmsArray(); // // check if current layer belongs to an existing WMS. // If yes, store the index of this WMS in $wmsIndex. // If not, set the value to null. // $wmsIndex = null; // find last WMS with the same online resource for ($i = count($wmsArray) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if (isset($currentLayer["url"]) && $currentLayer["url"] == $wmsArray[$i]->wms_getmap) { $wmsIndex = $i; break; } } // Even if this WMS has been found before it could still // be a duplicate! We would have to create a new WMS and // not append this layer to that WMS. // For the overview layer we never add a new wms. // check if this layer is an overview layer. If yes, skip this layer. if ($wmsIndex !== null && !$currentMapIsOverview) { // check if this WMS has a layer equal to the current layer. // If yes, this is a new WMS. If not, append this layer // to the existing WMS. $matchingWmsLayerArray = $this->wmsArray[$wmsIndex]->objLayer; for ($i = 0; $i < count($matchingWmsLayerArray); $i++) { if ($matchingWmsLayerArray[$i]->layer_name == $currentLayer["name"]) { // by re-setting the index to null, a new WMS will be // added below. $wmsIndex = null; break; } } } // if yes, create a new WMS ... if ($wmsIndex === null) { $wmsIndex = 0; $wms = new wms(); // // set WMS data // $wms->wms_id = $currentLayer["extension"]["WMS_ID"]; // TO DO: how about WMS without ID? $wms->wms_version = $currentLayer["version"]; $wms->wms_title = $currentLayer["wms_title"]; $wms->wms_abstract = $currentLayer["abstract"]; $wms->wms_getmap = $currentLayer["url"]; $wms->wms_getfeatureinfo = $currentLayer["url"]; // TODO : Add correct data $styleIndex = $currentLayer["styleIndex"]; $wms->wms_getlegendurl = $currentLayer["style"][$styleIndex]["legendurl"]; $wms->wms_filter = ""; // TODO : Add correct data $formatIndex = $currentLayer["formatIndex"]; $wms->gui_wms_mapformat = $currentLayer["format"][$formatIndex]["name"]; $wms->gui_wms_featureinfoformat = "text/html"; // TODO : Add correct data $wms->gui_wms_exceptionformat = "application/vnd.ogc.se_xml"; // TODO : Add correct data $wms->gui_wms_epsg = $this->mainMap->getEpsg(); $wms->gui_wms_visible = $currentLayer["extension"]["WMS_VISIBLE"]; $wms->gui_wms_opacity = $currentLayer["extension"]["GUI_WMS_OPACITY"]; $wms->gui_wms_sldurl = $currentLayer["style"][$styleIndex]["sld_url"]; $wms->wms_srs = $currentLayer["epsg"]; $wms->gui_epsg = $currentLayer["epsg"]; // // set data formats // for ($i = 0; $i < count($currentLayer["format"]); $i++) { array_push($wms->data_type, "map"); array_push($wms->data_format, $currentLayer["format"][$i]["name"]); } // add WMS array_push($wmsArray, $wms); // the index of the WMS we just added $wmsIndex = count($wmsArray) - 1; } // add layer to existing WMS ... $currentWms = $wmsArray[$wmsIndex]; $currentWms->newLayer($currentLayer, null); $currentMap->setWmsArray($wmsArray); return true; } /** * Called during WMC parsing; sets the maps within a WMC. * * @return */ private function setMapData () { if ($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_WIDTH"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_HEIGHT"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_FRAMENAME"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINX"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINY"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXX"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXY"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"]) { $this->overviewMap = new Map(); $this->overviewMap->setWidth( // this should not be an array, but sometimes it is. // I can't find the reason at the moment, consider // this a workaround is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_WIDTH"]) ? $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_WIDTH"][0] : $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_WIDTH"] ); $this->overviewMap->setHeight( // this should not be an array, but sometimes it is. // I can't find the reason at the moment, consider // this a workaround is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_HEIGHT"]) ? $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_HEIGHT"][0] : $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_HEIGHT"] ); $this->overviewMap->setFrameName( // this should not be an array, but sometimes it is. // I can't find the reason at the moment, consider // this a workaround is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_FRAMENAME"]) ? $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_FRAMENAME"][0] : $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_FRAMENAME"] ); $this->overviewMap->setIsOverview(true); if (is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"])) { $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"] = $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"][0]; $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINX"] = $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINX"][0]; $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINY"] = $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINY"][0]; $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXX"] = $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXX"][0]; $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXY"] = $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXY"][0]; } $bbox = new Mapbender_bbox($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINX"], $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINY"], $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXX"], $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXY"], $this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"]); $this->overviewMap->setExtent($bbox); } if ($this->generalExtensionArray["EPSG"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["MINX"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["MINY"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXX"] && $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXY"]) { $mainEpsgArray = array(); $mainMinXArray = array(); $mainMinYArray = array(); $mainMaxXArray = array(); $mainMaxYArray = array(); if (!is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["EPSG"])) { $mainEpsgArray[0] = $this->generalExtensionArray["EPSG"]; $mainMinXArray[0] = $this->generalExtensionArray["MINX"]; $mainMinYArray[0] = $this->generalExtensionArray["MINY"]; $mainMaxXArray[0] = $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXX"]; $mainMaxYArray[0] = $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXY"]; } else { $mainEpsgArray = $this->generalExtensionArray["EPSG"]; $mainMinXArray = $this->generalExtensionArray["MINX"]; $mainMinYArray = $this->generalExtensionArray["MINY"]; $mainMaxXArray = $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXX"]; $mainMaxYArray = $this->generalExtensionArray["MAXY"]; } for ($i=0; $i < count($mainEpsgArray); $i++) { $box = new Mapbender_bbox( floatval($mainMinXArray[$i]), floatval($mainMinYArray[$i]), floatval($mainMaxXArray[$i]), floatval($mainMaxYArray[$i]), $mainEpsgArray[$i] ); $this->mainMap->addZoomFullExtent($box); } } if ($this->generalExtensionArray["MAIN_FRAMENAME"]) { $this->mainMap->setFrameName( // this should not be an array, but sometimes it is. // I can't find the reason at the moment, consider // this a workaround is_array($this->generalExtensionArray["MAIN_FRAMENAME"]) ? $this->generalExtensionArray["MAIN_FRAMENAME"][0] : $this->generalExtensionArray["MAIN_FRAMENAME"] ); } else { $this->mainMap->setFrameName("mapframe1"); } unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_WIDTH"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_HEIGHT"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINX"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MINY"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXX"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_MAXY"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_SRS"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["OV_FRAMENAME"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["MINX"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["MINY"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["MAXX"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["MAXY"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["EPSG"]); unset($this->generalExtensionArray["MAIN_FRAMENAME"]); return true; } /** * Creates a WMC document (XML) from the current object * * @return String XML */ private function createXml() { $wmcToXml = new WmcToXml($this); $this->xml = $wmcToXml->getXml(); } } /** * @deprecated */ function mb_utf8_encode ($str) { // if(CHARSET=="UTF-8") return utf8_encode($str); return $str; } /** * @deprecated */ function mb_utf8_decode ($str) { // if(CHARSET=="UTF-8") return utf8_decode($str); return $str; } ?>